View attachment 49798 As Ignis walked through the doors to the ice castle, there didn't seem to be much to it. There was a big atrium right as she entered, with a staircase to the side of the wall that led upstairs. It seemed like there was a glass chandelier or something above them; either that or all the ice was distorting the light enough that it was impossible to tell what was what when looking at the ceiling. She wondered just how big this castle could actually be for one person, but as long as they could find Elsa fast enough and get out of there, there was no need to wonder about it. Inhaling a deep breath, Ignis yelled into the castle halls. "HEY, QUEEN ELSA, YOU HERE!? WE NEED TO TALK TO YOU!"
View attachment 49796 Faust had slipped on the stairs and fell on his bottom, and Ignis couldn't figure out if she wanted to smile at it, or just sigh and walk away. This guy's happy-go-lucky nature was going to be the death of her, that much she figured at least. Seeing as how the stairs seemed fairly well built, especially given that they were made out of ice, Ignis decided it was fine enough to cross. As she took her first step, she grabbed Faust's collar and began winding up. "Here, let me give you a hand." Ignis rolled her body and threw Faust from the bottom of the stairs up to the top, and had him crash into the big doors that were covering the entrance to the castle. She clapped her hands together and dusted them off, walking up the stairs at a normal pace. As she reached the top, she looked back down at Faust. "Depending on how things go, you'll get used to ice as well." She grabbed the doors and opened them, being the first one into the castle.
View attachment 49795 Ignis continued to walk around, looking at the castle and scenery, wondering who was going to be the first person to try going into the castle. Soon enough Faust had gotten out of the snow that she had buried him in, and came running back up. Yet again, however, the guy had to make another pun and Ignis simply clicked her tongue. This guy's sense of humor got on Ignis's bad side very easily, and she figured it was best to take this opportunity to have Faust be the guinea pig. She walked over to Faust and patted him on the back. "Well, at least you're alright from that little trick of yours. Though you look a little weak in the knees still. Here, let me give you a push," shoving Faust's back and sending him onto the icy staircase, full body-weight forward.
View attachment 49793 Ignis knew they needed to get into the castle to find Elsa, but she also didn't think it was too great an idea to just leave Faust and Beuce behind. She wondered if maybe Beuce had hidden himself behind a rock or something, not noticing him for a while now. She went over and poke Faust some more in the leg and in the bit of chest that was still sticking out. "I think he's dead," jokingly saying so as she kept poking him. She sighed a little and walked up to the staircase to the ice castle. Honestly it didn't feel like a good idea to go into a giant castle made out of ice. It looked like the ice would break if they even stepped on it. Not really wanting to take the chance at being the first one to test it, she began to wander, pretending to look at every part of the castle, holding off the inevitability.
View attachment 49791 After having knocked down the giant snow golem, Ignis had thought that it was done and over with. Soon enough however, Olaf came tromping through and got impaled yet again, except this time it was by a reformed snow golem. Ignis was about ready to just walk away from it this time when, coincidence of coincidences, Olaf caused the thing to trip and tumble. Ignis just shrugged a little and took it as it was. All this while she was still holding a less-than-conscious Faust in her hand. She really didn't feel like dragging the guy around, so she figured the best way to get him up was force it out of him. She began slapping the guy silly in his face, then dunked his head into the snow, with his feet facing skyward. If that didn't wake him up, nothing would. At this point, Olaf pointed out a giant frozen staircase that led to a giant ice castle. Ignis could only look on with a blank stare. "What is it with people and these absurdly giant designs?"
View attachment 49789 As Ignis continued with her attacks on the golem, she noticed that Faust had gotten up off the ground and was attempting to get in close to the creature. As he got close to the arm, she could tell he was attempting to do something big and backed off for a second, doing so just in time to get out of the way of Faust bringing down a giant lightning bolt that struck the snow golem and Faust at the same time. The good news was that Faust had severed, or torn - or whatever the proper word usage was - the snow golem's arm off, and now it seemed to be just about done. The bad news, or maybe semi-bad, since it didn't seem to terrible, was that Faust had electrocuted himself and was now a human battery on the ground, giving off little bits of electricity. Ignis decided to leave Faust be for the moment and looked back at the golem, of which seemed concerned about the loss of its arm. Then it turned its head back toward Ignis, almost seeming to be frightened a bit. Ignis didn't really care though, as she ran straight up to the creature and started plowing through it with a heavy blow of punches yet again. It seemed as if Faust's strike had weakened it a fair amount, as Ignis was now just pummeling right through the creature, turning every bit of it into little chunks. She punched through the golem's legs first, having it fall to the ground, and then punched out its other arm, and soon enough all that was left was a deformed torso and head. Before doing anything else, she stared down at the golem, who seemed terrified about what was going to happen next. Ignis pivoted on her foot and spun herself around, then landed a kick right in the golem's face, following through and sending the creature flying through the air and falling off the side of the cliff, falling out of sight and out of mind. After having taken down the creature, Ignis walked over and grabbed Faust out of the snow by his leg, looking at the guy as he was still shocked by his own attack. "Not exactly a perfect ten on the execution, but I suppose it'll do." Yanking Faust out of the snow pile, she couldn't tell if he was even still alive. "I wonder what I should do with this now?" Marshamllow: 0 EXP: 40 Total: 179
View attachment 49788 At this point the snow golem was pretty weak from being beat up on by spells galore, and Ignis figured there was another chance to get a hit in on the thing. Though she also needed to get up from her position on the ground, being on top of Faust and all that. She managed to get up, still a little sore from being swung at by the thing's giant hand, and then stretched quickly to get a crick in her neck out. It had been a while since a big giant thing of any kind threw her for a loop like that, and she had forgotten how it felt. Either way, it was time to damage it again. Taking that point, she ran up and started wailing on the snow golem yet again with her fits and feet. Using her keyblade wasn't going to do too much damage considering the thing was still made out of snow and ice, whether it was weakened or not, and Ignis felt was just faster to wale on it instead. She punched the thing all over, getting around AJ's spells and knocking it back and forth. The snow golem seemed to try and attack back, but it seemed to have slowed down a bit since this fight started. Ignis jumped and ducked whenever the golem swiped at her, then took another beating from Ignis's fists. She wished she could make use of her Aura here, since logic would say that fire would be good against snow, but given that earlier it didn't do much, she figured there was something going on that was weakening fire. If she were to guess it was probably due to the fact that Elsa had turned the whole area in a polar region, but there was no point complaining about it. Ignis pounded harder and harder on the creature, reshaping bits and pieces of it, having slammed her fist against the same spots multiple times. Marshamllow: 254 EXP: 32 Total: 139
So I volunteered to make a D&D campaign for a friend since he wanted to join one, and we had our first session on wednesday, and I was wondering if 1 or 2 more people would care to try and join us for saturday night runs around 6:30PM CST?
You know what, I'm working on a D&D campaign (offered to DM one for my first time for a friend so he could be in one without being DM as well), and I need some NPCs, so lay it on me. I'll add in age though. Also, I still have room for 1 or 2 more if anyone's interested, we only did our first session wednesday. Race: Human Class: Rogue Gender: Male Age: 17-20
View attachment 49781 Ignis continued to stand her ground against the giant snow golem, and then noticed that to the side of her view, Faust was getting ready to launch his own attack. She backed off just in time as a rainstorm of lightning began striking the snow golem, seeming to only get it irritated. Taking advantage of the slight opening that occurred, she jumped back into the fray and kicked the golem upside the chin again, trying to get it off balance. It didn't seem to affect it too much though, as she kicked it and felt like kicking a brick wall, though that might have been because it was more from the ice instead of the snow. Either that or the snow on its chin was packed incredibly tightly and she just didn't notice it much from the first time kicking it. The golem didn't seem to enjoy it either way though, as it swung its large hard to try and grab Ignis. There wasn't much way for her to get out of the way, so she brought her keyblade up and swung down, throwing the hand into the snow. This didn't stop the golem though, as it brought its foot up and tried to stomp on top of Ignis. She quickly rolled out of the way and noticed that she was back up against the rock wall the creature tried to slam her against earlier, and Ignis had backed herself into a corner without realizing it. The golem swung its body around, hitting Ignis with the back of its giant hand and throwing her across the ground yet again. It wasn't enjoyable being thrown around like a rag doll, and what happened next certainly wasn't enjoyable either. Being thrown through the air, she didn't realize that she had been thrown into the direction of Faust and slammed right into him, knocking them both down on the ground. Ignis moaned a little and rubbed her head, having another high-pitched yelp come out as more snow came down her back. She was getting really tired of making that sound, but it was just a really weird feeling having something that cold go down her back. She got up and patted off her back, took off her jacket, shook it out to make sure all the snow was off it, then put it back on, wishing her design choice at this moment in time was one that included a way to protect her neck from outside snow. She reached down and grabbed Faust by the scruff of his neck and yank him onto his knees, so he wasn't laying flat on his back. "Alright buddy, no time to be laying down on the job, we can do that after." She knocked his on the back and prepared for the next charge at the creature. Marshmallow: 770 EXP: 47 Total: 109
View attachment 49780 As the group became separated by the snow golem's attack, Ignis took the opportunity to jump on top of the golem's back and stabbed her keyblade into it. While the keyblade itself wasn't going to do much damage, she could use it as a grip and lay a physical beat down on the creature instead. Hopefully it also meant that she'd be in its blind spot and be unable to get attacked, but that would remain to be seen. She brought her fist down on the creature and punched it like crazy, wondering exactly how strange it looked from someone else, seeing a person just punch a bunch of ice and snow. But it didn't change the fact that they had to do something about this thing either way, and right now it was the best idea that she could come up with. It seemed like the golem didn't enjoy being punched in the back however, since as she kept trying, the golem straightened up and charged backwards right into a rock wall. Ignis quickly took out her keyblade and climbed up over the golem's face and jumping to the snow below. The golem slammed into the wall hard, causing the ground to shake somewhat. Ignis took the change to go at it again, but the golem had other plans. It brought its hand to swipe at Ignis yet again, and this time Ignis was too close to get out of the way in time. She brought her keyblade up to guard against the Icicles and took a huge slam to the side, sending her flying a bit across the ground. At least the landing was soft as she skidded across the snow. She got up, slightly dizzy from the attack, and then suddenly let out a yelp. As she had gotten up, a bit of snow had gotten under her coat and slid down her back, getting it cold and wet. She hadn't expected it and it took her by surprised. Her face got a little red from the embarresing sound she had made and continued the assault. The golem tried to swipe at Ignis again, but this time she brought her keyblade down on the hand and took off the tips of two of the golem's icicle fingers. At least now they didn't have to worry quite so much about being impaled. Marshmallow: 942/1200 EXP: 39 EXP total: 62
View attachment 49778 The group had climbed a decent amount up the mountain when they finally came into something that could be called "dangerous"; and Ignis almost felt like tossing Olaf down a cliff for being the one to jinx it. As soon as the words had been said about some kind of "sign, trap, or giant snow golem", the latter just had to pop out of nowhere and threaten them. Well, if nothing else, it was a good workout in this temperature. Ignis took the initiative and brought out her keyblade, running up and taking a stab at the creature. She realized it was a little silly, given that it was snow, but she figured that if it had a body, snow or not, it must be able to be broken. Of course, it wasn't quite so easy, since her stab ended up just sinking into the creature. As her keyblade got stuck, the golem brought its icicle covered hand down on Ignis, and she jumped out of the way, just barely dodging the attack. She took the chance to go back and grab her keyblade while the golem was still in the follow-through of its swipe, and as she yanked it out, she brought her boot to the underside of the golem's chin and kicked it. Landing back on the snow, she patted herself down. "Well, this is going to be interesting." Marshmallow: 1114/1200 BP EXP: 23
View attachment 49775 As the group continued to listen to the live snowman, Ignis hadn't realized she was still holding down Faust somewhat. Letting him go, she got up and followed Olaf as they made their way up the mountain. It was kind of strange hearing him go on about summer though, given that he was a snowman. You'd think that something cold would want to enjoy more cold, but apparently that wasn't the case here. She couldn't help a giant grin form as she thought about Olaf and summer. "I'm gonna tell him," saying it just loud enough for Beuce and Faust to hear.
No clue, apparently a character from a visual novel. I just find them here and there
Up to you. Personally I'd say don't let other's opinions influence your actions, but that's just my philosophy
Answer 1: meh Answer 2: i look at puns as if they're garbage and should burn, I simply look at rhymes with disdain. Don't let that stop you if...
View attachment 49767 Faust had thanked Ignis for her help, albeit a little muffled, and stumbled his way out from under her grip. Well, maybe not stumbled, but it wasn't graceful no matter what the proper word was. He had gotten out either way and apparently didn't learn his lesson, because the next thing he did was make yet another bad pun. This only irritated Ignis more and she could swear she was giving off killing intent as she smiled back to Faust. She put one of her arms on his shoulder and silently nodded. After that, she placed her other hand on the back of his hand, and slammed it even harder into the snow, burying his head completely in it down to his neck. "So," She starred at the snowman and watched as its body wandered around still headless, "What exactly do we do with this thing, anyways?"
View attachment 49746 As the group dealt with the living snowman -- if "living" that was the proper word to be used -- Faust seemed intent on making friends with thing. Although, Ignis was slightly more interested in how the guy had even managed to get himself tangled up in a bunch of crystallized dew in the first place. She let out a giant sigh as he made his ice pun and walked over to deal with him. She took out her keyblade, and without any warning, cut the ice that was holding him and let him fall face-first into the snow. As he fell, she knelt down and slammed her hand on his head, plunging his face into the snow even further. "You know, it's actually kind of impressive," She placed her free hand on her leg and made a little pondering face, "I've only just met you but you've somehow managed to irritate me more than most people in my life with that personality of yours. Is this going to be a recurring thing with us?" Ignis continued to her Faust's face in the snow, keeping the innocent, pondering look all the while, as if she had no clue what was going on.
View attachment 49740 The group had finally decided on whatever they were going to wear and caught up with Ignis, walking through the snowy mountains until they came to a small clearing with a few trees that had little droplets of ice that hung off the trees. It certainly was something different, Ignis would admit that. Though not nearly as different as the randomness that occurred right after. Anna had made a comment about how nice it was, and out of nowhere there was a snowman, quite a strange one at that, from Ignis's perspective at least, and it was walking and talking on its own. It scarred Anna enough that she knocked its head off and into Beuce's arms, which didn't stop it from speaking. "Hey Beuce, you've -'ve got something in your arms there" She tried to find the words, but they left her as she just stared at the snowman, wondering how exactly to react.