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  1. Lulus_Moogle
    You can buy things from the different stores...
    I get the free downloads from the different countries at least
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Lulus_Moogle
    Toronto's not cool enough for Tom Felton

    -ignores the fact that Matthew Lewis is cooler-
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Lulus_Moogle
  4. Lulus_Moogle
    they're cheaper on Amazon
    and I want the the triwizard lp sooo baddly
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Lulus_Moogle
    Tom was at the US premire
    passing out pizzas to fans xD
    so he might've made it to Canada?
    but the twins and evy are in France
    but Evy's coming to the US for leaky con

    and is it sad the first thing I thought of was this? :
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Lulus_Moogle
    And then share it with me =3
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Lulus_Moogle
    buy a MoM album !!! XD
    But the older ones are on clearance now
    So get them nooow :P
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Lulus_Moogle
  9. Lulus_Moogle
    not in Illinois we have borders and Barnes and noble
    But yeah the big sets are pricey
    I'm saving up for the new one with Neville and the burrow
    And Ohmigod that board game is sooo fun bit nobody will play it with me D;
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Lulus_Moogle
    yeah and then he sang teenage dream and Katy Perry came out of nowhere and started singing it with him and ruined it...
    Oh and I figured out how to get fics to work on my phone but yours goes suuuper fast then really slow then fast then normal then fast again
    It's hilarious
    And remind me to tell you about my dream last night
    It involves voldermort doughnuts holes and giant puppehs
    Or if you get on MSN at 11 central ill tell you then
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Lulus_Moogle
    Sami's better -.-
    Sorry, Not Alone has been like over played way to much after Darren sang it for the Trevor Project
    I love it, and its a great song, but people Darren has other songs, kaythanks
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 11, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Lulus_Moogle
    oh I use to have Harry Potter dreams all the time when I was little!!
    the only ones I remember now though are from when I was 7/8:
    1. I was Harry Potter, but living in the US, and going to the US equvalent of Hogwarts. It was weird, and hard to explain
    2. I was just chillin in my basement with my Harry Potter toys watchin Harry Potter
    then I found a wand and I waved it and sparkles like spiraled me and all my toys came to life :D
    oh that reminds me I took pics of my HP legos for you on my phone -goes to upload on fb-
    edit: uploaded and I tagged you in each one xD
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 11, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Lulus_Moogle
    Sunlight by plain white t's
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 11, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  14. Lulus_Moogle
    I'm crying again now ): ): ):

    OHOHOH look at the pretty avy Chevy made me~
    and then I took and edited the picture thats my sig~ and I had Chevy resize it for me :D :D
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 10, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Lulus_Moogle
    Yeah and Lily Collins is going to be Clary

    Andrews not asian in a bit!!
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Lulus_Moogle
    oh god
    that picture
    I am dead
    where did you find that and is there more???

    But I love the fact that the two quidditch captains names are Wood and Flint
    yeah I know everyone knows that already BUT I DON"T CARE I STILL LIKE IT

    So I just watched Beastly, DAMN ALEX"S VOICE GOT LOWER
    Where has he been!? Like for real all those british movies he was in before need to come to US NOW
    But I finnaly came to accept the fact that Jamie Bower will be playing Jace in the Mortal Instruments Movies and now Alex... but now I just wish Alex was playing him ):
    Aw well I should be happy since Jamie was in Harry Potter :) Right?
    OH and they're talking about asking Darren Criss to play Magnus Bane
    I just love the fact that the 4 people fans want to play Magnus Bane are:
    Adam Lambert :
    Bill Kaulitz:
    Random Asian Singer Dude whos name I don't know (I think its Miyavi or something):
    And Darren Criss:

    I personally think Darren's the only one who would work cause he's the only one who's half asian
    that and I want to see him in rainbow leather pants
    <.< >.> <.<
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Lulus_Moogle
    I think Harry shoud've found a nice girl from Beauxbatons or maybe even Salem Witches Ins.
    Edit: So I'm reading an old interview (Like before the 4th book old) and finnaly everything in my life makes sense:
    In the first book you said Slytherin house Quidditch captain was sixth year Marcus Flint. If there are only seven years of Hogwarts, why is he in the third book?
    A. He had to do a year again! :-)
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Lulus_Moogle
    because Jo felt that draco redeemed himself and he didn't deserve pansy because she was the representation of all the *****y girls who made fun of her in her school days
    Where astria is a fine nice girl :D
    And I'm watching the 2nd movie right now and draco put his finger in the mandrakes mouth and all I could think of was
    Ouch Charlie bit my finger xD
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Lulus_Moogle
    But I like Astoria Greengrass D:
    Do you know what J.K. Rowling had Draco marry her?
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Lulus_Moogle
    nono Sister to HARRY
    not Draco
    lolz xD XD
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Forum Families