"If you're not interested then don't come, but, you wouldn't get anywhere as long as William is around, you'll be dead in less than a minute if you even get within seeing distance of the King," He said to Matt,"and you," Ben said turning to Drake, after he heard what he had said to Clara, "If you don't come with us, we'll kidnap her, or just not let her out, your choice." "Don't bring him, it's not like he'll make much of a difference, he's just a meat sack." Anna said with a sneer. "A rebellion?" Clara asked.
Ben looked at Jane, apologetically, he knew she wouldn't be able to see his face, but he gave it anyway. Then he turned to Cailen, "Once I open this door, you will be indebted to me, that means that you are to come with us to Towaira." He said speaking sternly. He then looked at Matt, meaning it applied to him as well. "Do you understand?" He didn't even look at Clare, he didn't care if she came or not, for all he cared she could stay here, but he needed Drake to come with them so he knew he had to let her out. Anna saw Ben look at Matt, and her face instantly dropped, "Oh, don't tell me he's coming!" She said dissapointed. "Wha...what's going on? Why are we going to Towaira?" Clare asked, she was so confused, and why were these people helping her get out?
"Drake?" Clara said walking up to the cell bars. "What..what are you doing here?" She asked. Seeing that there were no more guards Ben let down his guard. "Alright, let's get this over with." He said walking up to Cailen's cell and trying all of the keys, but none of them worked. He looked at the lock then went over to Matt's cell and none of them worked on his either. "These aren't the right keys." He said turning to Jane, blaming her for getting the wrong set of keys, though they had worked on the front door. "I'm sorry master...I..I must have gotten the wrong set." Jane said bowing her head low, she couldn't believe she had made such a mistake. Suddenly there was jingling from the front door. "Looking for these?" Annabel stood leaning in the doorway with a ring of three keys. "William took them off the main ring so that if there was an attempt to escape they wouldn't be able to get them out. But he didn't know I'm on your side." She said stepping forward and handing Ben the keys. While glaring evily at Matt.
Ben followed Jane, at a slower pace than her though. The took two rights and a left and then down a long flight of stairs before finally getting to the main door that led to the prison cells. The two guards that were supposed to be guarding the door were knocked out on the ground and Jane was standing in front of the door. "Good work. Did you get the keys?" Jane tossed the keys to Ben, they jingled through the air before he caught them and walked up to the door. He walked up to the door, and looked down at Jane, before looking back at the group. Then he unlocked the door and pushed on it, but it wouldn't budge, it was stuck. Rolling his eyes, he lifted his leg, and kicked it down. Clara looked up at Matt, she didn't say a word, she couldn't even if she tried. Clenching her right fist she simply held out her arm, her wrist turned up so you could see the distinct symbol of Maderin branded into her wrist. Suddenly her gaze shot towards the door which had been kicked in, terror filled her eyes, it wasn't even midnight yet and they'd come to take them away already.
They got up to the gate of the castle, there were two guards who instantly straightened up when they saw Ben. "There will be no killing." Ben said with a little discust in his voice, but soft enough so that the guards wouldn't hear. He nodded to them as they passed and they opened the gates without a word, though they did look at the group behind Ben and Jane suspiciously. Once they were inside and out of the guards earshot he said, "Do you hear anything Jane?" Jane just shook her head, it was just the normal noises of the outdoors, nothing suspicious. She could hear the guards talking about the group, but they weren't going to do anything about them since Ben was there. "We're all set." She said softly. "Alright Maria, the stables are down that way," Ben said pointing to a long allyway under many archways to the left. "If you go to the end of this and take a right, it will bring you straight to the stables, there are guards down there, feel free to handle them however you'd like, just don't arouse suspicion, the rest of you follow me. Jane will go ahead and warn us if anyone is coming." He said heading in through the identical looking ally on the right. Jane ran ahead quickly but completley silently.
Once they were all outside Ben lead the way to the Castle. "Now listen up, once we get to the gates, no one says a word. Got it? Let me do all the talking." He said harshly.
Signature Size: 400x125 Stock/Render: http://media.photobucket.com/image/dengeki daisy/emy-baby-chan/w06.jpg?o=75 Other: The words "Time After Time" and maybe a border, that's it, but please take your time, you're probably really busy, so whenever you can get to it. No rush. Thanks so much =D
"Well then, lets get a move on, the quicker this is done the better." He said following Blade out the door. He glanced back at Jane quickly since she wasn't following him, she seemed to be spacing out (which was hard to tell since her eyes were always glazed over) "Let's go Jane." He said roughly. Snapping back into reality she blinked a couple times. "Yes master." She replied bowing her head in apology for not paying attention, then she followed him out the door.
"Well then I guess we're all set, I'll get everyone inside, and we'll meet up in the courtyard at midnight exactly, from there we'll have to get out quickly before being noticed. Are there any questions?" He asked.
"Fine, we don't really need someone to keep watch, there aren't a whole lot of guards, that's usually Jane and I's job anyway, so we should be able to get in without suspicion easily, but we do need someone to get horses and meet us in the courtyard. The King's personal quarters are closer to the stables than the prison cells, so there will be guards around, and Jane and I won't be there to offer assistance. It will be hard to steal enough horses without being caught, is there anyone who is up for the challenge?" Ben asked.
"Hmf..... good to hear." Ben said with a small smile on his face, everything was going nicely. "Now the rebellion isn't something we can do alone, Edward has his own army, there's no way we could do it by ourselves. So, we will be joining Prince Peter of Towaira's secret rebel army in the Aron Mountains in Towaira. It's a long journey, but Peter need formidable soldiers and dermas to join him. All of you have shown that you have to power to join him. I myself havn't met Peter yet, but he has wrote to me about his plans. Leaving the thrown was not something that he was proud of, but this is his way to make up for it, by taking down Edward to regain his citizens in Towaira. But, before we start our journey to the Aron Mountains, we need to two derma's who were captured, with them Peter's army will have more derma's than Edwards, and it will give them the advantage they need. We need to get into the castle where they are being held and get them out before interrogation starts tomarrow morning at 6 am. I'll need one to come with Jane and I, another to keep watch and we'll need another to go and get horses for our escape. We'll leave for Towaira as soon as they are free. Benjamin had told Jane of his plans for the rebellion, she knew that someone powerful was starting the army in the Aron Mountains, but she hadn't known that it was Peter. The Prince Peter who had left the thrown to his little sister because he was afraid of the power. Since she had come from Towaira, this was a huge surprise for Jane. As far as she knew Peter was dead, but this whole time he had been hiding there in the mountains, so close to Titania.
"Yes I'm sure that would be a great way for citizens to feel safe. He wouldn't be King if everyone left the country because they were afraid for their lives." Ben said rolling his eyes at Arrow. "Now before I start this 'meeting' I'd like to get this straight, what I'm about to ask you to do is incredibly dangerous and if caught you will be killed. This is a mutiny mission against King Edward, if you're against this I'd ask you to leave now." He said looking at the group. Annabel clenched her fist in anger at Matt, if William wasn't there watching her, she would kick his ass. But she had to put on a good appearance for him. Clara sat in the corner of her cell, her legs curled up to her chin, she was so frozen with fear she couldn't even cry. She just stared at the cold, hard, stone wall, thinking of what was to come.
Wiliam just chuckled at Matts remark, he wasn't going to lower himself by caring, walking away he called for Anna. Annabel looked back at Clara, then gave Matt a smile that wasn't really a smile, it was more like a "haha now who's the meat sack?" and walked off down the corridor. Once the reached the bottom of the stairs it opened up to a large stone room, with two tables in the center. There was nothing else, it looked like a room that held secret meetings. "Thank you." Ben said to the man. Mr. Gibbs nodded and turned to face him, "You promise you'll get her back before she's harmed?" He asked, his face was filled with concern, Clara had been like a daughter to him for a long time. "I'll do everything in my power to get her back safe and sound." Ben said. In truth Benjamin didn't care about Clara, or any of the others that were taken. All he knew was that the two Derma's were powerful and he needed them for his plan. "Now," Ben said turning to the group, "Since you all decided to follow me here you most likley didn't approve of the arrest that had just went on. And I'm guessing most of you dislike King Edward, am I right?"
The soldiers brought the three to the Castle and didn't even bring them in front of the king, that would be for tomarrow. Smuggly, they put them in their cells which were convienently right next to eachother. The guards didn't know which ones were Derma's so they put them all in the "special" cells that were re-enforced with a special stone that not even dermas could break through. "Have fun, we'll be looking forward to tomarrow." They said chuckling as they walked off down the hall. William and Annabel stayed behind. The seal was broken as soon as they were in their cells and they were free to move around. Clara sat down on the cold stone floor and and moved her limbs, happy that she could move but scared out of her wits of what was to come. "So here's the run down, tomarrow the two Dermas will go in front of the king where he will sentence your punishment, you'll then be interogated and then shortly after you'll recieve your punishment. And you," he said turning to Clara, "You will be interogated first then go in front of the king who will sentence your punishment and then you'll fufill your punishment, and if you're still with us you'll be sent back to the slave camps." He said, with a small smile on his face, which was a little sickening since everything he was saying was horrible. Anna stood there she knew William was a monster but she didn't know he could be this bad. Ben walked back into the White Wing Inn and walked up to the man at the front desk. He whispered something to him, and the mans eyes became suddenly very wet and shiny which was odd for such a large burley man, Ben whispered something else and the man nodded and showed him to a back door that led to the basement. And Benjamin walked through the doorway with Jane following close behind.
"That's not something I'd like to discuss right here right now." He looked around at the people, everyone of them would make good candidates and he was pretty sure they wouldn't oppose his plan. "All soldiers and Dermas are to follow me, you're not in trouble and I'm not taking you to the King, if you feel what has happened hear to be wrong, then you'll want to follow." Was all Ben said, he didn't really care if they followed him or not but he headed back towards the White Wing Inn.
"Mmmm...sort of. Let's just say working for the King has it's advantages otherwise I'd stick to what my real job is." Ben said taking a step closer to Jane.
He chuckled a little bit, "William is one of the most powerful dermas in the world, he's King Edwards derma. Trust me, you wouldn't stand a chance up against him. Especially without signing a contract. Besides you shouldn't worry, William was stupid and brought Annabel along with him, she won't let anyone do anything to them, that is until interogation starts tomarrow morning. But I have a plan to get all of them out before that happens, and I'm going to need you help." Ben said, as he walked over next to Jane. "What do you say?" He asked with a small hint of a smile, all of this was working out in his favor very nicely. William thought he had just made Ben's worst nightmare come true by not being able to handle the derma's by himself, and now Ben would have to face Edward and face the punishment and embarrasement, but in fact, Ben plan would be set in motion long before anyone was punished.
Suddenly Jane appeared in front of Drake blocking his path. Her scythe was out but she didn't look aggressive, she actually looked relaxed, the scythe was just there to help her block his path. "You'll end up the same as them if you get within 100 feet of William." Ben said nonchalantly from behind Drake.
"Trust me, you'll wish you'd never done that. Load em up!" He yelled to the solders who stood gawking at Matt for actually spitting in Williams face. He then turned to Annabel, who he hadn't placed the seal on, he knew she was one of the kings favorites and he would be angry if he'd done anything to her. "Let's go Anna the king wants to see you." He said almost kindly to her. Anna looked at William then at the others who stood unmoving, she was tough, but she wasn't stupid, she knew she had no chance to stand up against William all by herself, especially with her foot. Nodding she limped over to William who gave her an odd look for limping then rolled his eyes and started walking back to the palace. The soldiers easily took Matt, Cailen and Clara and loaded them like statues into a wooden carriage and headed off to the palace a few minutes after William and Annabel had left. As soon as William was completely gone the seal was gone on everyone but the prisoners and they could move again.
William walked up to Clara, there was something strange about her. Quickly he took her arm and turned it over so that he could see her wrist. He saw the symbol branded into her wrist. "Well what do you know, we've got our selves a little runaway slave." He said roughly dropping her wrist. "Take her too." He said to the soldiers. He then walked up to Matt, and got right up in his face. "And what are you going to do about it, huh? You can't move." He said with a cocky smile.