No..Its not similar, its kind of like water color....It starts off light and you have to keep going over it to make it darker :/ Mmm...I dont know, I'd have to give up cross country...Maybe Junior year
Umm, my version doesnt..The closet is marker.. Hahaha oooh, fun... How come you get hurt so much O.o? This is making me rethink about joining our cheer team xD
O.o Exactly why I didnt want to be a flyer when I was in cheerleading xD.. Poor Rosey D: If it makes you feel better my sister rubbed my shoulders so hard that all of my right shoulder is black and blue...Oddly.. Kayyy, and let me warn you that your drawing have to be .bmp not .jpg
Ooooh D: That sucks... How'd you hurt them anyway? DC, Sai website: Ill give you a screenshot of it if you want too c:
Holy sh*t. Poor Rosey D:!!!! Are you okay in school with them? Uhh...Let me find the website..
Have you ever tried coloring on Sai? Thats what I do..
D: Something wrong Rosey? I like your coloring Cloud .___. How come it looks so nice? xD
Do it. I dare you!
I tried to take up sewing but never had the determination xD When you get good you should sew my fattie cat plushie :3 OHOHO! SCOREEE!
Ooohh, you can sew O.O? Thank you ^^ :/ Oki Doki, tell me how it looks.
She's new for Canvas<3 Yeah, I was gonna say olive would be superb...And the Peacock I dont think would work....Since blue involved with green isnt, naturalish? LETS.
I drew a picture of Tai-Tai, if you remember her Whats the Peacock green? The grass green could work unless its too bright?
Drawings I suppose c: Hmmmm, thats kind of tricky....I suppose a earthy brownish...Or even combine green and brown slightly to make a color.. Im not really sure...For the skin you could just blend a light average skin color with a greenish tone or something..
Hmmm, Im not sure what coloring utensils you should use but on the colors Im guessing green XD I suggest looking at some plant pictures...Or maybe even a picture of the Mother Nature off Disney...FANTASIA. Yeah Fantasia 2000
Ooooh its pretty! I always like the...Nature attached peoplish..drawing... I like it c:
Tis fine T^T CAN I SEEE??!?? *Drool*
Not really, I saw a picture of a deer that got shot..It was a beauiful drawing but it upset me v__v Soooo...I drew this, in sorta of a inspiration She's my newest OC.....Shes sad...Because I was sad xD CnC PLEASE And this too. Its supposed to me and my friend..yeah
O___o Oh, yeah. We do.....*Grabs pitchfork* Uguguh....I wish people didnt kill animals. So much x___x... Well, at least like, only kill them for food. When likeeehh, we need it. No slaughter. Peace. Love. Yeah.
Whaat? What happened <____________>