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  1. Arch

    Once everyone had gathered in the meeting room, it was apparent that the table had grown in size since the last meeting to accommodate everyone comfortably. Princess Eilonwy was the only member of the Prydain group to have been invited. The girl was sitting in between Masters Aster and Atmos twiddling her thumbs nervously and looking down. Master Gero remained still, silently watching as everyone settled in. Sitting on Gero's sides were Stamatis and Fost, who had taken Kaio's usual seat.

    "This meeting will be straightforward." Gero spoke simply. "With the Light Chaser and his students' whereabouts currently unknown to us, we have had time to oversee your training. With the progress you all have made we have decided it is time to send all of you off onto assignments that will prepare for the Mark of Mastery Exams. To be candid, I do not believe all of you will be ready by the time you return to receive the opportunity to take the Exam."

    "Perhaps most of you won't be ready but this is in part to determine who is." Kaio added.

    "In any case..." Aster spoke, eyeing Kaio with some annoyance due to his harshness. "To give you all an edge in battle it would be prudent to obtain what we need to construct your armors. The highest concentration of the material we need can be found in Lux Horologium," she looked off towards Chrono and Tinarah, "Your homeworld. Needless to say, you two will be required to go there since you know it better than anyone. So as for the other location...which comes to no surprise to us..." She took a deep breath. "We're going to need a special team for this one..." She muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear. "This will probably be a lot easier if Torrin went there to...facilitate these...diplomatic relations."

    "Diplomatic relations? Seriously? Don't kid yourself, Aster. Just tell them what we want and what's at stake here." Thyella narrowed her eyes at her fellow Council member.

    "Orphic Coast. The Realm of Darkness. From what we know about the situation there there's no way they'd ever give us enough material to make all the armors but I'm sure they can spare some if a certain Dark Prince is there." Aster continued.

    "What!? You've gotta be kidding me...I'm not going to be returning home just to ask for a handout!" Torrin objected, standing from his seat.

    Ignoring his protest Gero spoke once more. "We will also be needing you to convince your uncle to provide sanctuary for Eilonwy. As one of the Seven she, like Take and Aria, would be immune to the effects of the Realm of Darkness. Despite your homeworld's current situation, I still believe it is currently the safest place for her to be. Though I will not order the other two to go as well, I would highly encourage both Take and Aria head there as well to at least remain in relative safety for the duration of the assignment."

    "Hmph...looks like I'm not in a position to keep fighting this then." Torrin narrowed his eyes at the Old Man but took his seat once more, resigning himself to do as he was told for the time being.

    Gero leaned back in his seat and stroked his beard. "I do not anticipate there to be any dangers all of you cannot face so there will be no need for any other masters to accompany you. Aside from Torrin, Tinarah, Chrono, and Eilonwy you will be free to group yourselves as you please."

    Post by: Arch, Jan 22, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Arch

    Castur looked around at the others and rubbed the back of his neck, popping it as he twisted it to the side. "Mmph. That feels better. Ah...well I think I'm about done sitting around Ananta's already moving forward so it's time we all get moving." Castur rubbed his shoulder. Giving a short wave to those remaining he headed forward (and headed directly into Chamber 2 because Krowley said so).

    Post by: Arch, Jan 21, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Arch

    "I...I thought that would be a much bigger deal." Torrin mumbled. He let out a sigh of relief and took in a deep breath to relax. "Great. I think...And no it's not about that. It's about–" The sound of something heavy crashing into the ground caused him to stop and immediately turn around, his hands balled into fists ready for action. Torrin sighed and lowered his fists when he saw who had picked up the book they had just dropped.

    "Apologies. I came to return a book and it slipped from my hand." Thallasa explained. "Am I interrupting anything?"

    "..." Torrin grumbled and folded his arms. "I guess...not." He muttered doing his best to hide his annoyance.

    "Good. Because I have just informed that a briefing will begin soon."

    "That's awfully sudden. When did any news about anything surface?" Torrin questioned.

    "Just a few moments ago actually. Master Gero has plans for everyone so clean up after yourselves and head to the meeting room at your earliest convenience."

    "So I take it that it's not urgent?" Torrin shifted his arms but kept them crossed as he watched the woman.

    "Perhaps but I still wouldn't want to be rude and keep the Master waiting all day. You two would be better off coming with me right now. Gero was rather insistent about both of you being there." Thallasa motioned for the two to follow after her.

    Torrin muttered something under his breath and sighed, shaking his head. "So much for breakfast." He said aloud as he gathered his plate and cup.


    "Hm. I suppose that a walk would do me some good." Stamatis agreed with Chrono, giving a nod towards the young man. "There are still many areas of the castle the two of you have yet to see. Perhaps both of you would enjoy a look at our–" Stamatis was cut off by the sound of a beep from the communicator laying on the windowsill. "I wonder that could be." He outstretched his arm in its direction and reached his hand out towards the device and the communicator vanished in a small flare of light before reappearing in his grasp.

    "This is Stamatis."

    "Good morning, Master. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time." Kide's voice came from the other end.

    "Not at all. I was just finishing breakfast with Tinarah and Chrono."

    "Ah...uh...good. Master Gero's gathering everyone. Or at least...everyone who wants to show up at the meeting room. He wasn't that clear with me. Though from the information Aster's gathered, Chrono and Tinarah should definitely be there."

    "I take it we have time to walk there at a leisurely pace then?"

    "Um...sure? If you think that's okay then I don't see why not. Master Gero didn't seem to be in a hurry but I'll be getting there early anyway. I don't want him to glare at me'll see you there."

    With the connection cut Stamatis placed the device back down on the table and smiled at the two. "Well let's finish our breakfast, shall we? I think we can afford to be a few minutes late." He spoke calmly.


    "You've picked an interesting spot to train. Though I would not have wanted to get myself soaking wet." Aster spoke from behind Lumen. Despite being in the rain she was totally dry as the rain seemed to just simply avoid her as she stood there creating a dry pocket of air a few inches around her. "There's going to be a meeting to discuss our next course of action. I suggest that you be there unless you want to sit this fight out."


    "Apologies for walking in on a conversation." Atmos spoke as she entered the room. "Good. There's already quite a few of you here already. That makes my job easier." She said as she eyed Take, Boreas, Chrys, Qamar, and even Enzo in vicinity of each other. "Also, is that dragon outside ever fed? Every time I see her it seems like she always wants food." Atmos shrugged and shook her head. "Anyway, I'm not here to discuss how one should feed or train their dragon. There's going to be a meeting in a few moments. Doesn't seem urgent but if you do not want to miss all of the good stuff then I suggest you head to the meeting room now. No rush. Or rush. Choma and myself aren't entirely sure what it's about but I am sure the two of us will be sidelined...again. So I'm doing just peachy. Anyway. Have a good morning all of you. I'll see none, some, or all of you there." She spoke quickly and ended her talk with a hint of annoyance about her current situation but left before anyone could even speak to her.

    "Illiana! Wake up!" Taran's voice called out towards the girl still fast asleep in the piano room, her head resting on the key cover of the piano. "Oh come on! It took me ages to find you! I thought you would have gone back to your room by now. Why did you stay here all night? Never mind. It doesn't matter now." The boy complained as he shook the girl's shoulder. "Something's happening and you need to get up!"

    Post by: Arch, Jan 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Arch

    "Mhm. It's that." He nodded in agreement, glad she understood. He took another bite into his meal when Aria began to lower her shirt to expose her shoulder. This caused Torrin to choke on his food and cough until he hit his chest with his fist to catch his breath. His eyes caught a glimpse of the scratch she had gained overnight but by then his mind had gone racing and now he was intently staring at his remaining food while feeling that he could hear his heart beat so hard he was almost certain Aria could hear it as well.

    "Um yeah. That's really great. I knew you could do it." He spoke while looking down at his egg as he picked anxiously at it, his cheeks and ears feeling like they were on fire. "Proud of you. Really. Won't be long now until you can show that thing what for. Right? Haha...ha.....ha..." Laughing nervously he stuffed the last bit of egg in his mouth then regretted it almost immediately because it meant he had no excuse to look down anymore. Once he was done chewing he swallowed, feeling that it too was too loud and was self-conscious about the noise. I've been stabbed. Nearly cut to shreds. Burnt. Crushed by giant Heartless. Seen people die. Seen both a nightmare creature and my evil doppelganger. So why is this so hard?

    Slowly Torrin looked back up at Aria and there she was. Just being Aria. "I...have something I newant to shay to you." Torrin cleared his throat and tapped nervously against the plate with his fork realizing he slipped on his words. "Dammit..." He muttered in annoyance. "I have something I. Meed. To. No wait–NEED. To. Say. To. You." He spoke with increasing frustration as even when he tried to focus and enunciate his words properly he still stumbled over himself. The tapping of the fork against the plate only increased in tempo until Torrin realized it was beginning to be too obvious that he was anxious and so he dropped the fork and let it be before he shattered the plate.

    "So first. Gero told me something that I have no idea how to drop on you because he somehow thought I was the best person for the job which makes what I've been actually wanting to tell you somuchharderandI'mreallytryingtokeepittogetherrightnow. He thought there wasn't a right time to mention it until now probably because he assumed we'd all die at any moment. So I'm just going to go and say it but apparently your birthday was the day we all returned to the castle. Just over two weeks ago. So I owe you a belated happy birthday. And now I realize that you probably didn't know about your real birthday because of your adoption by Anja and Lanar and Gero probably never told either of them about your real birthday so they probably just had to guess for all these years and I'm really sorry you're hearing it from me instead of your family." Torrin took a long deep breath and sighed. "Dammit Old Man..." He grumbled. "There's something else I want to tell you but...I...I'll let you absorb that information first..." Torrin spoke quietly, watching Aria intently.


    "Oh? The cane trick? I suppose it's not any different from a glider. Not particularly difficult or as intricate as one of those elaborate transformations young Master Torrin has been teaching you. My, such a technique really is fascinating. Perhaps in a hundred years or so that kind of technique will have evolved into something truly spectacular. Imagination is the limit as they say." Stamatis took a sip of his tea and leaned back in his seat, giving his two guests a serene smile.

    "I would love to take a walk. Perhaps even Nini would care to join us." The man looked over at the small black cat as she chewed down on her food, her green eyes flashing over at the master before returning to her bowl. "I shall take that as a maybe then, dear cat." He chuckled as he brought the tea back to his lips and took another sip. "As for the rain, I suppose it is quite dreary but with rain comes life and every cloud parts to make way for the light eventually. The storm will pass in time." He spoke calmly.

    Post by: Arch, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Arch

    Something simple and clean (minus the fact that it changes every bar between two time signatures).
    Post by: Arch, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Production Studio
  6. Arch

    "Training was...well I'm getting used to it. To be perfectly honest, I'm not really sure what the purpose of it is. Something something...darkness...something heart...I don't know. The Old Ma—I mean Gero hasn't been very clear. Hm. I guess you could a lot of it is sort of like what happened with you and I on Heroic Sanction. When I dropped into your dream, remember? Sort of like that but these aren't dreams." Torrin wished he had a better answer for Aria but the only other information he could give her about the training itself was what he had last seen. Then there was still that other thing...

    As they walked by Faye Torrin made sure to trail behind Aria and sneak a piece of bacon to the dragon before speeding up to catch up to Aria. Glancing over at one of the large vertical library windows as the sound of rain tapping against the glass echoed on in a drone, filling the atmosphere of the massive room, Torrin took his seat in front of Aria and began picking at the egg as he started to eat. "Things have been quiet lately. No signs of the Light Chaser. No signs of that "Legendary Warrior of Light". And no signs of any more words disappearing. All in all...the situation isn't too dire right now so I shouldn't be complaining but...I can't rest until I know what's going on. For all we know the Light Chaser's students have gotten three times as strong and we don't stand a chance against them anymore." He sighed. "Ugh. Sorry. I know that's not what you want to be hearing right now." Torrin took in a deep breath and tried to smile at Aria. "This tastes great."

    Torrin poked at the remaining egg with his fork and grinned. "There are some other things I've got on my mind...nothing depressing this time, honest. But first, I'm curious about how you slept. Has it happened again? If it did, by the looks of it you seem to be handling yourself very well."

    Post by: Arch, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Arch

    "Thanks Lumen." Though Torrin wasn't sure his sleep would improve. Especially since Gero had doubled the amount of training he deemed necessary for Torrin and doubled the amount of questions he had.

    Torrin looked over at Chrys, hesitantly raising his hand to give the blonde a halfhearted wave. Other than an awkward group interaction where he taught several others about keyblade transformations his interactions with Chrys had been slim to none. He was not concerned with making her hos new friend but considering how much she isolated herself, he worried about the group dynamic with Chrys being involved. Torrin had tried to remain professional about it but it was difficult for him to be comfortable around a former enemy. He imagined it must have felt worse being surrounded by former enemies.

    "Hm?" Torrin blinked at Aria. "Wouldn't understand what? Girl talk? I'll have you know that I'm excellent at...yeah you're right." Torrin nodded at Aria and smirked. He took the plate in one hand and the mug in the other, taking a deep breath to sniff the warm scent of chocolate steaming from the mug. "Mm...that never gets old." Torrin looked down at the interesting arrangement of breakfast Aria had made and laughed. "It's a face!" He exclaimed a little too loudly. Torrin nervously looked around and lowered his head, clearing his throat. "Um. I mean. It's a face. I like a it. Thank you Aria." Torrin spoke more quietly.

    "Yeah. The library sounds good. Seems like a slow day and both Tinarah and Chrono seem to be absent but either way... I like being alone with you."

    Torrin raised his mug to take a sip then, before starting to head out of the kitchen he gave a short upwards nod in Boreas's direction. "And I'll be seeing you at training later." Torrin then headed back out of the kitchen.

    Post by: Arch, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Arch

    Torrin raised an eyebrow wondering if he had offended Take somehow considering the boy had left without saying a word when he wasn't looking. Torrin scratched the back of his neck and gave Aria a slight nod when she told him it was okay but even though she had said it he still felt guilty. Qamar then pulled Aria away, seeking some kind of advice in private which left Torrin behind with Flammie, Lumen, and a much smaller dragon companion.

    "Hm." Torrin shifted awkwardly in place while anxiously waiting for Aria. He would have gone into the kitchen for the breakfast still in the oven but did not want to be the first to eat and did not want to accidentally intrude on something private. "Morning, Lumen. Personally I don't really get much sleep. Too much to do. But the short time I had some shuteye was pleasant enough I suppose. How about yourself?" As he spoke the white dragon, Faye, turned her head to peek into the kitchen, taking up the whole entryway with her face. Torrin gave the Flammie a light tap on her side. "It's rude to block a doorway. If you're worried about food I'll give you something in a bit, okay?" The dragon made a high pitched rumble in her throat as if whining before obeying and pulling her head from the kitchen's entryway to sit up beside it. Torrin gave a nod of approval and the dragon puffed her chest out in...pride? Torrin wasn't sure but either way he smiled at Faye still in disbelief that he was standing right in front of a Flammie.

    "You know, I think she's gotten a little" As he thought about it Qamar had rushed by and even took Kosmo for a ride. Torrin shrugged, having grown used to the group's oddities...or at least most of them, and began to head into the kitchen. "I don't think I'll ever some people, Lumen." Torrin commented dryly.


    Stamatis had been standing by his window, looking outside at the gloomy overcast sky and listening to the rainfall when both Tinarah and her brother came into his room. He turned slightly towards them and smiled. "It's good to see you two. The extra company is always welcome. Good morning. Though I suppose the weather may not be in such a good mood." He commented. After another minute of watching the rain the man slowly turned and summoned a cane with the same markings as his keyblade to limp over towards the breakfast Tinarah had set up for them. Though his recovery had been slow he was just glad to have regained his movement again, even if it wasn't all back just yet.

    "And how did the two of you sleep?" He asked as he took a seat after dismissing the cane.

    Post by: Arch, Jan 12, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Arch
    I was kind of expecting the epilogue and secret ending to be included a week later but I suppose if I rush through the game I can beat it in two days. >->
    Post by: Arch, Jan 11, 2019 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Arch

    Castur rubbed the back of his head, having lost his balance and hitting it against something hard. He wasn't sure what he hit it against but it hurt. "Ugh...remind me to never not pay attention to the road..." He wince and popped his neck and rolled his shoulders back. Castur grunted and stood up as he allowed his eyes to adjust to the new lighting in the environment. "So was it me or were we swallowed by a giant whale?" Just as he spoke there was a man's voice echoed.

    "Fish? What? Yeah there's people here. Who's asking?" Castur called out to the voice.


    Post by: Arch, Jan 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Arch

    "I still don't see anything different. I don't feel any different. How am I supposed to achieve whatever I'm supposed to achieve if you're being so vague about everything?" Torrin opened his eyes but then narrowed them into a squint at the old man sitting across from him who said absolutely nothing in response to Torrin's frustrated question. "Seriously? Nothing? And what's time magic got to do with any of it? If you're so damn insistent about teaching someone that why don't you go after Chrono?"

    "Chrono would be unable to benefit from this to nearly the same extent even if I were able to teach him the same technique I am trying to impart on you." Gero spoke simply.

    "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

    "Have I taught you Stop magic?"

    "No but what does that have to do with anything?"

    "If you are so afraid of stepping on another's territory, then you have nothing to worry about."

    "Well that's not what I'm concerned with. Stop dancing around my questions and tell me what you expect of me. It's been two weeks, we haven't heard anything about world's disappearing, the Light Chaser hasn't shown himself again, and even Stamatis has recovered enough to start leaving his room. So just stop. I'm not wasting my time with you when you won't tell me what the point of this is. I could be doing anything else right now." Torrin pushed himself off the floor to stand. His eyes flashing in the darkness.

    "Hm. I see..." Gero raised an eyebrow and stood up as well reaching a hand towards Torrin's face.

    "Hey watch it!" Gero grabbed Torrin by the chin to hold him still and examined him with great curiosity before Torrin smacked his hand away. "What was that about!?"

    "Stupid boy. If you had not been in such denial...if you had not been holding back all this time we could have made so much more progress." Torrin opened his mouth to make an angry retort when Gero stepped to the side and motioned for Torrin to look at the mirror Gero had just been standing in front of. Upon seeing his own reflection Torrin stepped back in shock and quickly moved his hands up to rub his eyes to be sure he wasn't seeing things then stepped right up in front of the mirror to examine his reflection more closely.

    "I...what...gah..." Torrin looked down and shook his head, not even sure how to process what he was seeing. "Are we done here?" Torrin muttered lowly. "I'm late for breakfast." He spoke with agitation clear in his tone.

    "Yes. I am aware of your daily ritual. Breakfast with Aria. Well I am sorry to have kept you from her." Gero spoke with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Hm. Very well then, boy. But before you leave I suppose there is an important detail I should enlighten you on." Gero raised his hand to calm Torrin down to prevent him from asking the question he was so clearly ready to ask. "Not about your training, boy. Something of a more personal matter. There has not been a good time to bring it up so I have simply delayed bringing it up. But considering how much free time you seem to be making for yourself, I feel it prudent to mention it now."

    " what's the catch?"


    When the meeting was over Torrin could see rain pouring down heavily and tapping against the window directly outside Gero's room. His eyes widened, realizing that a certain dragon needed to be brought inside before she got drenched. Between breakfast and training, a great deal of time spent with Aria had been about teaching other new things. She had finally taught him how to make hot chocolate, a skill which he put to good use, as well as how to play the flute. Meanwhile, he showed her how to get a stubborn dragon to listen to someone without the use of sweets. Torrin had even been working on fashioning a flute of his own enchanted with so many spells that even Selene and Kidemonas would have been impressed. Unfortunately, the "Flammie Flute", a wooden transverse flute about a foot-and-a-half long, was still in his room and he had no idea if his whistling would be drowned out by the rain.

    As he rushed down the hallway he cursed himself for allowing Gero to hold him back for so long. Aria may not have been the type to get upset over someone being late but that did not mean he couldn't get upset about it for the both of them. Then there was the news Gero had given him and Torrin had absolutely no idea yet what to do with it. He muttered a complaint under his breath as he continued to pick up his pace while his mind switched gears and was now filled with thoughts over to whisperings he had overheard from the Council about a Mark of Mastery Exam. Torrin briefly wondered if they had the authority to make Boreas a master or if Boreas would even want to do an Exam in the Realm of Light. Well I suppose I could observe it since I'm a master...but I've never done any official master duties before. He thought to himself. Damn...who else would be a good candidate for that sort of thing too? Aria? Illiana? Hm...

    As Torrin started heading down the stairs he heard a commotion coming from the entrance hall. "Well then...that's amusing." Torrin spoke with a chuckle as he watched as Aria coaxed Faye off of Take. The name had been Aria's idea since she wasn't too keen on calling Flammie...Flammie but Torrin quickly warmed up to it. They hadn't gone on announcing the name to everyone but it wasn't a secret either. "I'm just glad someone else brought her in. You okay, girl?" The white dragon was already busy sniffing Aria when she turned to look up at Torrin who was atop the first flight of stairs.

    "Aria I'm really sorry about breakfast this morning." Torrin started as he headed down to the ground floor. He glanced over at Take and Qamar. "Hey Qamar. Hey Take. Good morning guys. Seems like you guys have been having fun here." He gave them each a slight wave and patted Faye on her side as he headed over towards Aria. "Really, I'm sorry. It was rude and even though I was training with Gero that's no excuse and..." He took a deep breath, feeling terrible about the situation. "Ugh...just...I'm sure breakfast is cold by now. I'll make it up to you, alright?"

    Post by: Arch, Jan 10, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Arch
    The flash of light that had been seen was the sudden arrival of Atmos, Choma, Stamatis, Thallasa, and Varos. Both Masters Stamatis and Varos had been injured in their encounter with the Light Chaser. Gero had said that he suspected the only reason anyone made it out alive was simply because the Light Chaser allowed it to be so. Varos had jumped in at the last second to get between the Light Chaser and Stamatis but it was a fruitless endeavor as the attack had pierced through him and struck straight through Master Stamatis. Due to the positioning of the attack, Varos's injuries were less severe than Stamatis and he had managed to make a full recovery within a week. Stamatis on the other hand, though he had survived the attack, was confined to bed rest for two weeks before he was well enough to stand once more.

    According to Master Thallasa the Light Chaser had been waiting at the Ocean of Sand, the world Gilgamesh had been found on, just to send a cryptic message to the Council. "Nox erit finis. Tantum paradiso servabit te." The message had not been clear to anyone but Gero appeared to know what the Light Chaser was speaking of immediately. Kaio and Thyella were ordered to continue training the students and informed them that they must hasten their progress so that those he deemed to be the most ready would be put to the test and take their Mark of Mastery Exam.

    During that period of time Selene kept a close eye on the conditions of Stamatis and Varos to keep them stable. Thyella and Kaio continued to oversee the training of the students. Choma provided additional training with a softer attitude to Tinarah, when the girl wasn't spending her time by Stamatis's side, and Aria, when the princess wasn't learning from Thyella, Kaio, or Torrin. With Atmos back she was able to spend time teaching Take how to read (with Enzo occasionally dropping by) and give both Chrono and Illiana additional lessons when they wanted.

    After a good deal of arguing, the Prydain crew convinced the Council to let them explore the areas around the castle. Taran and Eilonwy found themselves comfortable hanging around Illiana as much as they could while Gurgi spent his time pestering the women in the group for "munchings and crunchings". Fflewddur Fflam, the old bard, was intrigued by fellow musician Lumen.

    Master Skia continued to spend her free time fishing for invisible fish in the rivers of Illusia with her magic fishing rod, occasionally giving Boreas advice on training while trying her best to ensure that he would get smacked by an invisible fish. ...Sadly for her, luck was on Boreas's side and he was never struck by a fish. Much to Skia's dismay.

    Kidemonas continued to work on the Mirage Arena despite being slightly annoyed by Qamar's constant intrusions. In the end, however, he was thankful to see a friendly face instead of being constantly surrounded by numbers and data every waking moment.

    With her work finding materials for the keyblade armors reaching its completion, Aster had lightened up enough to take an interest and watching over Lumen's progress in training.

    Master Thallasa had spent time looking after Chrysanthemum and ensuring that she was adjusting with her new surroundings.

    Enzo found himself fending off Gurgi for "chicken tendies" every time he had any. The few times he lost any to the small furry creature, Eilonwy would arrive to offer Enzo something to replace his meal.

    After a long day of training Chrono had found a shredded piece of paper that had mysteriously appeared on his bed. After about a day the paper had made its rounds through the group before Tinarah kept it with the others she was safekeeping.

    Gero had ensured that he would spend more time around both Aria and Takehiko to make up for lost time during his six year absence. Every so often he would cut these meetings short as he had "important business" to settle with Torrin where, by the end of it, both would be find hours later looking exhausted. When asked about it, Torrin would brush it off as settling differences of opinion over heated debates and Gero would refuse to speak of it.

    During the two weeks Torrin had spent some time with every member of the party teaching them more about Keyblade Transformations.

    By the end of the two weeks, Stamatis was well enough to walk and the talk going on in the hallways between masters was that students would soon be selected for their chance at taking the Mark of Mastery Exam.

    14 Days Have Passed . . .

    Aria, Boreas, Chrono, Enzo, Illiana, Lumen, Qamar, Takehiko, and Tinarah gained 7 Levels.
    Chrysanthemum gained 5 Levels.
    Torrin gained 4 Levels.

    OOC Thread

    Morning had come and the castle was oddly quiet. The skies were blanketed in clouds and it appeared that it would rain all day. Even Flammie seemed to be in little mood to fly due to the heavy overcast.

    Post by: Arch, Jan 9, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Arch

    When even Master Stamatis had failed to defeat Gilgamesh she had begun to express her suspicions to the others. "Something seems wrong here." She spoke lowly. "I don't believe there's any way the four of you could have all lost to him."

    "Explain." Varos grunted in frustration.

    "Do you not feel it? That weight? It's been gradual ever since we arrived but by now you should have noticed it. It's as if our power is being sapped just by being here."

    "I do feel heavy...but if that's the case, why does it not affect Gilgamesh? The battles have worn him down but nearly to this extent." Choma spoke up.

    "Perhaps it only affects keyblade wielders? Something similar happened on Heroic Sanction." The woman noted. "A piece of magitek technology was responsible for it. Perhaps the same thing is happening here." Thallasa eyed Gilgamesh. "But I don't think someone like that would have anything to do with it."

    "The Light Chaser had something to do with the last one, is that not what you told us?" Choma asked and when Thallasa nodded he continued with, "I see...but we still have our mission. This does not change anything. Are you well enough to fight?"

    "More than well enough but..." She trailed off.


    "She is trying to say that if I had been here, then shouldn't you be more concerned with the possibility that I am still here?"

    Instantly the massive armored man spun around to face the newcomer, readying his sword for battle. "WHO DARES INTERRUPT THE CHALLENGING OF GILGAME–" Golden chains of light rained down from the sky and immediately ensnared Gilgamesh before he could react. "Restraints begone! Argh! My one weakness! Being unable to fight! Second only to my other weakness! Dying! Rest assured, villain, the chosen Warrior of Light Gilgamesh shall soon be free of these accursed chains to unleash his righteous vengeance upon you!"

    "That's enough out of you." With a snap of his fingers the Light Chaser caused Gilgamesh to vanish in a flash.

    "What did you do to him Ac–" Stamatis started to speak his name but never got the chance to finish his sentence.

    Torrin nodded. "I guess that would make sense. Plus I bet fishing for fish keeps her fur clean. Isn't that right Flammie?" The dragon finished munching on the apple Aria had given her and nudged the girl playfully with her nose before looking at Torrin curiously when he spoke. He was unsure if the dragon was capable of understanding him but she seemed to stare at him long enough to acknowledge that he had spoken to her. "Aw...well she still seems to like you plenty fine without any food." Torrin commented as the Flammie laid down in front of Aria, its head still raised up to eye level with the princess because of the dragon's size.

    "Hm. Kaio seems to be harsh simply for the sake of toughening everyone up. There's some truth to what he says but I wouldn't take it personally. He's just prioritizing survival over feelings. My father used to be the same way during training sessions with Boreas and I. I even had an instructor once tell me that he'd humiliate his students just so they would remember not to make the same mistakes again. It's not the nicest way to teach someone but I suppose it's effective." Torrin shrugged slightly and folded his arms. "Just trust me. It'll be alright."

    Torrin caught a glimpse of a beam of light out of the corner of his eye and suddenly turned. His eyes widened when he realized what he was looking at. "Oh sh

    Post by: Arch, Jan 9, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Arch

    "Hm. Teenage emotions are always so dramatic." Kaio sighed, not bothering to respond to Tinarah as he was not interested in lightening up for her fragile sensibilities. He might have made a comment anyway if Qamar hadn't suddenly entered with Lumen in tow. "I see. Well Qamar, Kidemonas is busy with the data coming off these battles and some other new projects Gero has tasked him with. He wouldn't have time to train you even if he wanted to." He eyed Lumen and gave the boy a slight nod towards his question. "Ground floor. Find a room that does not look lived in to claim for yourself. Try not to pick the farthest room as isolating yourself only increases the length of time it takes for you to walk from your room to here."

    Torrin stepped beside Aria, clearly smiling at the situation the girl had found herself in. "Well it's good to know some stories are true after all." Torrin reached forward to touch the soft white fluff of the dragon, feeling the warmth radiating off of Flammie. "Hm...judging by her wingspan and size of those teeth...I'd say she's still growing. Though I have no idea what that exactly means for her age." Flammie turned her head to look at Torrin as he began lifting one of her wings to take a closer look at the brilliant almost-rainbow tipped feathers. The dragon let out a small grunt and snorted with such great force that it pushed Torrin back and nearly made him lose his balance. He chuckled and held up his hands in surrender. "Alright alright! I get it! You're ticklish there. I just wanted a closer look but I'll stop." Satisfied that he wasn't going to be prodding at her anymore the dragon returned her attention to Aria, sniffing the girl again to check if she still had any other treats.

    "Sugar can't be all these dragons eat. I understand having a sweet tooth but she's too large to survive on chocolate. Then's not like there's ever been a study done to see how much a Flammie eats..." Torrin shrugged as watched Aria continue to be sniffed by the curious dragon. "So..." He scratched the back of his head, realizing he had been paying more attention to Flammie than Aria. "What brought you out here? It couldn't have been your plan to get ambushed by a dragon wanting your candy. Needed some fresh air too?"

    Post by: Arch, Jan 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Arch

    Tinarah's response amused him. "Hm." Kaio scratched his cheek. "I suppose that's as good as a response as I could expect. Your misfortunes in another realm, however, do not act as excuses for failure. The Heartless do not care how tragic your story is, merely how easy you are to defeat."

    With Torrin and Illiana gone and only Boreas left to take a verbal beating, Kaio returned his attention to the young knight only to become disheartened by the fact that Boreas too realized his own shortcomings. The man sighed in annoyance shook his head. "What would I have you do? First off, learn some techniques that would benefit your team. I see you already know a few but with that sturdy hide of yours you should stick to what you can do best and protect your allies. Someone soft like that prince or the arrogant mage can only take so many hits before they go down. And where would you be if the strongest hitters go down? You might be able to take a beating but that's hardly of use if you cannot finish the enemy off yourself. Strong throwing arm or not, shielding your party would be of great benefit to them. ...And keep what you said in mind about your own focus. If your focus becomes too narrow it becomes easy to be blindsided by surprises."


    "H-huh?" Selene's head peeked out from behind the fridge as the snow-haired young woman smiled at the chocolate Take held out towards her. "Oh great!" She exclaimed as she took the chocolate bar from the boy and proceeded to chomp down on it with no mercy. In moments the bar was gone and nothing but the wrapper remained leaving Selene licking bits of chocolate off her index finger and thumb. "Mmm...that hits the spot...Thanks...uh...Take was it? And..." She turned her head and pointed at Enzo. "Enzer? Did I get that name right? Anyway. What's up? Did you want chocolate too because I just ate the last bar...maybe. I think Skia keeps some in her room but the last time I tried taking one from her she got real mad."

    Torrin began to move closer as Flammie seemingly began sniffing Aria and as he got closer he saw the dragon suddenly nudge the girl over onto her back while the dragon began to sniff her relentlessly. Regardless of how hard Aria might have tried to stop it the dragon would have just kept its nose pressed down on her, tickling the girl with each quick puff of air that came from her nose. "I can just imagine Take screaming internally right about now." Torrin muttered to himself with a small smile as he watched the dragon pester the poor girl.

    Knowing that he couldn't in good conscious let Aria get tickled to death by the nose of a dragon. Torrin cupped his hands over his mouth to call out to the princess. "Hey Aria!" Torrin called out once he was in earshot. "I think she wants something from you! You might be carrying something she wants!"

    Post by: Arch, Jan 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Arch

    When Tinarah came out of her room, having been defeated in battle, the man smirked. "Not so tough when your magic is all out, are you?" Kaio brushed his hair back lazily with his hand. "Credit where credit is due, though, you have tenacity. But that can only take you so far. Whatever you think you have to prove to yourself, put it behind you. It is not important. Hm...I suppose your efforts were not completely terrible." The man's eyes followed after Illiana, the girl leaving the area before he could even say anything to her. After her came the other two and they lingered long enough for Kaio to get a few choice words in.

    Torrin pushed himself off the ground and gave a nod towards Illiana who was clearly annoyed from the explosion of power he released that quickly ended their last fight. "You're right. Sorry about that. I'll give a heads up next time." Torrin waved at Illiana but she was gone before she could see it. Torrin shrugged and winced upon making the motion. He rubbed his shoulder and gave a short nod towards Boreas. "Yeah. We did it. Wasn't exactly a painless win though. My everything is sore. It's been too long since I've trained like this." Torrin chuckled as they walked out of the training room.

    "Don't think that because you won your battle that you kids did a job worth praising. That fight was completely devoid of teamwork." Kaio spoke towards the two when they exited. "Boreas, you did very little to support your team. Judging by your skill set, that's what you should have spent more time doing. Perhaps then you would not have spent so much time at the end face down on the ground. Not only that, you seemed to be fighting as if the fate of your realm depended on it. That may be the case out there but getting reckless and foolishly believing a simulation is real is foolishness."

    "Foolish foolishness. Did you already run out of insults?" Torrin mocked with a slight smirk.

    "Don't get cocky with me, boy. You weren't any better. You can't be there to carry your team in every battle. If all they learn is how to depend on you then they're as good as dead."

    "You're right." Torrin stated simply.

    "Don't argue with me you...wait what?"

    "I already know you're right. But either way, I'm here and I'm not going to sit a fight out to prove a point. Anyway, I need a break." Torrin glanced over at Boreas. "I'll see you later Boreas. Take a breather. You deserve it." Without another word Torrin gave a slight wave at an aggravated Kaio and left the basement to head up and out of the castle.

    As he left the castle and took in a breath of fresh air a large four-winged creature passed through the clouds overhead. A smile formed on Torrin's face as he continued to walk forward, moving towards Flammie's general direction in an attempt to get a better look at it. He was tempted to use his glider but the last thing he wanted to do was to spook the creature while she was enjoying herself in Illusia's skies. Then, suddenly, Flammie dived down as if spotting prey or something of interest. Torrin took a few running steps forward to get a better view of what it was that caught Flammie's attention. In the distance he could just make out a head of pinkish-purple hair. Blades of grass were blasted off the ground as the white dragon made its sudden landing in front of the girl and...other than the fact that she had not been squished, Torrin could not make out what was going on from the distance he was at. Torrin kept his distance for the moment, knowing that there was no danger, curious to see what would happen.


    "Hm." Thyella folded her arms and took a moment to contemplate a response after Chrys had finished speaking. "Not a bad reply. I suppose I can see why the Light Chaser gave you your Mark. Still, you're very clearly green. You would have done better in that simulation if you had thought a little more during your fight. You still need to find the balance between fighting conservative and going all out. Once you do, things will get a lot easier from here."


    "Now where is that chocolate...don't tell me we're out already! Darn...ugh...judging by these paw prints I'll bet it was that dumb furry thing that came along with that new princess. Why couldn't Varos have dropped it off before leaving on his dumb mission?" Selene sighed and opened the fridge. "Munchings and I want munchings too!" She grumbled as she stuck her head into the fridge as she continued her search for snacks. "Gross. Nothing here but Stamatis's veggies. Why couldn't he have a sweet tooth like a normal person? Maybe I just need to look harder..." As she muttered to herself the girl's small frame practically disappeared behind the fridge door as she leaned further into the fridge, obliviously unaware that Take and Enzo had just entered the kitchen.

    Post by: Arch, Jan 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Arch
  18. Arch

    • Tinarah dealt 16 Damage!

      Tinarah took 30 Damage!

      Demon Tower
      HP: 271 / 900
      ATK: 12
      DEF: 4
      BREAK GAUGE: 0 / 80%
      STATUS: None

    • Tinarah's Info
      HP: 23/175
      MP: 5/96
      FOC: 0/17
      FLUX: 0/4

      STATUS: None

    Post by: Arch, Jan 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Arch

    • Tinarah dealt 16 Damage!

      Tinarah took 30 Damage!

      Demon Tower
      HP: 287 / 900
      ATK: 12
      DEF: 4
      BREAK GAUGE: 0 / 80%
      STATUS: None

    • Tinarah's Info
      HP: 53/175
      MP: 5/96
      FOC: 5/17
      FLUX: 0/4

      STATUS: None


    Thyella folded her arms and narrowed her eyes at the boy as he left. "And Stamatis thought any of these brats could be master material? Hmph. Not likely." Thyella muttered under her breath as she shook her head. Her attention shifted towards the blonde who exited a training room after failing her battle. "Three of you kids thought it was a good idea to fight alone. Are you just uncomfortable with fighting alongside people just because they might hate you? Or did you have some sense of pride you wanted to satisfy?" She directed towards Chrys. "Either way, that kind of attitude won't keep you alive. You should know better than most what we're up against. Suck it up and learn to work with the others or you'll be left behind."


    "A new student?" Aster's gaze shifted from Lumen towards Qamar as the woman narrowed her eyes at the girl. "I'm sorry you've been misled, Lumen. I already had a student. His name was Adalric and I am not looking for a replacement." The woman's hand rested on the door. "I really need to get back to work. Those armor materials won't find themselves." She let out a sigh and shook her head, trying to regain her composure. "Look Qamar, I see what you're trying to do but right now is not a good time. I am sorry with the fate that had befallen your own master, Lumen, but I cannot replace Master Sanda." Without any other words towards the two she slowly shut her door to them.

    Post by: Arch, Jan 4, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Arch
    The Demon Tower struck Tinarah once more. The column it was created from had thinned from the Shadows the girl had continuously blasted off.

    • Tinarah dealt 68 Damage!

      Tinarah took 30 Damage!

      Demon Tower
      HP: 303 / 900
      ATK: 12
      DEF: 4
      BREAK GAUGE: 0 / 80%
      STATUS: None

    • Tinarah's Info
      HP: 43/175
      MP: 15/96
      FOC: 5/17
      FLUX: 0/4

      STATUS: None

    Post by: Arch, Jan 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena