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  1. Lulus_Moogle
    I can't concentrate on work
    Lolz that's fine most my friends can't spell my last name so that's better xD
    I'm magical!!! 8D
    Oh and why is crabbe before Neville!?!
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Lulus_Moogle
    I'm trying so hard not to scream now that I'm at work
    I woke my parents up this morning though xD I ran into their room showing them the email on my phone xD
    Thankyousomuchlunayouarethegreatest ahhhhhhhhh
    My username is half snape half dumbledore !! :D
    Gettit? Or is that stretching it
    Oh and draco is mine! I wrote a 6pg paper on him
    Oh and those gifs and pms about killed my phone xD
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Lulus_Moogle
    very nice archy :)
    and I know I've been asleep both times ): -stupid job needing energy-
    the questions are ridic though
    I wouldn't be able to answer them at 3 in the morning anyway
    "What chapter does McGonangle stop quidditch? Mulitply by 49"
    who the hell memorizes that?
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Lulus_Moogle
    go Neville !!!
    And ill send it again when I'm not on my phone
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 29, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Lulus_Moogle
    Luna that is great
    I've bern listening to mumfords sons album sigh no more
    And with every song I see Severus snape ... I think I'm going crazy...
    And on that note DRAGONSNAPE
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 29, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Lulus_Moogle
    Ohmigod I know
    I usually uncheck instrumental songs for shuffle but I keep forgetting to unchecked dh cause I just got it
    And I wad listening to my ipod on shuffle and I was skipping all HP cause I didnt feel like listening to instrumental then I decided not to skip one and I look down to see what song it was
    It was lily and Severus
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Lulus_Moogle
    I'm sad cause of all the lily and Sev videos D:
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Lulus_Moogle
    I knooooooooooooow D':
    oh and get on msn tomorrow at noon your time
    and that gif, don't make me laugh i'm sad D:
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Lulus_Moogle
  10. Lulus_Moogle
    1. your yellow font made me cry (I just the "Isn't it pretty" skin)
    2. that video made me cry
    D: D: D: D:
    *goes to share with all her friends*
    for a sec I thought I saw Emily from primeval in there!
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Lulus_Moogle
    and once Lexi and Chevy finish the dirty work archy and I will overthrow you and name the world Albeline!!
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Lulus_Moogle
    and that is why you should all change your vote to city of bones :D
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Lulus_Moogle
    super purple powers
    Together her and Chevy will take over the world
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Lulus_Moogle
    cause they asked you what house you wanted to be in :P
    I didn't D: but they let me be sorted twice and the second time I was Ron :D but this was like during the 3rd movie being filmed and it was like a small tour thing Wb did like 1 or 2 a day and it was just my family and another and the other family didn't even to up to the HP part
    They also had the petrified Hermione it was sooo weird
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 23, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Lulus_Moogle
    ashwin!! I thought I was like the only person who knew that! XD
    Luna I saw that!!! I've been to Wrigley's field so I was like ''ahhhhh I've been there " I've also worn the sorting hat and that had the movie loop going in the background and I was draco
    Granted I was like 9 and that was like the worse thing evar
    But I've worn the same hat as Tom
    And now the movies are so popular its probably behind lock andkey
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 23, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Lulus_Moogle
    It is the most boring book in the history of boring books
    okay not really
    but seriously
    its boring
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Lulus_Moogle
    The hobbit is booooooooooooooooring
    -has tried to read it like 5 times-
    Just watch the animated film!
    It's so cute =3
    But seriously like, I love LOTR <3 but I can never get though the hobbit
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Lulus_Moogle
    so you guys should go vote for City of Bones: cause it is the most epic book series ever (on that list), and if you haven't read it yet you'll love it :D
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 22, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Lulus_Moogle
    Okay changing topic toooo
    why? because I can

    and plums is forcing me to post

    Okay I love the fact that though the whole series you're like "Gah Snape mumble grumble bad teacher mumble grumble out to get Harry"
    and then in this last book
    you find out, Snape truley was a good guy
    That he was able to love, and he did love <3
    Did you know in China, lily means "forever in love", and the flowers were thought to be capable of averting evil
    -knows way too much background on the names in Harry Potter-
    okay I lost my train of thought.....
    I'll come back tomorrow once I find it again :)
    But to wrap up this horribly rambling post, in one chapter we go from hating Snape to, "Oh god! You weren't that bad after all!"
    and it's even worse, because we learn all this after Snape dies ):

    there are you happy plums?

    edit: eep guess I can't come back tomorrow <.< >.> <.< But you get the jist of what I was trying to say
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jul 21, 2011 in forum: Literature
  20. Lulus_Moogle
    Profile Post

    that was so me

    that was so me
    Profile Post by Lulus_Moogle for Luna Lovegood, Jul 21, 2011