Clara looked up at Drake, with a little bit more fear in her eyes. She had never met an assassin and she wasn't sure if she trusted him, though he had been nice to her before.
"Why? If you have the power to help someone why don't you?" Clara asked, truely not understanding how someone could not want to help someone.
Clara clasped her hands and watched, trying to think of a way that she could help them. She looked up a Drake then back at the three of them. "What should we do?"
hahaha ur welcome :D
hahaha ur so NICE!! hahaha nah don't worry about it, hahaha it's alll goodd =D
No of course it's not a problem, school def comes first hahaha I'm positive everyone will understand haha you worry too much :p
Jane stood completley still as the blade slowly pierced her skin and a small drop of blood dripped down her chest. Ben couldn't take it anymore, he lifted his sword and lunged at Blade, swinging the sword quickly around, comming at him from the side.
Jane instantly dropped her scythe, making it dissapear. The point of this battle for her was to protect her master, she felt she had failed him and you could see it on her face. Benjamin clenched his fist in anger.
OOC: Kk citizen it is, i was just making sure :D Feel free to come in whenever you'd like
"You're a very strange man." She said back to him.
"I...I don't know." Clara said, suddenly becoming shy again and taking a step back. "I.. I guess it's becuase I don't like to see people suffer, and that girl is suffering, they've been standing there for a long time, on the brink of killing eachother, it must be torturous to be so close to death and not be able to either reach it, or get away from it."
"I don't know how to fight, and I don't want to get in the way, but I want to help. I..I don't think I can just walk away, especially when someone's life is on the line."
She had figured that Blade, the very creepy looking mad was the bad guy, but she didn't want to make judgements before knowing. Clara took a step closer to Drake, she had only just met him but she felt comfortable enough around him. "Is there any way I can help?" She asked.
Jane looked at them, then back at Drake, giving him an odd expression that said How could you not want to help someone? "Are they the bad guys?" she asked.
She glanced back at Jane and Blade, then at Ben who was focused on them, trying to figure out how to save Jane. Clara took a step forward, gaining some courage. "Why doesn't someone do something to help them?" When it came to other people in trouble, Clara had all the confidence in the world.
Clara stood there staring at him still. She took a step back, but didn't go far. "W...will they be alright?" She asked, glancing at Jane and Blade who were still neck and neck.
Clara stared at the tip of his sword, it brought back memories of her capture in Towaira. Cautiously she stepped out from behind the wall, she looked like a fightened kitten, she had her hands clasped to her lunch basket. It was clear that she was scared, her knuckles were white from gripping the basket so hard, but she tried to keep herself from looking so frightened.
Clara headed out of the Inn on her lunch brake, she wanted to get out and get some fresh air after cooking and cleaning all day. Not wanting to face the busy crowds she decided to take the back alleys to get to her usual spot at the fountain. Casually she walked down the narrow roads and alleys, taking the turn onto the alley that the fighting was going on. She stopped dead in her tracks. There was a girl with a large scythe wrapped around a very creepy looking mans neck, a floating sword at her neck, and two men with large swords looking at the two, both of them with their backs to her. Quickly she hid behind the wall, she wanted to just go back and forget what was going on, but her curious side got the bes of her. Slowly peeking over the corner of the wall she watched, waiting to see this amazing battle, but they were all just standing there, looking at eachother.
Ur accepted, I just have one question, is he a master or a citizen? Jane didn't reply, just continued to stare blankly at him. She brought her scythes blade closer to his neck, not cutting it, just putting more pressure on it.
Jane stared blankly at the man so close to her face. She couldn't move, and neither could he, they had no choice but to remain still. While Ben watched in silent anger at the two. There was nothing he could do to help her, and he hated himself for it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the bird come at him and blocked it, sadly killing it. Looking at the dead bird on the ground he wondered why it had suddenly attacked him. Janes eyes, momentarily flickered towared Ben, hearing him block it.