The group continued on their way to the throne room, chatting about what to do. As Faust made his oh-so-terrible joke, Ignis flicked him on the forehead and looked at Castur. "Haven't you heard of a jinx? Because that's what's going to happen if you keep talking like that. " She put her arms behind her head as she continued. "Everything simple always becomes complicated somehow. " December attendance: 2
View attachment 50046 Right after the group had finished taking out all of Rourke's goons, Laguna showed up out of nowhere and held them all at gunpoint, not really understanding the situation. Castur and Faust attempted to talk to him, and managed to calm him down enough to get him to even tell them exactly where Rourke was taking Milo and Kida. At least something was easy enough this day. "Well, since we know where they are, might as well go kick Rourke's butt. Oh, and save the city too, tha's probably important too." Ignis began walking to the throne room and stopped after realizing something. "So, where exactly is the throne room from here?" December Attendance: 1/30
Huh, so I guess that improvised stance that she did back in KH2 and we saw in that group shot in Kh3D was actually close her normal fight stance. It kind of looks like she's copying Sora a little.
Only 2 more trailers and then almost a month and a half of waiting for the game to come out. Dang it, why did I have to have class on that Tuesday?
View attachment 50030 Ignis looked around to see who was left to deal with, and it seemed like there was only 7 soldiers left to deal with, after watching Castur take down another one. Ignis picked two that were closest to her and rushed over to them, aiming to get in a couple hits and knocking them out quickly. It didn't seem like the soldiers were willing to let that happen however, as they noticed Ignis running toward them and started firing bullets like crazy. Ignis weaved though the bullets, deflecting a couple that strayed in her path, and got up close and personal with the two soldiers. One of them tried to smack her with the butt of their gun, and Ignis brought her fist over the the tip of the gun, slamming it and throwing all of its weight to the side, causing the soldier's arms to twist in the wrong direction and leaving him open for some hits. Ignis took the chance and grabbed the back of the soldier's head, and brought her knee up to his face, slamming it and breaking yet another mask, seeing the soldier's eyes fill with fear as she looked through the mask. Ignis brought her knee to his face a couple more times, and seeing through the eye sockets of the mask, could tell the guy was barely conscious at this point. Ignis let go of the soldier's head and brought her leg to the ground then spun a full 360 degrees, bringing her body weight into the kick and slammed the soldier across the head, sending him flying a little and seeing him flop across the ground and lay motionless. The other soldier didn't seem like he would let Ignis get a break though, as he decided to charge after Ignis himself. The soldier got in close and tried to throw a couple punches, flailing about wildly. Ignis dodged left and right, choosing to not even move from her position. She figured the soldier was trained better than this, but then again, it was possible maybe they just didn't bother much with hand-to-hand combat given all the guns. She yawned a little at the soldier kept flailing wildly, attempting to get in a punch. Ignis brought her hand up and caught the soldier's fist as he threw more punches, holding them in place and bringing her head forward, giving him a headbutt, then letting go of one of the guy's hand and used both to grapple his arm, throwing him over her shoulder and slamming him to the ground. Continuing her attack, she brought a fist down on the guard's chest, and then continued with a flurry of punches. She wasn't sure if the guy was still conscious or not, and figured it was best to just make sure. At that point grabbed the soldier's legs and spun him around, and after a couple spins, let him fly through the air and slam into a pillar, causing the pillar to crack and fall apart, with the debris falling on top of the soldier as he landed on the ground. At that point Ignis was pretty sure the soldier was well taken care of and unconscious. Fixing her bangs as some of it got in her vision, she looked over the Castur. "Well, I'm all for beating up the guy myself. He can't even deal with his own problems himself, instead of leaves his half-baked henchmen to do it. And what a remarkable job they've done so far," looking around at the bodies on the ground, choosing to keep her view away from Ananta's unfortunate victims. Words: 602 Total EXP: 300 Soldiers Defeated: 2 5/50 Remaining
View attachment 50021 As Ignis and the rest of the crew dealt with soldiers, it seemed like Ananta all of a sudden had a change of heart about the whole "not killing the enemies" thing, and decided to squish a bunch of them with gravity magic. Even to Ignis, who had lived her life as a mercenary killing people and monsters both, the sound of the crushing bodies and agonizing screams made her seriously reconsider Ananta's mental health. "Uh, Ananta, are you feeling alright? You know you can talk to us about anything, right?" She tried not to attach a joking tone to it, but without even trying there was definitely a slight bit as she said the words. Soon enough more soldiers began to surround Ignis and she readied herself to deal with enemies yet again. This time five enemies were encompassing her, and all of them had their guns pointed at her. As the group pulled the triggers on their guns, Ignis quickly ducked down, let each and every one of the fire a shot and miss completely. As she ducked, she spun her keyblade around her body, knocking their guns around in random directions, with a couple knocking back right into the masks of their holders. Then she dropped to the ground and slide her foot across the legs of the enemies, knocking them all off their feet. As she knocked the last one down, she brought her fist down on his mask, breaking the glass on it and smashing the soldier's face in, knocking him out cold. One of the other soldiers tried to get back up and grapple Ignis, but as he got his hands around her, she brought her foot back on his leg, knocking him off balance and pulled him down to the ground as he held her, knocking his arms off. Getting back up on her feet, she grabbed the soldier by the collar of his coat and tossed him into a pillar. Soon enough the other three soldiers were back up on their feet and waiting for an opening to attack Ignis themselves. One tried to fire another shot at her, and Ignis quickly grabbed the barrel of the gun then moved it to the side, letting the bullet fly off into a random direction. Then she shoved the gun forward, back into the guy's face, crushing his own mask and then threw a few punched into his stomach, and after finished, she figured the guy was still going to keep trying, but after noticing he wasn't moving, figured the soldier had fallen unconscious while somehow standing up. She simply pat the guys soldier out of pity and looked behind her to deal with the last two soldiers. Both of them at this point seemed to be slightly shaking from the rattling of their guns, and Ignis brought her keyblade in front, then slashed the air, cutting the barrels of the guns into small pieces. The soldiers seemed to still be panicking, and Ignis figured it was best to just knock them out since they weren't going to do anything else. Words: 517 Total EXP: 200 Soldiers Defeated: 5 19/50 Remaining
View attachment 50018 As Ignis was readying to head out to fight the annoyance in her neck, said annoyance managed to appear in front of them, with a bunch of guys holding guns surrounding them. It seemed like somehow the bad guys always had perfect timing with their bad timing. Eventually Rourke kidnapped both Milo and Kida, and the keybladers were left to mop up the goons yet again. Ignis wanted to deck Rourke out then and there, but of course nothing was that simple. She simply got her keyblade out and readied for a fight against some people, which was kind of a nice difference from all the heartless fights. Though when Ananta had mentioned about not killing them, Ignis let out a little frown. "So, you're basically telling a mercenary who's whole life basically revolved around killing to not kill a bunch of people who want to kill us? Does anyone else see the irony in this, or is it just me?" She shook her head as a bunch of soldiers aimed their guns at Ignis and took fire. Ignis ducked down and dodged the bullets coming after her, reading her blade and charging after the guys in front of her. Two of them tried to take aim at her again from her left and right side, but Ignis jumped around from side to side, making it harder for them to get a lock on her. She closed the distance on the soldier to her left and got up close and personal, kicking the gun barrel up to the air as the soldier fired another shot, and spun around, then planet her kicking foot on the ground, only to let loose her other leg onto the soldier's stomach. The kick went right into the guy's gut, and from the sound of it, cracking a few of his ribs, and sending the guy flying through the air and onto the ground. As he hit the ground, even through his mask Ignis could make out the familiar sound of someone hacking up their stomach contents. She simply made an "ew" face from the sound, and turned around to deal with the other soldier. At least she could give credit to these guys, since they didn't just stand around as their allies got their butts kicked, or stomachs in the previous case. The soldier was already taking aim at Ignis with his gun, and fired. From the distance, Ignis figured she wouldn't be able to dodge out of the way, so she used her keyblade in front of the trajectory of the bullet and blocked it, sending it ricocheting and hitting a pillar across the area. She jumped up and over the soldier's head, landing behind him, and quickly brought her keyblade down on the soldier's back, taking him out with a single hit. She noticed both Ananta and Castur fighting as well. Ananta was busy deflecting bullets from a soldier firing at her, and Castur was knocking a soldier away form him. Ignis figured as the soldier was falling she'd give a helping hand and sent her keyblade flying at the soldier's head, knocking him as he went back and watched as he fell to the ground. As she brought her keyblade back and threw it to another unsuspecting soldier, a question popped in her head. "Wait, so Castur, back when we arrived in this world and I tried to distract Rourke saying one of his soldiers wasn't his, does that mean I was actually right? Huh, color me surprised. You know, I thought I saw something in the water as we arrived, I don't suppose you came to this world that way too?" Words: 611 EXP: 100 Defeated: 3 44/50 Remaining 1 Injured [25/40]
View attachment 50015 Apparently the group had been pulled to an area of Atlantis that had some sort of history to it, and the linguist of the group seemed to be fairly helpful at this point. As Milo went on about what he found, it seemed like there was a thing that was pretty important to have, that everyone was searching for. Ignis figured Milo likely didn't have any evil intentions for it, but she figured there was probably more to his merry little band than that. Bringing up the conversation, their personal "guard" took off his mask and introduced himself as Castur. As he did, and mentioned that both Ananta and Ignis had met him, it seemed like he had a fairly good idea on what was going on. "Okay, well, let me get a couple things straight," saying this she counted on her fingers the things that had been passed over in the past couple minutes, "so we've got some kind of important crystal that belongs to this city, Milo and all of Rourke's men are here to find said crystal, our guard was a keyblader who really doesn't care much for his incognito jobs, because I'd fire him for how much he didn't follow the rules and let us wander around, and the guy who's got all the guns is, surprise surprise, a guy who we've got to deal with in one way or another because that's pretty much a part of our job description now to deal with anyone who's got a weapon that isn't us." At this point she turned her back on the group and decided to walk back towards the city proper. "Well, if that's all there is to it, might as well do the simple thing and deal with Rourke. Oh well, pretty sure the guy has wanted to deal with me since the moment we met, so I might as well give him proper reason. Haven't much enjoyed his company either."
I'm curious if that means we've seen all the worlds in the game by this point than, or we'll get more trailers with new worlds.
I'm a bit terrified of the movie from the trailer, but also curious, mainly because it's Ryan Reynolds voicing in it, so we all know some of the jokes are going to be aimed more toward older people. On the other hand, people should really stop trying to make anime a live-action thing. It just doesn't translate well. All those pokemon are pretty terrifying.
Well, I'm mixed on Xehanort's new voice. I won't say it's bad, but yeah, that gruffness from before. Oh well, not like we can do anything about it. On the other hand, couple things: 1) Why do we have to have Hundred Acre Woods again? 2) What's up with the 4 mini-mes with Xehanort during that last scene? Now I'm curious who they are 3) I'm curious on how Lingering Will will play out in this game 4) Anyone else wondering if we're going to have a massive repeat, both literally and figuratively, of the 1000 heartless battle from KH2? It better be awesome with all those heartless and nobodies. 5) I realized this the other week, but apparently when Luxord is asking about a box, Jack must have winced because of the box from the movie plot 6) I'm mostly curious about that world with Chirithy. I wonder if it has anything to do with that giant box that's part of the plot now. Or for all we know, it's actually Kingdom Hearts. 7) Wonder if this is Demyx's Somebody, or if he's actually one of the Xehanorts. And what's up with Even?
View attachment 49964 Ignis waved her hand to the chatty guard in response to him making fun of her name, or his nickname, or whatever. She had gotten a little lost in the conversation at that point. "Call me whatever you want, I don't really care." This guy was already doing whatever he wanted, it wasn't like calling her something different was going to bug her. Besides, at this point she figured this guard of theirs either had nothing better to do, or had an ulterior motive to following them, because he really didn't seem to care much about following his orders to the letter. Bringing up the topic of guards reminded her about that other one that they had to deal with. "Hey, i just realized, where'd that other guard go? Laguna, was it? I figured he'd follow us around too. Doesn't seem like a smart decision to assign only one guard to a group of people. That, or High-and-mighty-Roark doesn't care about us so much as something else around here." Realizing it was a bit of a stretch, she turned to Ananta and figured she'd ask a question that was bugging her. "So, Ananta, out of curiosity, have you been to this world before? Or maybe a world that's like it in some way?"
Well, maybe in CoM he was the major antagonist, but in this case, he's not much more than one of the organization guys from KH2 who got their butts handed to them like Demyx or Xaldin. But I bet even if we fight him there, we'll have a huge organization fight in the final world since it's always seemed like they're trying to get this war going on between the 7 and 13.
That made me smile. Now I'm really curious if they'll just do jump cuts in the whole "i'm going/not going back" scene, or if it'll be spread out. Not too mention the part where they redid the scene at the end with her swinging and Sora is just lazily stretched against the tree. I'm looking forward to that. Well, that and Marluxia.
View attachment 49945 "I really don't care if you follow along or not, it's your choice." Ignis stated back to their captor, who apparently had some reason to follow them. She couldn't honestly tell why this guy was so fixated on them, but she was starting to get curious about it. Sure, there might be some guards who just took their job seriously and never let people out of their sight, but this guy emptied his entire weapon and basically said "go wherever you want". It wasn't normal behavior, that was for sure. There was also the curiosity as to how Kida knew about their group's name, whether it be intentional or not. Though she didn't care much for the meaning of the acronym. Ignis looked to the group and shrugged her shoulders, feeling like they were just being yanked from one place to the next in this world. At least in the last world they had a little bit of freedom before everything hit the ceiling; in this place they haven't really caught much of a break. "So anyways," Ignis looked over to their new forced-on companion, "I'm guessing 'Red' was the best nickname you could come up for me? Can't say it's the worst thing, but certainly not too original."
View attachment 49940 As the group continued talking, with Ignis realizing she just called the guard a part of their "group", he backed himself away, facing his back towards the rest of the guards. Then he began to talk as he took his ammunition out from his weapon. Ignis raised an eyebrow as he began doing this, finding it a little hard to watch. As he finished, Ignis could tell that he was basically saying "Hey, I'm letting you guys go secretly, so take it." "Wow, remind me to sign you up for an acting class at some point if your life, that was pretty bad." She looked around, wondering what to do next. "Well, might as well go see what's going on with those guys who went to see the king. Our guard here doesn't seem to care for his job much."
View attachment 49939 Ignis simply wondered on how she would respond to their guard's response to her own response about the weapons. She could obviously tell that he didn't believe her, but it was true that they didn't have any weapons on them at the moment. After all, it's like she had a sword or keyblade hanging off her side at the moment. The guard had brought up something about having weapons for self-defense, and she only slightly listened "Well, there's plenty of ways to defend yourself without a weapon. Bare hands, for example." She waved her hand in front of the guard, mocking him slightly with her response. She realized that Ananta was hiding behind her from Laguna's own conversation with her, and she let out a big sigh. "On come on, he's not that bad. Unlike Not-So-Funny over there," pointing her finger over toward Faust. As if on cue, Faust had made a pun about their captivity, and Ignis felt like he needed something for the stupid joke. She wasn't really in the mood for anything though, so she simply went over to him and slap him on the head. "By the way, you realize how strange your question is?" Turning her head back to their gabby captor, " 'People don't just wander into underwater caves searching for lost civilizations'? Do you not see the nerd at 12 o'clock, who's been reading that book nonstop? Trust me, there are plenty of people who would risk their lives to find history. Though not me, never been a giant fan of it."
View attachment 49936 After a little exchange between Roark and the one called Kida, Ignis and the others were finally let free of their chains. It wasn't like they were going to do anything like run away, she just really didn't like the feel of the chains on her wrists. It seemed like part of the exploration team was splitting up, with half of them going back into the tunnels, and the other half going into the city. Ignis wondered why exactly they needed to split up at all, but decided not to worry too much about it. As their captor unlocked their chains, he whispered some kind of thanks about not waving their weapons around. Ignis figured she'd just play coy and see what happens. "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have a single weapon on me." She lifted her arms and rotated around, showing no sign of weapons. "Though it's a little strange that you guys are bringing weapons into this place, don't you think?"
I'm guessing from the screenshots and the last few videos we've gotten, the Olympus story is actually going to follow the 2nd half of the movie this time around. Though I've got a question that needs answering: where's Auron?
View attachment 49895 Ignis tried to ignore Ananta on her comment regarding how she felt about Faust's introduction. She knew there was truth to what was said, but for her personally, compliments weren't exactly anything she usually cared for, and the timing of was very strange. "Yeah, well wearing a dress and being complimented was a double-hit that I just wasn't expecting, okay?" Ignis muttered somewhat and turned her head away from Ananta, making a slight pouting face. Along the way some of the members of the expedition party talked with each other, telling their own pasts and what they were here for. It was almost funny how it reminded Ignis of her previous life and how she lived to make money. Of course there was more to it than that, but from a certain angle it wasn't much different anyways. Elsewhere along the way it seemed like there were people following them in strange masks. They stuck to the shadows for most of the trip, but it seemed like at one point that Milo had noticed them and started running after them, with very impressive speed at that, considering the guy barely looked like he could run fifty meters. The rest of the convoy followed Milo and soon enough they found themselves on a cliff overlooking a giant open space underground, with what looked like an island sitting in the middle of a small lake on top of a plateau. It wasn't something that Ignis could really form into words, but it was certainly a view, she would admit that. "Huh, so I guess we found this Atlantis place?" She turned to their captors in the truck, "Don't suppose you'd just let us get out now, since you found what you were looking for?"