View attachment 49891 After Ignis had been shoved into a truck with her captor, she figured the best thing was to just sit and wait patiently for something to happen. They weren't going in style, but they still had to go somewhere, so even if they were prisoners of some sort they were still getting that objective done. She wondered where they were exactly, since the only thing that was possible to see was a giant lake of water and the dark walls of a wave along with the ruins they were getting ready to go down. From the sound of it this cave was underwater somewhere, but it seemed like it might be a little more complicated than that considering that that Rourke guy had responded. Eventually Faust and Ananta were put in the truck as well and they were all grouped together, waiting to head off to whoever knows where. Ananta asked Ignis on where they had picked up Faust and responded back. "Well, we met up at a ceremony in a castle in the last world and he sort of ended up tagging along with us since he was helpful." She turned her head toward Faust and back to Ananta, "Just watch out, he's got a really bad sense of humor, and maybe it's just me, but he has a really weird time talking to girls." As she warned Ananta, Ignis remembered the words Faust had first said to her and her face flushed red with embarrassment. She wanted to forget that moment of her life so hard, but it just sticks out so much that it was impossible to forget.
I'm not really sure I understand where exactly in the game's timeline the Noctis DLC will take place, but do you think they'll all play like Ignis', where they play as both part of the story, and then the "What If" scenario?
Huh, so we get 2 new songs? How interesting. Now I'm curious on what the opening will sound like.
View attachment 49863 Rydia felt dizzy as she listened to the loud one named Finlay introduce himself. It was one of the most long-winded and drawn out introductions she had ever heard. If nothing else, the guy had energy to spare. The guy seemed to be pretty distracted fairly quickly though, as eventually his attention had been turned to another girl who joined the group. This one seemed to know something about where they were going, and didn't leave much of a good impression. "Well, if it gets us out of here, I'm willing to go anywhere," replying on her own to the new person's question about the danger they were going into. It seemed like most of the others in this group of people had met this new girl and were more aware of what was going on than she was, but it was too much trouble to ask for the backstory. Rydia simply felt it best that she just go on and take things as they came. "Oh yeah," pointing her finger in a "aha" notion, and lowering it toward Finlay "How in the world do you have so much energy, especially after what just went down?"
Well, if that's what it is, maybe it has something to do with Xehanort, since we already know he's become a heartless, perhaps there'll be more that happens with his character
I always figured that was just how they chose it to be asymmetrical, especially with KH2. Though having a big bad Aizen - I mean Madara - I mean Xehanort, will probably do that to a group. What I'm curious about is the random heartless holding the star. Also, that cityscape looks completely different. Maybe it's the world Nomura was saying was his favorite that we haven't seen yet. Also, why is Namine on the artwork? Does she have some big role in the story? I'm surprised Ansem the Wise isn't also there than, if we're taking into account major side characters.
Well, looks like people are going to get Demyx back, or at least his Somebody of Demyx. This trailer felt completely different from previous ones though, the scenes had a much different impact. And can I just say how glad I am that we'll be fighting Davy Jones?
Well, with the new system in place, I guess I'm doing this Equipping all Combo and Air Combos Taking my Achievement of 105 points and grabbing Auto-Aura Lv1 Unequipping Critical Plus Equipping Auto-Aura Lv1
View attachment 49859 Ignis had tried to distract the Commander by pointing out a random person in the group, but it didn't work. Honestly, she didn't even know why she did it, she was just tired of the back and forth of nothing. Roark had ordered the soldier to remove his helmet, and under it was a young guy who seemed to be a little nervous about where he was. He certainly didn't seem the type to be in the military at least. The soldier, Laguna, was ordered to tie up Ananta while some guy next to him tied up Ignis. She wasn't very happy about it, but they weren't exactly trying to get away from this place, so as long as they could get moving somewhere it was better than nothing. As the guy behind her tied her hands, she began to wonder on why exactly there were so many weapons in this group. The leader guy seemed to be military of some sort, but that Milo person seemed to be a wimp in every sense of the word. It seemed like they were at least looking for something, but did that really require the firepower? It just didn't sit right with her. There were at least a few dozen people that had guns and there wasn't even anything around to use them on. And speaking of which, it seemed like Ananta was speaking to her captor and Ignis figured she might as well try the same. She turned her head back toward the guy who tied her up, "So do you think you could tell me what it is you guys are doing down here? We're going to be together for a while it seems, might as well get to know each other."
View attachment 49858 There didn't seem to be much getting through to these guys as they continued to be hostile towards the three. Ignis turned around and looked out at the water, and noticed slightly ripples on the surface of the water and got curious. Most of the water seemed pretty still, though maybe it was a fish or something that had gotten near the surface. She decided to keep it in the back of her mind as Faust attempted, very poorly, the do a sleight of hand magic trick. Ananta didn't seem terribly impressed, and then she ended doing something even more crazy; the girl actually chose to show off real magic in front of these guys. Ignis was trying to keep anything strange out of the conversation considering this group of people freaked out at the simple sign of three new people, and now they just witnessed magic. The part about this was that the group had no idea if magic was a thing in this world or not. "Great, thanks for making things more complicated," Ignis sighed and sat down, not wanting to think about this but having to come up with some way to deal with this "Commander" guy. As she began pondering, she looked around the cavern, trying to see if there was anything she could make note of. Turning her head back towards the people from this world, she noticed there was a soldier walking out from behind a car. Ignis was sure that these guys wouldn't just walk off when they just met a group of unknown people and pulling weapons on them, and a grunt would most certainly not just walk off to do his own thing while a stalemate was in place. Ignis wondered what was going on and pointed her finger to the guy that had just walked out. "You know, I think you've got another unexpected guest, and this one's a little closer to home for you I'd say." At this point her gaze was more fixated on the out-of-place grunt than the guy who was demanding answers three feet from her.
View attachment 49857 It seemed like the guy who was running the shots seemed to be losing his patience, and frankly, so was Ignis. It's not like she could tell them that they suddenly teleported from one world to the other; who would even believe that? Thinking it, Ignis rolled her eyes over to Ananta and wondered how it was they somehow found it plausible that she was there while both Faust and herself were being seen as some crazy people. She really just wanted to knock these guys out and get moving, but it wouldn't get them anywhere if she did that. Sighing, she put her hands up in a "fine, whatever" position, "Look, all I know is I was on a boat, got knocked over, ended up underwater, then found myself here. If you want more, you'll have to learn how to travel to the past and see it yourself, then tell me the story, because I don't know it." After that she simply stared the Commander down the barrel of his gun, continuing, "Though if you really want to get into a fight about it, I'm more than happy to oblige. Not like it's going to get us anywhere though, seeing as how everyone else would still be down here, just with one less person. Maybe instead of worrying about how we ended up here, we go down that single path and see what's around here, instead of wasting our time doing nothing?" She finished her sentence, pointing to the hole in the wall up the stairs.
View attachment 49854 Ignis figured there'd be some point in time where there was going to be a rough reception, but she never figured it'd be right after having drowned in a storm. She finished shaking out her boots and put them back on, still trying to get her clothes as dry as possible. "Well, how we got here is pretty simple. We got thrown off our boat in the middle of a storm, fell into the ocean, and then ended up here. Any other reasons behind it, you got me." At this point she was shaking her hair like crazy to get anything in it. "Though I know I can tell you two things. First, no idea what an Atlantean is, and I sure as hell am not one. Second, I need you to keep that one away from me, he's bound to get hurt if he keeps acting like that," finishing her sentence by pointing to the mole-like person. "And if you want anyone to ask, just ask "little miss green hair" over there, she knows us - well, me."
View attachment 49852 Ignis struggled to get to the top of the water, having been dragged under by the current. She had been pulled through some kind of light along with Faust, but she had lost sight of him and couldn't make out where she was. The most she could do was keep swimming upward and try to break through the water. As she reached the top, she broke through and gasped for breath, feeling like her lungs were on fire. Her vision was still blurry, and the only thing on her mind right now was getting out of the water. She swam and flung her arms outward, grabbing whatever she could, be it a rock, a boat, or even simply land. She got her wish as she flung her hand out to take another swim and slammed her hand onto something hard, probably a rock. She quickly scooped herself out of the water and breathed heavily, gasping for air. Taking a moment to look around, she realized that they were surrounded by a bunch of people, all of whom where helping out another person. Ignis looked to her right and noticed right beside her were Faust and Ananta, who apparently had decided on a wardrobe change. Ignis sat, stunned at the development and taking a guess they had ended up in another world somehow. What clothing she had was soaked, and began to wring out her jacket. "Not exactly the way I was expecting to leave that world, and I'm hoping it doesn't happen that way again." She got up and took off her boots, turning them over and letting a large amount of water spill out of them. "So, how you been Ananta? I see you met the pain in my butt."
View attachment 49850 Rydia had no idea what had happened before, with one of the people in their group getting rid of two of the others using some kind of disk-thing, and then a snowman appearing and then blowing up, and now part of the group seeming to be against them. Not really knowing who these people were made her not want to think about it even more. It was too much for her brain to take at this point in time. And now there was a kid who showed up basically taking the reigns and telling them where they were going next. She was staying behind the rest of the group, keeping out of their visions as she watched what was going on. "Well, I guess as long as it gets us out of this weird place." Looking at the portal that was showing some kind of mansion. "I'd really prefer going back home, but I guess it isn't going to be a straight shot." Well, at least you get to help them out some more. Seiryu was butting into Rydia's thoughts and she didn't enjoy it. "Oh sure, I get to help out people I have no interest in. Yay for me."
Had to play it back at .25 speed, but yeah, those look like the bug blox from Re:coded. They had mentioned in the game that the bugs would try to escape to the real world, but I thought they had all been cleared out of the journal already, so what gives?
Anyone else notice we're going to get rain in Port Royal? I'm looking forward to how that looks
View attachment 49845 As Ignis enjoyed the brief downtime on the boat, a storm came up and made life more difficult yet again. She tried to hold on as the waves rocked the boat side to side, but the wind, rain, and waves made it too much and she ended up falling overboard, unable to catch sight of the others. Taking a big breathe, Ignis splashed into the ocean, trying to keep herself afloat while the water tried to pull her under. Every time she managed to break through the water's surface, another wave came up and tried to push her back down. She could barely get any time to look around and see what was going on, and at this point, all she knew was she was last at sea and no one was around to help her out.
View attachment 49843 The group had climbed down the mountain after failing to catch that ink-mouse thing, and Elsa had given them a ship to take. Ignis wasn't really sure how they were going to end up in another world just taking a simple ship, but something was better than nothing. She got on bored and looked around, picking a spot against the edge on the opposite side of the ship to lean up against and stare at the water. There wasn't much else for them to do at this point, so she was just ready to get going and not waste any time.
Time to up some stuff. Stats Spending 30 crowns to get +2 HP Spending 50 crowns for +5 Def Spending 30 crowns for +3 Speed New Stats HP: 105 MP: 6 STR: 51 (+2) SPD: 25 DEF: 30 (+2) MAG: 11 RES: 15 AP: 45 (+2) Remaining Crowns: 76 Munny: Spending 800 for Ray of Light Spending 750 for Energy Bangle Spending 1000 to complete Red Mage requirement "Have Base Strength and Magic at 25" Spending 850 for Splattercombo Remaining Munny: 8020 Unlock Jobs White Mage, Monk, Red Mage, and Paladin Skills: Equipping Critical Plus Also have 102 Achievement points now, so I'll add in that extra +5 HP back up in that stat tree. And I don't suppose you already added in the +1 AP for the 60 points?
View attachment 49838 Ignis felt her face flush red from Faust's comment, thinking back to the party and how he introduced himself to her. She knew he was joking, but it still got to her. Unable to keep her emotions in check, she started swinging her fists and threw kicks at Faust, trying to knock him out. At this point she felt like she was dealing with her siblings who kept teasing her. "Would you stand still so I can hit you!?" screaming as she tried to land a blow.