'tis true Proof 1 Spoiler: Proof 2 View attachment 50778
Yeeaaaah I got a super cool team! :D Though seeing some of the people I'll be opposing like big yikes there XD forgive me, friends, for what I must do
Eyyyyy tale's got a shotgun! That's a good weapon lol I wonder who's on me and Misty's team... And oof I knew we'd be pitted against each other, but five teams of five? Didn't expect that, nor did I expect Capture the Flag! Super excited for the next installment, go blue whales lol and as for all you other teams here's a glimpse of your future:
Ooooooooh things are getting really interesting! :D Honestly, sharing locations and splitting up was the best decision imo. Glad to see we're all using our brains lol. agh I have theories about what might be coming but I don't want to say them because I want to be totally surprised XD
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man this is all making me want to play Mafia Royale again lol. Also, as somebody who doesn't know Cin, this character is fascinating lol and I can't wait to see what he does next. I feel like he and Misty are the people to know here, and their dynamics with character-Roxas are super compelling.
for the record tale I'm glad you made it ^.^
“Fools. Avoid the depths of the forest,” Amaury told them. BEST LINE Also I'm glad C lived. rip to Arch though lol
I'm freaking loving myself in this story lol.
They really are lol
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don't throw it away I had a single glove in my drawer for three years and finally threw it away when I started packing for my recent move and then I found the other glove deep in my closet two days after that there is always hope
The drama levels are about to erupt
Family of KH RP OC's commissioned by Vlade, just finished a few days ago ^.^ Spoiler: full family View attachment 50752 Spoiler: Individuals in order from my worst work to my best (and most recent lol) View attachment 50755 View attachment 50754 View attachment 50751 View attachment 50757 View attachment 50756 View attachment 50758 View attachment 50753 Also, I just made a tumblr art sideblog, if anyone wants to check it out and follow me for future content. Because, I don't really intend to update this old thread again, sooo yeah. It's been real, though! ^.^
Ooooh smart of me to look for Arch lol. That Towering Texan should make for a valuable ally to be sure
Or maybe it's for Mistake
The nostalgia is strong in this one
Spoiler: best line Why? What about the law? The rules of this god-damned world? Also though: That’s where Lauriam said they were going. I won’t go there, he thought. Sounds like a deathtrap lol me as a spectator trying to guess what fanfic me would do: "Hmm that theory is interesting, but if it WAS a death trap, why would I announce where I was going to be? To establish a false sense of security and trust? To trap the most gullible? Hm, I was the first one through the door; if I really wanted to set a death trap it would have been more effective if I'd sat right outside the tunnel and taken everybody out one at a time in five minute intervals. Of course, then the story would be over and not very interesting lol. Maybe I wanted a challenge. Or Maybe I really AM trying to be a rallying cry for peace and hope after all! How inspiring! Or maybe I didn't have a good enough weapon in my bag - like grenades omg lol Inasuma's totally screwed - so I knew I couldn't fight right away. Or maybe I'm undecided yet... or, again, maybe I'm gonna try to appeal to everybody because my FRIENDS are MY power." XD
Spoiler: my favorite lines friends for realsies “So there’s still a heart somewhere in that husk,” Misty nodded. Kablam! “Nothing more to say?”
Yeah the fog machine bit made me laugh too. A+ humor