View attachment 49376 Rydia continued to walk when she felt something cold go down her back and made her shiver some. She turned around to see if Dastgir had done something, but didn't see him do anything suspicious. Inside her head, Seiryu began to stifle some laughter, and Rydia began to get exhausted dealing with the two of them. It almost felt like working with children to an extent. Well, for Seiryu it was like working with a child, and for Dastgir, she had no clue, but as long as they got what they needed done, whatever. She picked up the pace a little, trying to put some distance between her and Dastgir. "If you choose not to listen to why I do things, that's your problem, not mine."
View attachment 49349 Ignis walked into the big ballroom, or throne room, depending on the point of view considering there was a throne in there and everything, and began to wander around keeping an eye on things. She stayed close to the edge of the room, walking near the windows and keeping out of the crowd as long as possible. The whole stuff about practicing dancing earlier was not something she wanted to try out unless it was absolutely necessary. She spied Beuce and AJ going around as well, and kept an eye on where they were in the room as well. Soon Ignis spotted two girls up near the throne through the mess of people, one with white hair and the other with a brown color with a white streak. As she tried to get closer, apparently a boy already decided to mess with her by giving her one of the cheesiest pick-up lines she ever heard. With her face getting slightly red from the fact that not only did this boy say such an embarrassing line, but to her, she cleared her through a little and made sure to try and hide herself from Beuce and AJ so they wouldn't notice. "I'm sorry, but that was terrible," She motioned her arms in a shooing motion, trying to give the boy the message, "You might want to take those terrible lines of yours and practice them some more in front of a mirror, they need some work. Now excuse me, I've got some place else to be. Namely, not with you or your bad pick-up lines."
View attachment 49311 "It's more the act of spending all the money and making stuff so large that I don't understand as to who did it." Ignis walked up to the front doors, or gates, she wasn't sure which word would be more proper considering the size of the things, and walked on through. Doing so she came upon a very large area and wasn't even sure where to look. She honestly couldn't understand the thought process of people buying or building things this big. Even her previous home had been a little large for her taste, but at least it made sense considering the size of her family and all the space that was needed. She followed a few people and ended up in a large room where there were people everywhere, dancing, eating, and chatting away. Eventually it sank in that she was actually having to go to this thing, and she suddenly began to feel exhausted, without even having done anything. It was going to be a long night, she could tell that much. "Anyone want to draw stars on who goes where?" She joked, noting the size of the room and all the people in it.
View attachment 49309 Soon enough, with all the shooting Rydia, or rather, Seiryu, had done, and the knocking that Dastgir had given it, eventually the statue they were supposed to break had finally crumbled. Rydia took back control of her body and put her comes away then turned around, ready to walk back to where they had started. "Well, guess that job is done." She began to walk away without waiting for Dastgir "I don't see much reason to stay here, so I'll go see if anything else has changed from where everyone met up." She didn't care too much if Dastgir came with her or not. He apparently wanted to be friends with her, but the last things she wanted was to be friends with anyone. She didn't mind helping people out, but no one said she had to be friends, or friendly about it. If it were up to her, she'd just live without knowing anyone and do what she wanted. She knew Seiryu probably had something to say about how she felt, since that dragon always had something to say, but Rydia didn't care. Realizing Dastgir was probably a little worn from all that beating he gave the statue, and Rydia not wanting to deal with a tired partner, took out her gun one more time and shot multiple waters bullets at him, weak enough that when they hit, they simply splashed over him and soaked his head and clothes a little. "I don't need you to be tired and sweaty for whatever's next, so there you go, whether you wanted it or not." Rydia could hear Seiryu laughing in her head, and found it irritating to say the least.
View attachment 49308 As the group came up closer to the castle, the amount of people on the bridge seemed to have dwindled down a bit. It was getting a little later in the day, and Ignis was surprised at how fast it had gone by. Beuce and AJ were talking about what to do while in the party, and Ignis figured she'd just wing it at this point. Nothign else went the way they wanted anyways, so it was better just to take things as they came. Though she really hoped that didn't mean a bunch of boys would come up to her. The last she needed was to be the center of a bunch of people's attention. "Well, let's just keep an eye out for anything weird, how's that? Knowing out luck, something is going to happen, whether it be good or bad." She went through the gates and noticed a big courtyard with a fountain in the center of it. "Jeez, you think this yard is big enough? I never understood the design sense of royalty or rich people."
Fun Fact #444: Insomnia sucks and makes you feel like crap during the day
technically, we are at the end of an era, the Xehanort era at least. Don't worry, it'll only take another 20 years to do the next big story arc in Kingdom Hearts
Hey, a friend is interested in joining the site to be a part of the SOS group, is it too late at this point for him to come in?
Every one of these points I have a reaction to, but I'll try to keep it simple (knowing me, that's a big "pft, yeah right"): -I think it's cool that we'll get a recap video of the whole story, especially since they've said that this is a game newcomers could go straight into, so it's easy for them too. Plus it might make the story easier to understand for those who don't know it yet. I'll remember to grab my popcorn -I want my KH3 demo, dang it! -So if Kairi is considered one of the New 7 Hearts, does that mean the old princesses of heart have been debunked, or is it there's just more that fit that role, and Xehanort is trying for a different group this time? -I like that Arendelle is going to expand on the story, especially since I remember people saying that the original script for Frozen was different from the release, which led to some lines being a little weird (anyone remember that "eternal winter line" when it was only a day, when the original script had it be a month later?) -Please tell me we get to fight Davy Jones and he is voiced by Bill Nighy -So is anyone else thinking of Assassin's Creed Black Flag right now with an open world environment and a pirate ship? Never played the game myself, but it's what my mind jumped to. -Still makes me wonder if Roxas will lead to Ven waking up, or if we'll just get Roxas instead of Ven, or both Roxas and Ven.
View attachment 49263 "Well, speaking from personal experience the few times I've gone to parties with royalty, I can bet you there's going to be a big chair somewhere in the room and the princess and/or queen is going to be sitting in that chair. Or at the very least, near it." Ignis had her hand to her head, failing to even get a proper image of any of the parties she'd been to. They had gotten close to the castle by this point, and Ignis looked up, realizing the castle was much bigger up close than it was from the other side of the bridge. It was deceptively wide, but at least they weren't going to have to search the whole place. "The good news is, in these kinds of events, it's rare for the guest of honor to not be there, so I doubt we'll have to search anywhere else. And that's not because I've had to attend them as a party goer, that's me speaking as a former bodyguard for some important people. Trust me, it gets boring fast."
View attachment 49261 Ignis couldn't help but glare at both Beuce and AJ, as they seemed to think that when she talked about running away, she apparently meant abducting the princesses. It kind of annoyed her, but she only sighed and walked toward the castle across the big bridge. "Well, obviously we're not going to take the princesses anywhere. Sheesh, you guys take things so seriously." She looked at hem both and then pondered on what to do. "So, if you want to get friendly with them, that brings up the question, should we try to do it all at once, or each separate and try to get to know them? I don't know about you, but three people all of a sudden out of nowhere would be a little overwhelming. Plus, having us separated gives us a chance to keep a better watch on the room in three different positions than all of us bundles together." AJ mentioned something about the duke and Ignis could only scoff at the mention of that man. She couldn't even fathom why he was worried about him. The guy was nothing more than a pointless opportunist who wanted to take advantage of something and increase his own wealth. "You do know there are other ways of making use of people outside of trying to marry them, right? That guy's more than likely the type to just make use of someone for nothing more than personal gain, and if we're talking about kingdoms, there's also trade, currency, diplomatic relationships, and so on. The only thing we should worry about with that guy is if that hair on his head is real or not." As she stated the sentence, she paused for a moment, trying to keep the mental image of an old man wearing a wig out of her head.
Never seen that one before, but I'm saving it just because it made me laugh more than it should have
View attachment 49257 As Beuce attempted to pay for their haircuts, Ignis took that cue to finish letting AJ have some practice and let go, waving to the hairdresser and walking out the door. It seemed like they had managed to kill a little bit of time, as the sun seemed a fair amount lower than before. It wasn't quite evening yet, but the sky was certainly getting close to a golden color. "So," Ignis started, as she tried to think on what to do, "We have the clothes to blend in, but aside from finding...whoever it is we need, what are we going to do? It's not like we can just run off with someone important."
View attachment 49251 At this point Seiryu had control of Rydia's body again while she was back in her own little corner of her consciousness, hiding away. She kind of figured at this point it was a little childish to keep hiding, but Seiryu seemed to be getting along with enough with Dastgir, and Rydia had no desire at all to get to know people on a personal level. As she heard the question about her eyes, she subconsciously put her hand to her face, not remember the last time anyone questioned her about her eyes. "You would be correct in that assumption, my boy. You see, some spirits are strong enough that they can physically manifest a part of themselves on their host's bodies. Sometimes it's something incredibly noticeable, sometimes it's little, sometimes the manifestations may change over time, even add on or disappear. It really depends on the bond of the spirit and host and the strength of the host themselves. In Rydia's case, she's only had me for a few years, and while she may be strong, the only manifestation for her that's occurred is her eyes and slightly in her ears." Seiryu pointed to Rydia's ears, showing how they were slightly pointed. "I remember the last person I was in had my eyes, ears, even wings and a tail. Quite the talent, that one" Rydia began to grumble a little, listening to Seiryu talk. It only reminded her of how we she was compared to the person before her. It was a sore spot for her, and hated it whenever it was brought up. Some people praised her for her work, but she knew she wasn't even close to the level she should be to match her predecessor. While she may be considered a genius at learning how to use Seiryu's powers, she felt it was nothing compared to what she wanted to achieve. It had always made her want to get better.
View attachment 49250 At this point Beuce seemed to have been content with his progress at learning the dance and passed AJ off to Ignis. She was kind of thankful that there were only the three of them, because she didn't feel like helping out many more with dancing problems. Of course, this now meant that she had to make sure her toes didn't get stepped on again. "So, I've been wondering," She took AJ's hand and began guiding him in the steps "There's definitely something we should do while here, but what exactly is it? I mean, going to the coronation is all well and good, but we should probably do something else too." Ignis was trying to be subtle in asking what they were going to do while at the coronation and how they were to proceed in this world exactly, but needed to word it so that the hairdresser in the room didn't get any wrong ideas about why they were there.
To be fair, it has been a long time coming, so seeing something out of it is cool. Though the exact amount difference is kinda of amazing
View attachment 49227 Beuce seemed to be getting the hang of dancing, as she hadn't realized how much she wasn't having to move so awkwardly to keep her feet from being stepped on. "Well, if you really don't want to dance, you could always try to be one of those people that goes to the party and after thinking he's hidden away try to sneak out and look around the castle." She picked up the pace with Beuce, getting more into the swing of things herself. "Though if you did that, you'd have to worry about being caught by the guards and explaining why you're wandering around the castle."
View attachment 49225 Ignis continued to dance with Beuce, trying not to step on his toes and all the while making sure he doesn't step on hers. It probably looks a little awkward to anyone else watching, but it was better that than having a swollen foot at the end. "Well, I wouldn't say I've been to a lot of parties, but the ones I was, let's say "coerced", into going to, I stayed to the side, and trust me, you stay out long enough, people tend to notice." She tried to get Beuce to sway with, keeping a beat in her head. "I personally hated them, and my sister tried to teach me to dance to blend in, but I never cared much for it. I managed to get her to stop trying after a handful of attempts."
Personally I was hoping for one or two things we either hadn't already seen or didn't know, but I guess we can't get everything.
View attachment 49223 Ignis was let into the store by Beuce, who apparently was being given dance lessons by the hairdresser. She almost had to laugh at the scene of it, seeing him step on toes. Though she doubted she'd be much better, to be honest. As AJ stayed in his corner, Ignis sighed a little. "You do realize a lot of parties have dancing right? It may not be fun, but take my word for it, if we don't want to stick out, it's best we learn how to blend into this party." With that she took Beuce's hand and walked to the center of the store. "Okay, let's see what you've got so far. I may not enjoy it, but that didn't stop my sister to try and teach me something."