Where else do you practice ballet???
It's two people dancing ballet clearly xD 3rd postion I mean come on
I love his faces xD And I want his shirt (left) I've been meaning to buy it since it got printed Threadlessvhas free shipping so I might have a shopping spree this weekend HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*magics herself into Ienzos hand bag* I"M GOING TO SPAIN! and ohmigosh that avatar! I haven't seen it in YEARS! -totally has it saved on her computer-
If the media has taught us anything its that theres bull fights every where in spain every day but theres this one city and one day a year they have a giant tomatoe fight 8D But Ienzo! According to Pottermore I'm magical now So I bet I could shrink myself to fit in your hand bag 8D
I wanna go to Spain!! Take me with you? Pretty please~
click cause pb is stupid: http://i688.photobucket.com/albums/vv248/toi_pokorface_ase/Gifs/michaelkors.gif the videos horrible I'm just gonna leave now
Looks like another 3rd age which was fun at first, then it just got old Return of the King was were it was at my neighbors and I played it though at least 10 times xD my fav level was where you got the army of the dead 8D
[video=youtube;d90jCsbwy3g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d90jCsbwy3g[/video] I'm not happy with it ): ... which do you like better [video=youtube;pjiW6Uwz-E4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjiW6Uwz-E4[/video]
Time to wake up Luna~
How much do you wanna bet Luna's asleep right now?
I can eat a whole package of oreos when I'm sick No joke I also ask for them in my sleep and will sleep eat them xD
AHAHAHA Yeah can't wait any longer Getting on MSN now
yaaaaay I'm listening to kedollarsignah Gaga Katy Perry and cascade to keep me up and energized about work
theyre all jealous And don't ask me why Tim called me lulu ... Hes a rl friend and he doesn't have MSN or anything so I don't know how he knows about that... And as long as you're awake at 11 I'm good xD
you're crazy girl :P So my friends hate me now that I have a Pottermore account XD
I've been saving them on my phone xD Everyone's username is so cool I was hoping to bring back my old username andromeda7 but whatever
I'm tired nut tats just cause I'm at work Oh and Luna best gif ever and go on my Fb and defend Neville for me
its not by birthday either cause otherwise it'd go draco Neville harry at the end