Dinny. I still talk to her a lil on social medias but having her in discussions here was great.
I know that feel, but you just keep at it girl.
Couldn't be the one who actually kept calling himself "Lord" nah
I have no clue what's going on but generally I get fuckin tired of people being like "LOL I DON'T CARE AND HOW DUMB FOR YOU TO STAY HERE"
EZ: Cat
Fffffff ok you're right. Well this just got a lot tougher. Never mind I stand with it.
Legit don't know half the games Ammoree plays
At most everyone here but Blaine is an anti-hero.
Probably the dude who yells at everyone about everything (luv u noba)
I live to cause confusion.
That's not what being knowledgeable about something means.
>Misty How and why?
This one's actually super tough (to me)...
The Kell of course
Japanese to accelerate my consumption of glorious Nippon products.
Gematsu article.
Delay is official.
Nah, I tried it too.