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  1. Lauriam
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 26, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Lauriam
    You are most welcome, burnitup! ^.^
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 24, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  3. Lauriam
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 21, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Lauriam
    I believe in you guys!
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 21, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  5. Lauriam
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 18, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Lauriam
    That's great! 65,000 words is a major accomplishment! :D lol hopefully I reach it myself someday XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 17, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  7. Lauriam


    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 16, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Lauriam
    Yeah it's pretty sweet!
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 16, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  9. Lauriam


    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 14, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Lauriam
    I've also fallen back into a writing addiction, which is complicated crossover fanfictions between fandoms I like, that I will never publish or share with anyone, instead of my actual original stories I might make money from someday if I actually put in the work. XD

    That said, I'm getting a WorldAnvil account today so I can get all my world building and timelines organized, and I'm also drawing a world map in my freetime that's looking pretty sick, so at least I'm naking SOME progress in laying a good foundation. How are all you guys' projects coming along? :)
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 14, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  11. Lauriam
    Mary Sue!
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 11, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  12. Lauriam
    Better late than never! XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Nov 2, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  13. Lauriam
    Happy Halloweeeeeeen! :D
    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 31, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  14. Lauriam


    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 29, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Lauriam


    Reaper Creeper...

    Before we get in much deeper......

    If you're there alright...

    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 21, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Lauriam


    I agree, but at the same time, a sequel might have ruined it, so a part of me is glad none got made. We don't want a repeat of Ralph Breaks the Internet. XD

    That's about the same way I feel about TWEWY at this point. I'm still dying for a sequel, but I'm terrified of what one might look like XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 16, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Lauriam
    idk about anyone else but that link is just bringing me to the Photobox home page and not a picture
    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 16, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  18. Lauriam
    That joke deserves a lot of likes and I am only one person. XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 15, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  19. Lauriam
    Ah, makes sense. Yeah I didn't have the thread watched myself, I just check the site every day to see if anything new has happened yet. XD tbh I don't recall ever participating in these before, I just saw that people were posting here, so like a moth to a flame, here I am lol. XD
    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 13, 2019 in forum: The Playground
  20. Lauriam


    Right though? It's because people weren't giving the actual storyline and message as much thought as they should have been. They just saw "it has super powers" and immediately were like "pft so does Incredibles" and then they saw "the villain turns good" and were like "pft like in Despicable Me?" They didn't seem to get that the ingredients weren't the point, and that it was an entirely different movie than the aforementioned films because the story was different. The Incredibles was about a man learning to put the well being of his family and the safety of humanity before his sense of pride and ego, with a strong emphasis on trust, shared responsibilities, and self-acceptance. Despicable Me was about a man learning that happiness isn't found by reaching the top of your profession and being the best in your field of work, but in love and family, and that striving for such things left him feeling far more fulfilled and at peace than any grand or newsworthy triumph could ever have done. And Megamind was about a man learning that no matter what life handed you, what struggles you faced, or how many times you've fallen, it doesn't define you. That 'destiny is not the path given to us, but the path we choose for ourselves.' They're nothing like each other! tbh Megamind has more in common with Meet the Robinsons than it does with Despicable Me lol. But no, people saw the 'bad guy turns good' element and wrote it off as a parody, and it just isn't fair to the film.

    Also Hal is the biggest 'Nice Guy' on the planet lol and such a character was juuuust a few years ahead of its time, so the people rating movies in 2010 didn't seem to quite get how well the film would age with the target audience. XD But yeah no Megamind was WAY more than just a spoof or a parody, it was a trope-subversion with a refreshing message...
    View attachment 50423
    Post by: Lauriam, Oct 11, 2019 in forum: The Spam Zone