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  1. Iskandar
    Ignis was waiting for the rest of the group as she slowly began walking outside of the town. She wasn't planning on going far, but figured that it wouldn't hurt to get a head start since she didn't have anything else to do. Though being alone certainly gave room for thoughts and memories to pass through her head. In this case she was having flashbacks to when she first started wandering in the first place, after losing her body to that spell. It wasn't too different from a night like this, all things considered, with her walking through a forest completely covered in snow. The only difference was that she was actually used to the weather at this point and wasn't falling over on her hands and knees ready to curl up and let the cold do it's job.

    "Glad no one's around right now, or else I might start reminiscing out loud." She chuckled a little at the bad joke, kind of thankful for the few moments alone.
    Post by: Iskandar, Aug 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Iskandar
    We don't need to kill the series with live action characters. All we need is Jack Sparrow and we're good, and luckily we already have him again.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 30, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Iskandar
    My only reaction on this is saying "thank you very much" for not having put in Mary Poppins into the series yet, and I hope they never manage to.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Iskandar
    Ignis was still outside as she watched Anna through the window, looking out towards the mountain. She was probably more appropriately dressed for the cold than Ignis, but at least Ignis had some previous experience living in a much colder region. To be fair, she was slightly chilly, but it was no more to her than a gust of wind blowing on a nice spring day; at least, that's how it felt for the moment. Maybe if it got colder it might be more of a concern, but Ignis would rather just deal with the problem sooner than wait for that to happen.

    At this point she had gotten a little tired of waiting and began walking towards the edge of town toward the mountain, figuring she'd at least wait there and get a better view of what was going on.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Iskandar
    Given how long the first was with about 12-17 hours on casual play and KH2 being around 15-20, I'm going to enjoy this. Though i wonder if it comes from the bigger worlds, or the stories will be longer in each world, or more worlds than usual, or my personal hope, we go back to worlds like from KH2.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Iskandar
    As everyone had gotten back from their own trials, apparently their administrator didn't care much for how things were proceeding, because soon enough they were all trapped inside a dome of some kind, and now they were stuck having to fight until two of them were dead, for all intents and purposes. Rydia didn't appreciate being forced into a situation like this, seeing as she preferred to help people, but she also knew that there were times when to help a life you would need to take a life. It wasn't something she wanted, but there wasn't much choice for it in these circumstances. Seeing as she didn't have any real allegiance to anyone at this point in time, she figured the best bet was to see who was able to take care of themselves the best and leave them be.

    With that, she charged up a few shots from her guns and let them loose, not firing normal, small bullets, but instead large water bubbles that floated around the area slowly. She jumped back against a wall and fired in all directions, letting loose slow moving bubbles that floated in every direction away from her.

    "Since I'm not one for direct combat anyways, I'll take things slowly and see how everyone handles these. A little explosion shouldn't hurt, much." She stood at the ready, keeping her back against the wall and keeping an eye out.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Iskandar
    As Ignis was still trying to decide if they should take Faust along, it seemed Anna found it a good enough idea. So much so that she actually had to "command" them to bring him along. Ignis had to cover her mouth a little as she began to laugh slightly, being amused by the princess trying to act higher than she's used to. Plus it just didn't seem to fit her personality. Plus, hearing her mutter "cold, cold, cold" right after giving a command to find warmer clothes made it only more amusing to her. If nothing else, this was going to be amusing. The princess was way out of her depth, but she certainly seemed stubborn enough.

    "Well, you heard the 'acting ruler' over there," Ignis motioned toward the store that Anna had gone, "Looks like we have two extra additions to our group for now. I thought the 'plus ones' were supposed to appear at the party not after? "

    She turned back toward Faust and brought her hand to his shoulder and smiled wickedly, "And since you're the newest member, you can take care of our little princess friend, especially since it seems like you wanted to play at being on her castle staff. And if you pull any bad lines on her or me, I promise you you'll wish you wouldn't live to regret it."
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Iskandar
    I remember there was a huge topic on this when it was first made about how it sounded strange with the choice of words because they were trying to match up the letters but it just didn't fit right.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 23, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Iskandar
    Having the group back together with Beuce coming down the mountain, it seemed like now they could figure out what it was they needed to do. Anna was asking them to help find Elsa, but luckily they also were looking for her for their own sake. Although it didn't help when Anna went into the whole "she's my only family" and stuff, since it was a sore spot for Ignis. Now there was a bit of her that almost felt obligated to help this person. Though hearing there'd be a reward at the end also added some incentive.

    As Faust introduced himself to the others, she put her arm on his shoulder.
    "Okay, so aside from being a part of the party staff, and wanting to help, is there any other reason we should bring you? You do realize that we'll be going into the mountains in the middle of a blizzard, right? You understand how dangerous that'll be? Not too mention, you don't even look like you could carry yourself up half a mountain. Are you sure you're not just following me?"
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Iskandar
    Much as the giant olaf is a little disturbing, I'd rather choose that one than deal with either toy version or monster version of the gang
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 17, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Iskandar
    We're all likely to get banned at some point, don't worry

    Probably because you keep telling people your plans in a 38+ page powerpoint that takes hours to finish.

    "As long as villains tell their plans to you, you can count on @Heart ❤ not being on the most villainous page and your phone going off during a movie. Please, silence your cellphones."
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 16, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  12. Iskandar
    Walking back into the castle Ignis found an empty room and took out the suitcase that she was using to hold her clothes that previously held the dress she was wearing. It wasn't quite as simple taking the clothes off as putting them on, but she managed to do it nonetheless. Putting back on her normal clothes, she carefully laid back the dress and accessories that came with it in the suitcase then tucked the suitcase away. She walked back outside and realized that her dress technically gave her a little more coverage, since she began to feel the temperature more now. Luckily for her it wasn't too terrible, since she was used to the snow and cold at this point, considering where she had lived the last few years, and walked outside. At least now in her normal clothing she could walk around and chase after the queen without any issues.

    Back with the group and Princess Anna, Ignis noticed that the waiter from before was chatting up with AJ.
    "I don't know what you're worried about. If you consider this a storm, you must not have seen snow before in your life."
    "Now up there on the mountain,"
    she pointed up to the mountain where there were more clouds and was difficult to see, "that would be a proper blizzard."
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Iskandar
    As they continued to walk, Dastgir asked how Rydia's guns worked and she wondered how to answer. To be perfectly honest with herself, she never really wondered how they worked. They were a gift from a friend and she kind of just used them without thinking. She knew it had something to do with magic, but that was about the gist of it.

    "Not entirely sure," she replied, subconsciously gripping one of her guns, "I kind of just use them without thinking."

    "Perhaps I can answer you," Seiryu popped out and took over without Rydia noticing. "It's partly my power that makes it work, so it might be easier for me to explain."

    Seiryu pulled out one of the guns and flaunted it about as she explained. "You see, Rydia basically uses my magic to pull in the surrounding water vapor at a near instantaneous speed and fires it off, simple as that. These guns can also store water into a larger shot, but since these are machines, they have limits, so yeah, there's that. There's nothing too special about it, but it's not something just anyone could do, either."
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Iskandar
    There's so much irony in this
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 15, 2018 in forum: KH-Vids User Awards
  15. Iskandar
    Ignis followed the others outside where she was met with a surprise in colder temperatures and snow falling from the sky. She looked around and noticed that the bay had been frozen over as well. It seemed like Anna had noticed that Elsa was going up the mountain, and Ignis figured it was probably going to be their next destination. She sighed a little and looked around, seeing if they could use anything to get up there. Then she realized she was feeling somewhat chilly still being in her dress outside in the cold. She was used to living in cold climates, but she hadn't done it while being in a dress, so it certainly wasn't comfortable.

    "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not climbing a snow covered mountain in these clothes." She walked back toward the castle, "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to change into a more appropriate attire."
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Iskandar
    I'm hoping this final fight is like a 10 phase fight with all the forms of Xehanort over the years. Okay, maybe not that much, but it better be longer, harder, and way more epic than the Xemnas fight, because so far we haven't reach that level a second time
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 2, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Iskandar
    Subway is fine. Deciding to go outside in the summer to walk somewhere? What is wrong with you?

    I would never walk anywhere here since Texas sucks that much.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jul 1, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Iskandar
    Ignis tried to keep herself under control talking to this boy, but being called "Lady Ignis" certainly made her get a little crazy up in the head. She had every thought of crunching that boy up more than a pretzel, but figured she'd let it go by. As she wondered how to respond back, she heard a ruckus in the room and noticed the new queen and her sister fighting. Some words were yelled, and apparently the new queen could use magic because a giant amount of ice came out of her hands and made a little blockade of ice. Very pokey ice, from the looks of it. Esla, the new queen, seemed frightened by what was going on, and ran out the door. Beuce and AJ seemed to jump the gun a little though, as Beuce cut part of the ice into bits and AJ apparently felt the need to melt it down. The old Duke from earlier seemed a little terrified by what was happening, but Ignis felt it was probably best that she didn't stick out like the other two members of her group were managing to do. That, and this was also why she really didn't want to be in a dress, since she couldn't really run in this thing. Well, she could run, but not without tearing it up, and while she wasn't much for dressing up, she wasn't going to ruin the dress that was a gift.

    "Excuse me, but it seems I'm needed...not here. Sorry for the short conversation and have a good night." As Ignis prepared to walk out, she turned around and gave her most passive aggressive smile she could. "Oh, and never call me "lady" again, got it? Or any sort of formal title or weird nickname."

    With that, she walked out of the ballroom calmly, being more inconspicuous than her partners that didn't think at all about the whole "standing out thing".
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Iskandar
    Ignis followed the rest of the crowd as everyone gathered in a smaller hall with some bleachers and what seemed to be some sort of alter at the end. Following everyone else's lead, she took a seat and watched as they held the ceremony to greet their new queen. The queen, who apparently was that girl with completely white hair, seemed to be nervous of some sort up top and ran away for a minute. After a while she came back, and Ignis wondered if anything had happened while she was gone or if she just needed to get some air and calm herself down. It didn't seem to matter much, as soon enough the ceremony was over, there was a new official queen, and Ignis got up to walk back to that throne room from before. Walking, she noticed AJ, Beuce, and even that boy from earlier in the crowd and wondered how to mingle in and not stand out. Walking to the closest one to her, she tapped on the boy who had came up to her earlier.

    "Before you try any bad pick-up lines, I'm simply trying to be friendly, but know that I will break you if you get on my bad side. "
    Ignis stretched her hand for a handshake. "My name is Ignis. What's yours?"
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Iskandar
    I actually found it hard to continue past the halfway point. Maybe it's just me, but around 2:40 or so it just drove me up the wall with the beat and singing. I wonder how the english will sound.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 26, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates