Ignis used Barrier Surge
View attachment 50239 Soon enough the group had chased into the whale yet again, and this time there were two giant globby heartless and a giant fading ghost. Ignis figured this was going to be a real pain, and then she noticed what Castur was looking at. Ignis cracked her knuckles and walked on forward. "Oh joy, haven't had a fight over some kind of bone-melting liquid in a long while. This should be fun." She brought out her keyblade and followed Castur's lead as he covered her in wind. He was certainly right, she was only good at the heavy hitting stuff, so she did was she was best at and combo'ed to life out of the parasite cage hold Kairi. Ignis used Combo
View attachment 50229 As the group made their way through the tunnels, eventually something decided to go wrong, as when Sora tried to go after the heartless that held Kairi the ground opened up, and the whole group fell back to the mouth. Ignis brushed herself off and groaned a bit. "So we get lost in a maze inside this giant whale and then we get sent back to square one? How terrific." She looked around as she said this, noticing that everyone else was there as well. She dusted herself off and got up, listening as Sora and some silver-haired kid got into some kind of argument. It felt a little strange to Ignis, as she could remember a time she acted just like that silver-haired boy, telling others what to do. Though the difference was she was doing it mainly to keep others out of her way. It wasn't really her place to say how one should act and the other shouldn't. "Just going to state the obvious here, but shouldn't we be following that one into the whale again? If not just to help those two that were captured."
Be glad you took 5 days. I beat it in 2 1/2. Now I've gotta go back and collect some trophies so I don't have to replay the whole thing again just to try for said trophies much later down the road. A certain gummi ship one is the bane of my existence right now. I would really like to know what that DLC will be right about now.
Now we just have to wait another 13 for KH4, which will likely be just as looked forward to because it'll be the beginning of the next arc. I will not be alive when the next arc finishes.
Ignis turned Right
Ignis went Left
Ignis continued straight
I plan to play it on proud mode, but going to try and impose challenges on myself to make it harder. No upgrades, no combo boosts, no attractions, and no team attacks during boss fights. Hopefully that'll make it nice and challenge for a final entry in this saga.
View attachment 50225 Ignis had been reunited with Kel and introduced to Marx when soon enough Kaida and AJ had come into the room as well. Kaida began bombarding Ignis with questions and Ignis felt the urge to shove her to the ground to calm her down. "Well, long story short, I and some others got sent to some world underground, stopped a crazy mercenary, were given some weird flying ship thing, and swallowed by this whale. Nothing more or less than any other thing we've experienced on this little trip of ours." She scratched her head, trying to think of anything else to say. "Oh, and I supposed there was Ananta with us, and 2 other guys who joined up with us. One was Faust, who we found in a world filled with ice, and another named Arctus that joined in the previous world." As she answered Kaida's questions, the group of keybladers had begun following some puppet who was apparently Pinocchio , a kid with spiky hair named Sora, and a girl with red hair who was Kairi. Past that she hadn't paid much attention to who they really were. Eventually the group ended up in another room and were attacked by two heartless that took Pinocchio and Kairi hostage inside them and ran away. At this point some water, at least Ignis hoped it was water, shoved the group out of the room and back into a previous one, leaving them only two options to go. "Well, guess I'll go straight. Don't really feel like testing my luck with turns right now." Ignis continued walking casually forward, not really in a hurry, even with what just happened.
I beat it back on Thursday with the secret ending and all. Trying to figure out how I can play it without it being incredibly easy, especially later on.
View attachment 50220 Ignis had run into the whale's stomach and after taking a turn in the last room, found herself in another with Kel and another keyblader. He introduced himself as Marx and held out his hand. Ignis wasn't really one for handshakes, but she took it and introduced herself back to him. "Hey, nice to meet you. Name's Ignis." She let go of his hand and looked over to Kel. "And yes, we got swallowed by a whale. I doubt anyone would willingly choose to be inside this thing." She looked around and noticed there were some more open paths in this room as well. She really didn't feel like going through a maze, and she had just run off in a random direction. Considering she hadn't seen Ananta and Castur, she must have taken a different turn from them. "I don't suppose you guys have seen any others inside this maze of rooms? Some old guy was saying his kid was lost in here or something?"
View attachment 50218 Ignis headed left
View attachment 50214 Ananta had gone off exploring and Ignis was left Faust and an old man talking about escaping the whale. She really wasn't sure what was going on, but it wasn't in her nature to just sit around. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go follow Ananta and see what's down there." She took off to the inner bowels of the whale. At this point she wasn't sure why of all things it had to be inside a whale, which also meant there was something called stomach acid she needed to be careful of, but maybe it'd be a quick thing.
Good thing I'm slower at games than most people, so I know that I'll have these downloaded long before I beat the game, especially since I'll have started school and my internship at this point. Still, hoping it doesn't take too long to reach them. Almost feel bad for those who choose to race through in less than a day.
View attachment 50202 Ignis stretched a little, getting up after having been shaken a little from apparently being swallowed by a giant whale. She looked around and wondered what to do about this situation. "Well, can't say if getting swallowed by a whale is better or worse than nearly drowning in an ocean. Also, how the hell does a whale even get that big?" She looked around and heard knocking from outside the vessel they were in. "And apparently there's an old man outside in this whale. Is it wrong that none of this surprises me?" December Attendance: 16/30
View attachment 50150 Ignis watched as Rourke took her finishing hits and then blew up into a million shards. It seemed a little flashy for a guy like that, but at least he was finally gone. Some Atlanteans came down along with Laguna and some of the other members of Rourke's crew who didn't follow along with him at the end. They had mentioned capturing the rest of Rourke's men that still followed him, and Ignis clapped her hands together. "Well, like what Castur said, it sounds like we're pretty much done here. Everyone's all rounded up and we got to beat up another bad guy." At that point she scratched her head with a thought passing through her head. "Although knowing our history, the same thing is just going to happen in the next place. Anyone else feel like we're in a never ending loop at the moment?" December Attendance: 15/30
Okay, going on a spending spree. Current Munny: 9220 Buying: Potion Hi-potion Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Hi-Ether Mega-Ether Power Chain Remaining Munny: 5870 Unlocked Blacksmith Job Equipping Musketeet Hat Current Stats: 120 HP 7 MP 60 (+2)(+3) STR 27(+3) SPD 32(+2) DEF 12 MAG 17 RES 49(+2) AP
Strictly speaking I'm going to have to say a $200 meal at a Brazilian steak house with my 2 older siblings was pretty much the only thing this year. One of my grandmothers sent a check for $75, but she forgot a zero in my new address, so it likely won't get here till January. Not that I mind, that money is being saved for KH3.