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  1. kairigirl22
    Ben casually walked up to Demetrio and in one casual motion as if it was no big deal unsheathed his sword and held it up to Demetrio's neck. "Who the hell are you?" Ben asked with a glaring expression. Before they didn't have time to ask questions but now they did.

    While Ben attended Demetrio Jane blocked Drake's path, "You must have permission from my master before going anywhere." She said threateningly. Her scythe was out and at the ready, though she didn't think that he would attack.

    Annabel pulled Matt off the horse by his hair then let him fall to the ground and left him there. She walked up to a tree and rested against it before sliding to a sitting position. Rubbing her ankle she sighed, "Man what a long ride."
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. kairigirl22
    May I join?

    Username: kairigirl22
    Name: Ayame
    Age: 16
    Personality: Even though she's older she's cute, she can be ditsy and falls a lot but when she puts her mind to something it usually comes out well. She's very caring and can't stand to see other people hurt, she'll always put someone else before herself.
    Cause of death: While riding home from school with her older brother on his motorcycle, he loses control and crashes head on into another car, the crash kills only her, her brother and everyone one else in the other car survives.
    History before death: Her parents were pastry chiefs and owned their own bakery which her family lived above of. She's always been a good cook and when her parents were home she cooked for her older brother who hadn't inherited the trait. Her brother and her were very close and did just about everything together. He was super protective of her since she was so ditsy.
    What you gave up: The bracelet her brother gave to her on her fifth birthday
    Pins: Cure Drink, Long Live the Ice, Lightning Moon, Psychokinesis
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. kairigirl22
    Once they got up to the North Gates Jane didn't have to get the order from Ben before speeding off in front of them, while the horse was in mid gallop she leaped off and landed gracefully on her feet in front of the only guard, quickly knocking him out she stopped to listen to the group coming up fast. Quickly she took the key from the man and unlocked the gate just as Ben and his horse rode through. She waited until everyone was our before getting back on her own horse and catching up to them.

    "Shuddup!" Annabel growled and kicked him in the head again, this time with her good foot.

    They continued on for the night, getting far enough away to not be able to see the city anymore. Once they reached the far woods Ben slowed down to a slow walk. "We'll hide in here for a little while and wait for our followers to pass us." Ben said leading his horse off the trail far enough so the group wouldn't be spotted camping there from the trail. Then slid off his horse, "We'll camp here." He said.

    Clara clung to her horse's mane, they had been riding really fast for a really long time. When she slid off her legs gave out, she wasn't used to riding never mind riding for so long while clinging to the horse for dear life. Slowly she helped herself up using the horse for support. " what now?" She asked.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. kairigirl22
    Thanks, and thanks again for the sigs I really love them =D
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  5. kairigirl22
    OMG!! I L-O-V-E Them!! Thanks soooo much, is it ok if I keep both I love both of them!! Thanks soo much they're PERFECT!! =D
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 25, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  6. kairigirl22
    "Fine whatever, just get on a horse, we have to go." Ben said as he sped off.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. kairigirl22
    "On important military business, now get out of the way, unless we have to make you move by force." Ben threatened, he really didn't have time for this.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. kairigirl22
    "Can't you hear a bunch of horses at full gallop? Why were you in the way! Never mind we have to get going!" Ben said, he was obviously pissed off.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. kairigirl22
    OOC: hahaha goood luuckkk!

    Ben ignored Drakes sarcastic remark. They continued down Main Street, heading for the north gates of the city when suddenly Ben lurched forward, his horse had come to a complete stop because he'd hit someone! "What the HELL!!" He yelled looking back at the man on the road.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. kairigirl22
    "I'm not exactly sure where they are in the Aron Mountains, it's a three day ride to Titania and the Aron's are about a days ride away from Titania, but that's to the base of the mountains, if they're higher up, which I'm guessing they are, it's probably a couple more days." Ben said.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. kairigirl22
    Jane helped Clara out by slapping her horse to make it go. Then she quickly got on the horse that had been burned and rode off following the group.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. kairigirl22
    OOC: Really sorry, feel free to just stop them and join back in on their way out of the castle, just say that you heard about the rebellion and you want to join or something. Or however you feel like coming in =D


    Anna was the last to come, dragging Matt. Pulling out a rope from one of her side bags, she kicked him in the stomach and tied him up, then threw him onto a horse. "Meat sack." She said before climbing up onto one of the horses and tying his horses reigns to her reigns. "Ready when you are Captain."

    Ben nodded to Anna, and waited for Clara to get on her horse who seemed to be having a little trouble.

    Clara had never ridden a horse before, though she had seen hundreds of people do it so it coudn't be so hard.

    Jane left her horse now that it was calm and walked over to Clara and helped her up onto her horse, "Would you like me to connect your reigns?" She asked politley not looking up at her, just staring forward.

    " but..I think I can do this." Clara said a little embarrassed.

    "Well then if we're all set, let's go." Ben said as he kicked his horse and it galloped off down the walkway and out the gates.

    Anna did the same following close behind with Matt's horse galloping right beside her.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. kairigirl22
    The horses cry's in pain had hurt Jane's hears, not only did it give her a sick feeling, she loved animals. She walked up to the horse and gently stroked it to calm it down. Feeling around she could tell it wasn't seriously injured, luckily Maria put out the fire before any real damage was done, it had mostly just burnt the hair and the smell was horrible. "Shhhh.." She whispered as she gently stroked it's nose.

    Ben watched the scene. "Thank you." He said to Maria. He then slung Cailen over his back and tossed him onto a horse. "Would you mind tying his reigns to your horse?" He asked her.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. kairigirl22
    "Good work." Ben said to Maria. Walking up to each horse, until he got to his own personal war horse, the horse that had gone into the last battle at Titania with him. The horse seemed to remember him, for he snorted when he came up to him. Ben stroked his nose, "Good to see you old friend."He said before climbing up on him and turning him around to face the hallway to wait for the others to come.

    Jane was the first to arrive dragging Cailen by the arm. She could hear and smell all of the horses, luckily there was enough for all of them, even more than enough. "Please choose a horse and wait for orders." She said softly, he didn't seem to be resisting, so they wouldn't have to tie him up, for now anyway.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. kairigirl22
    Thanks soooo much! =D
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  16. kairigirl22
    Size: 400x125 (or whatever is good for you)
    Text: Time After Time
    Font: You Pick =D
    Details: Umm I guess mostly focus on them and don't worry about getting their whole bodies in, I don't really care what color the background is, and if you could, put one of the flowers around them. Thanks =D
    Other: Take your time, I can wait so take as long as you'd like, no rush =D
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  17. kairigirl22
    Ben reached the courtyard before everyone else did, luckily Maria was already there with the horses. "Did you get enough for everyone or are we going to have to pair up?" He asked her.

    "Yes sir." Jane replied to Cailen's question, even though technically she was higher up than Cailen she always treated everyone very formally.

    Clara suddenly felt bad that he was doing this just for her. "Um.. you don't have know...join the rebellion if you don't want to...." She said quietly.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. kairigirl22
    "I guess so.....thanks....really." Clara said running slightly behind him. She looked farther ahead at Jane, she had admired Jane until she realized that she was perfectly ok with leaving her there and only using her to get to Drake. The same with Ben.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. kairigirl22
    Clara looked around a little bit, nodded and grabbed his hand. She still couldn't believe she was being saved, she wasn't going to have to be interogated or go back to the slave camps.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. kairigirl22
    Annabel clenched her teeth, she had so much she wanted to say to Matt, but Ben was her superior and she didn't want to look bad in front of him. "I would love to kick your a$$ right now but at the moment we're a little short on time. It's your choice whether we take him or not Captain."

    She was right, they had to meet Maria in the courtyard in five minutes. "Alright, take them by force, Anna you take this one. And no funny business from you or I'll have Jane rip you to pieces got it?" Ben said referring to Matt, "Jane you take that one," he said pointing to Cailen, "And Drake, take the girl." He unlocked all of the doors one by one and headed out the door.

    Jane took out her scythe and grabbed Cailen's arm, pulling him down the hall, "This way." She said following closely behind Ben.

    Anna grabbed Matt by the shirt, "Let's go funny boy." She said through clenched teeth and tugged him down the hall.
    Post by: kairigirl22, Jan 22, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home