She yawned while talking, "Ok then, but if it really hurts come get me. Oh! That's right! Maria!. Sorry I should go check on her." Clara said as she started to fast walk towards the others, she was too tired to run. "You're not a guest, your more like pawn." Annabel said. Then watched as he acted all tough to break the rope she had tied, then screamed in pain from the rope burn, and she laughed like hell. Ben looked at Jane who was sleeping right next to him, though he couldn't really tell if she ever slept fully because she slept so lightly. "Well I don't think so, my brother was a Derma, and he never had the urge to kill anyone and everyone, and when I first met Jane she was wild like that either, so either those two are weird or they are." Ben said nodding over to Cailen and Matt.
I'm good, how about you?
"A.are you sure? Because I really don't mind." Clara said looking up at him. Anna sat staring at the stars, feeling bored, she wasn't tired at all, and Ben and Jane had fallen asleep. She picked up a pebble by her foot and tossed it around in her hand before chucking it, hard, at Matt, hitting him right in the head.
Clara sighed in relief when he started to move his arm. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt too much? I could try to find something to soothe it." She said.
"To be honest, by the way you cringed it looked like you were in there a way to get rid of the imperfection?" She asked.
"Ah...really? I didn't know that about Dermas. It must be hard. Especially when you don't know when it's going to hit you. Does it hurt a lot?" She asked, this time much quieter.
As soon as he started to cringe in pain she snapped awake. Quickly she stood up and hurried over to him. "What happened!? Are you ok? Did you break it!?" She said clinging to his left sleeve worried.
Clara sat under the tree with her knees pulled up to her chin and stared in amazement, she couldn't believe his swordsmanship. The sword itself probably weighed more than she did and he swung it like it was a twig he'd just picked up off the ground. As she watched her eyes started to get droopy, and it got harder and harder for her to keep her eyes open but she was determined to keep watching.
"Ok...but take your time, really, I'd like to watch." Clara said as she sat against the tree.
Clara just smiled, "Oh no, I'm do you train a lot?" She asked.
Ben looked up at Drake then looked over at Clara. "You go with him." He was going to send Jane but she looked tired, and so did Clara but he really didn't care that she was tired. Even though Ben was higher up than her it was hard for her not to say something, he was being a real jerk, especially to Clara. "Um...she looks tired Ben." " it's ok, I'll go. Someone call if Maria needs me ok?" She said standing up and following Drake.
"Just try to lay still, and when the blisters start to hurt tell me okay?" Clara said with a kind smile, then slowly made her way over to a tree and sat down with a sigh. She was tired, it had been a really really long night. "Though you could start a fire for us." Ben said to Cailen as he sat down leaning against a tree not to far from Annabel. Jane waited for Ben to sit down before she sat down next to him, leaning against the same large tree.
User name: kairigirl22 Name: Mizuki Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Werewolf Appearance: Specialties: Amazing sense of smell (which allows her be a good cook), amazing hearing, and slightly has the ability to sense things before they happen though it's usually just a "bad feeling, she can also tell a lot about a person just by looking at them. Bio: She was abandoned by her pack/family when she was little because she was the weakest in the pack and couldn't keep up with her brothers and sisters. She now lives alone, as a normal girl, drowning herself in her books to keep out the harsh reality. She barley ever changes into her wolf self. Other:
He glanced at Jane. "If he attacks any of us again I will not order you to stop." Ben said to Drake but it was really a threat to Cailen. Clara came back flushed and breathing hard, she had tried to hurry but she it was hard for her to find the right herbs. She kneeled down next to Maria and gently layed the small leaves on the burns, "These should sooth the burning, but it will still blister and scab." She said.
Jane couldn't see the burns so she lightly touched one to see how bad they were, she could feel the blisters already starting to form. Quickly she took her hand off, afraid that her touching them would hurt Maria. Clara watched Jane, at first she didn't understand why she would touch them, then she remembered Jane was blind. "I..I'll get you something to put on your burns." Clara said, she stood up then took one last look at Cailen and Drake then ran off into the woods to find some herbs. "No, we need him alive." Ben said to Drake trying to think of a solution to their Derma killing problem. He had never known Derma's to be such killers. He glanced over at Clara when he saw her running into the woods, he wasn't worried about her, she couldn't go far anyway, then he glanced at Jane and Maria. Focusing his attention back to Cailen he sighed. What Cailen needed was a master, to keep him in line.
Ben just sighed, this was becoming more trouble than he anticipated. "Jane..." He sighed. He didn't even care that Maria was on fire, it was just a bother to him that there was so much conflict. Jane nodded and hurriedly put the fire out, "Are you alright?" She asked gently. When the fire was out Clara ran over to Maria to check her wounds. Bending down next to Jane she looked at Maria, then glared at Cailen, How could someone do this kind of thing? What's up with these Dermas?
OOC: sorry for the wait guys my 100 year old grandmother died yesterday and we had her funeral today BIC: "Just because I'm a woman doesn't make me a lady I don't prance around like a ballerina and cry all the time, I was higher in rank than most men in the army, and I'm deffinatly higher than you." Anna said. Jane smiled slightly and let go of Clara. "We appreciate your cooperation." She said quietly releasing her scythe. Clara smiled at Drake. "Thank you." She mouthed. Ben sighed in relief that the fighting was over, and he was very proud of Jane for solving the conflict without having to take him by force. Suddenly there was a big burst of heat and light and they all looked over at Maria who was on FIRE!
Ever so slowly the fight started to drift over to Clara, which was Jane's idea. Finally they got close enough so she could grab Clara and bring her to her feet, she didn't threaten her by putting her scythe anywhere near her, but she assumed that Drake would stop attacking her if Clara was so close. "My master isn't very good at showing the 'good guy' in himself, you think that we are taking her hostage when in reality we saved her, she may leave if she chooses, but what do you think would happen to her if she left and went back, they would capture her and kill her for being a runaway slave and then for joining this rebellion, they would get any and all information out of her then throw her aside," Jane said, she had never really talked this much to anyone, she slowly started to relax as she talked, " You may leave also, but let me say this, you are much better off with...Prince Peter than with King Edward," stammering on Peters name, "and he needs all of the Dermas that he can get if he wants to win this soon to be war. Which means we need you." Clara just stood there speechless next to Jane, what she said made sense, though she still wasn't sure if this "rebellion" was going to do good for everyone, for all she knew Prince Peter could be more of a tyrant than King Edward. "King, he's king of Maderin, our enemy, and that was if you worked for him." Ben said impatiently, yes he was usually rude, but he was even worse when Jane was fighting.
Jane parried and twirled around him in a big circle on her toes, while swinging her scythe around for momentum then slashing really hard at Blade. "We should not be fighting, we're supposed to be on the same side." She said softly. Even while fighting her expression and eyes never moved, she always had this blank stare with this blank face. "No maybe I couldn't but Jane sure co...uld.......what the hell?" Ben said turning to look at Jane who was fighting Drake.
"First off, I'm not a 'lady' I'm a soldier, and a da** good one at that, and secondly, the harsh treatment is because your p****** me off!" Anna said though clenched teeth, she didn't bother to get up she just sat under the tree glaring. "You do if you want to get past me." Jane said staring right through Drake, she hadn't heard him put his hand on the hilt of his sword so she didn't know that he was ready to attack. "You're a derma right?" Ben stepped a little closer, "If I find out your somehow working for Edward, I'll have Jane slice you into little pieces, got it?"