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  1. kairigirl22
    OOC: Hey sorry again guys, my internet is acting sooo weird


    Mr. Gib talked to Maria. "Yes we should have a couple more open rooms. Wow we're busy today." He then looked over at Clara and noticed that she seemed to be waiting for the two people that had come in before to stop talking to the man that she had brought in. "C lara!" He called out, summoning her over to the desk.

    Clara looked over at Mr. Gib when he called her name. "Yes sir?" She asked once she reached the front desk. She looked at Maria, she was definatly a soldier, she wondered why so many soldiers had decided to come here, to this small inn.

    "Please take this lady to her room." Mr. Gib said to Clara.

    "Y..Yes sir." Clara stuttered. "Follow me please." She said to Maria as she started to head upstairs.

    "That's true." Ben said to Drake. He then looked over at the front desk where a woman soldier had walked in. He couldn't help but stare at her, there weren't many women soldiers.

    Annabel sat there, holding her foot, she thought that it might be broken. She hadn't realized that the man that she picked a fight with was a Derma. But she wasn't going to let him see her in pain. Keeping a straight face she tried to get up.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. kairigirl22
    Ben looked up at Jane then back at Drake. "They must be Derma hunters, or something. Which is weird, what do they get out of killing Dermas I wonder." He said, thinking aloud.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. kairigirl22
    OOC: Sorry guys, i lost internet all day


    Annabel felt the pain in her ankle, but she didn't react. She continued to give him the death stare, then tried to spin around and kick him in the head again with her other foot.

    "Hm.." Benjamin said, still sitting there while Jane stood next to him. "Well then, I'm guessing whoever they are will be looking for you again soon."
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. kairigirl22
    Annabel scoweld at him for a few more seconds before she lifted her foot up to his face and smashed the heel of her boot into Matts face, hard. It was so fast, if you weren't really paying attention you wouldn't have seen it.

    Clara noticed that they weren't following her anymore, she turned around to see where they went and noticed them talking to Blade.

    "You seemd to have gotten away from the fight without a scratch." Ben continued, as he sat down across from him at the table casually. "So tell me, who was that guy, and why was he only going after the Derma's." He asked, just assuming that Drake would know.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. kairigirl22
    "It's a lot easier to keep a low profile." Benjamin said, "I'm guessing you know all about that."

    "I'm pretty close." Annabel said through clenched teeth.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. kairigirl22
    Annabel grabbed Matt by the shirt and roughly pulled him closer. There faces were inches away from each other, but she gave him a look that most would shrink and run away from. "Call me a meat sack one more time." She threatened through clenched teeth.

    "Clara, show these two to their rooms please, separates." Mr Gib called from the front desk. "Um, yes sir." Clara replied. "I'm sorry Drake, please excuse me again." She said as she stood up to lead the pair to their rooms. "Follow me please, Sir, Ma'am."

    As the followed the girl, Ben glanced around the room, for some reason, it might have been an army thing, but he always surveyed the room before he came in, and/or before he left. When he noticed Drake sitting at one of the tables, eating quietly. He put his hand on Jane's shoulder for a second, a sign meaning that he was leaving her side for a moment. He walked up to Drake. "Well we meet again." He said standing next to the table.

    Even though she was supposed to follow Clara to the rooms while Ben went off, she wasn't going to leave him here, especially after they just lost their very first battle. She kind of left Clara hanging as she followed Ben.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. kairigirl22
    OOC: Yeah Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa Everyone!! =D


    Jane and Ben walked into White Wing Inn, hoping that they could find two rooms. The bell on the door rang as they walked in.

    "I...I'm so sorry. I....." Clara started until she heard the bell on the door ring, it was her job to great the guests. "Um excuse me." She said as she stood up, and looked over at the door to only see the two people from he allyway, the derma girl and her master. For some reason she felt very happy, to see them. She had been worried about then when she left, they didn't seem to be harmed. "Hello!" She said joyously, "Welcom to the White Wing Inn!" By the looks on their faces they didn't recongnize her, then she realized that the girl was blind, and of course she wouldn't recognize her. "Check in is right over there."Clara said, pointing to the bar/ front desk.

    Ben just nodded silently at Clara and walked towards the front desk.

    Clara watched them as they walked by, then went to go sit back down with Blade.

    Annabel continued to rush after Matt. When she finally caught up with him she kicked him in the back of the head. "Who are you calling a meat sack?" Her tone was deadly.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. kairigirl22
    Ben and Jane just stood there silently. He knew how disapointed Jane was.

    "Forgive me master...for failing you.... I wasn't as powerful as that man...I..I couldn't even protect you." Jane said, suddenly breaking the silence between them. Her eyes still drifted, catching all of the noises of the fight going on with Arrow and Matt.

    "It's not your fault Jane.... you've never had to fight another Derma, you did fine." Ben replied, in his quiet monotone. There was another long awcword pause until he finally said, "Let go, it's late, I think we both just need to rest."

    "Yes master."

    There was a small glitter of shock in Clara's eyes for a fraction of a second. He was on Maderin's side? But then she remembered that she was in Maderin, and of course people from here would fight for their own side. But whenever she had thought of the war, and Maderin's soldiers, she thought of bloodthirsty killers who enjoyed the fighting and violence, not the man that was in front of her. "It must have been be in the war...." Clara said softly.

    "Well, I've never been killed, so I don't really know, but I'm guessing that they feel pain." Annabel said to Cailen. Then suddenly she was roughtly pushed aside by a man as he yelled, "Out of my way meat sacks." Refering to herself and the man in front of her. Instantly she became pissed at the man, and actually started to follow him.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. kairigirl22
    Ben looked at the blade against Jane, and her determined face. He couldn't risk her life, even though she was willing to. It was her "duty" to protect him, but he couldn't let her kill herself to protect him, he wasn't that important to the world to let this little girl die. "Jane.... give it up. There are people coming, I can't put their lives at risk." He actually didn't really care about the people coming, but he had to say something that would get Jane to give up. If she knew it was for herself she probably wouldn't give up. Ben had never given up in a battle, but they had also never gotten so close to death.

    Jane didn't even turn her head towards him, didn't make a move. "As you wish master." She replied quietly, she was very dissapointed, and she knew that it wasn't for the people, but she had to listen to her master. Dropping her scythe it shattered into a million sparkling pieces.

    Clara nodded.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. kairigirl22
    Clara looked up at him while he was talking, but then looked away again when he finished. "I'm so sorry......... you know, before I started working here, I only had one person who really cared about me, well after the war atleast." Clara said her face still turned away.

    "Because when you kill someone your not just taking away a life, your taking away the lives of the people who love that person. Just imagine the pain you caused to the families and friends of the people you killed." Annabel said to him, she still didn't know why she was talking to this man, or why she was explaining things to him.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. kairigirl22
    "Yeah, it kind of is, though it can be a little annoying." Clara said as she glanced up at them. They all glanced away when she looked up at them. She just chuckled. "Do you have someone you really care about, or who really cares about you? ..... Oh um...I'm sorry....that's uh.. really personal. Forget I asked." She said looking away shyly.

    "Prove it? Well do you see people killing other people around here? If killing people for fun was a normal thing, don't you think there'd be dead bodies everywhere?" Annabel said putting her hands on her hips.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. kairigirl22
    Clara just chuckled. "Don't worry about them, they think they're my father or something. They're really just big marshmellows." She said, she had seen them when she was in the kitchen.

    "You know they're crazy when they kill people for fun, it's not something normal people do." Annabel said.

    OOC: Oh hahaha, sweet video by the way. It kinda freaked me out at some parts. Oh and I gtg guys, I'll be back later tonight though. Bye =D
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. kairigirl22
    OOC: Varnor is that you in the video?

    Clara walked over to the bar, and got Drake a drink, then walked into the kitchen and brought out some fresh bread. While she was gone, all of the men in the bar stared at Drake, they were all pretty protective of Clara. When she walked back out they all continued chatting away. She set the bread and drink down on the table and smiled a Drake.

    "Well I don't know who this Old Man Reever is, but people don't kill other people for fun, unless they're crazy." Annabel said to him.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. kairigirl22
    "Drake." She repeated, smiling. "Well Drake, would you like a drink or something to eat?"

    "Only creeps and phyco's do what you're talking about." Annabell said, she didn't know why she was so pissed off.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. kairigirl22
    "Memories?" She said curiously. "Oh! I haven't properly introduced myself, my name is Clara." She said dipping her head low.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. kairigirl22
    Clara was waiting a table when she noticed Drake come downstairs. He was looking a lot better. She finished up with the table then walked over to Drake. "Feeling any better?" She asked.

    Very blankly Annabel replied, "You sicken me."
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. kairigirl22
    Clara continued to wait tables downstairs, chatting with the customers. She kept a smile on her face, but she was worried about Drake, he hadn't looked so good when she left him. She thought that maybe she should check on him, but she also didn't want to disturb him if he was sleeping. She decided to just let him rest, besides to had to work double to make up for the time she had missed before.

    Annabell had a discusted look on her face as she watched him, "You did all of those things?" You could definitley tell that she was not enjoying his song.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. kairigirl22
    Clara smiled sweetly, then quietly put the coin on the nightstand, and left the room, closing the door quietly behind her. When she walked down the stairs, some of the men at the table closest to the stairs called her over by name. "So Clara where'd you find this one?" One of the larger men asked. She didn't want to mention anything about the fight or the fact that he was a Derma, she only replied, "I found him in an alleyway, he seemed to be in pain, so I brought him back here." "And let me guess, you know nothing about him, right, you just knew that you had to help him." The burly man said, "One of these days Clara you're going to pick up the wrong person, and they're going to hurt you, you have to be more careful, not everyone is as soft hearted as you." "You worry too much." Clara said as she left them to chatter and went on serving tables.

    Annabel just watched the man and his "funny" singing, and dancing.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. kairigirl22
    Clara held the coin out to him, "Oh no, thank you, but the room is free, we don't get a lot of customers besides the people at the bar, so it's not like we have to worry about the rooms filling up. So here you go."

    Annabel started to walk up to the man, there was something about him, he creeped her out.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. kairigirl22
    Clara caught the item that Drake threw at her.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home