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  1. Arch

    Castur placed his hands in his pockets and smirked at the crab alien. "Keep your cool Bright Eyes. I'm only here because I was looking for a mop. I broke mine." He chuckled knowing no one would believe such an obvious lie. One of Castur's hands left his pocket and went behind his back as he scratched it for a moment then left it behind his back. "Now what's going on here? Seems sketchy and totally up my alley. Mind including me in on the fun? Back in the ol' navy days I've seen more than my fair share of unfortunate accidents happen to people who didn't play along. Get what I mean?" And for the most part that was true. Castur was never in the navy but he had once worked on a watercraft and on more than a few occasions certain people would just happen to go missing whenever he was around. Those were times he was not fond of but they did grant him with a particularly large skill set.

    "So you going to deal me in or are we going to have a problem here, Mister Scroop?" Castur spoke with a sly grin as the hand behind his back began to call on his magic to form a shard of ice.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Arch

    "Dor...rin? Dorin...." Quinna scratched her chin when Aria said the name. "Doooorrriiinn..." She repeated slowly. Quinna squinted and stared at Aria, taking a few steps closer to get a better look at her as she inspected the girl closely. "Yeah...I think I know where to look. Come on. Follow me." She looked over at Torrin and waved dismissively at her cousin.

    "Go on. It might take a while to find what we're looking for anyway."

    "I'm not comfortable leaving you alone with Aria." Torrin spoke bluntly as he folded his arms.

    "What!? You really don't need to worry. I promise." Torrin's eyes narrowed at this response but he said nothing to Quinna and instead faced Aria.

    "I hope you find what you're looking for." He spoke with a slight smile. "If you need anything you know how to get a hold of me. Until then..." He patted Enzo on the shoulder. "Come on. We're the only ones with nothing better to do so let's head out and leave everyone else to their own devices." Torrin gave a nod towards Qamar and Lumen then a wave towards Aria before beginning to push Enzo out of the library.

    Once the two were out Quinna motioned for Aria to follow after her. "I'm sure I've seen the name Dorin before. It's with one r right? Otherwise your family name might be buried under the naming convention's of Torrin's father's side of the family. Errin. Sorrin. Larrin. They might even have their own Dorrin I think." She shrugged and headed off deeper into the library expecting Aria to follow after her.

    " touching." Sitting above them on the ledge of a rooftop was none other than Ardyn. The man smirked and held up his two index fingers and touched them to each other. "And so the Salavic siblings had their heartfelt reunion. However it was not what the older sister expected for her brother was determined to see the darkness die."

    "I don't need you stalking me, Ardyn!" Koa shouted. "Get out of here you creep."

    "Ooooh. That stings. I thought we were comrades in arms!"

    "Barely." Koa muttered in annoyance.

    "Now now. Don't be like that, Koa. This should be a joyous occasion and a moment for rejoicing! For your sister has agreed to join us has she not?" He paused and tilted his head, looking back and forth between the two. Koa lowered his head and remained silent. "No? Aw but you were so certain." Ardyn spoke with a tone of what was clearly faked disappointment. The man jumped down from his perch and landed beside the two siblings with Koa moving in front of his sister to place himself between her and Ardyn.

    "She's not our enemy." Koa's keyblade was summoned as he spoke.

    "Well she clearly isn't our ally. If you do not have the stomach for this then perhaps you should just leave and I'll clean up the mess for you."

    "I'm warning you old man..."

    "Step aside boy." Ardyn stepped closer but Koa held his keyblade up at him. "A pity. I was beginning to think of you as the least tiresome of the Light Chaser's runts. I shall have to dispose of you once your sister has been relieved of her life." Faster than Koa could react Ardyn's arm shot forth and grabbed the boy's keyblade and swung it around, Koa still holding tight to his weapon, to smash the boy against the wall. "Stay down and perhaps I'll make this painless." Ardyn hissed as he delivered a swift kick to Koa in the gut.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 18, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Arch

    Castur raised an eyebrow and tilted his head as he watched the cyborg pirate leave them to their business. "Well so much for our supervision." He mused. "Anyway. I get anxious when I'm not doing something productive. I like mopping as much as the next guy but I'm going to take advantage of this opportunity to..." He trailed off and cleared his throat. "Here you go. I hear two mops are better than one, Aux." He gave a small wave to his group and headed off to do some sleuthing of his own knowing that having all their eggs (or ears in this case) in one basket was a waste of resources.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 17, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Arch

    "That...that was uncannily fast." Torrin agreed with Aria's comment about Qamar. "Still. I suppose it's good you found what you were looking for." He turned to look at the book Enzo had found and was almost excited to see a glimpse of what kind of book Enzo would be so anxious to find, hoping it would give him some insight into Enzo but as Enzo exclaimed what it was and showed it off to Torrin he sighed and shook his head in response. "You're not going to make figuring you out easy, are you Enzo?" Torrin chuckled. "The recipe sounds good but I don't know how much free time we'll have to prepare something like that until we're back on Illusia."

    "Illusia?" Quinna piped up. "You mean The Council of Lights' homeworld!? You've been to it?"

    "Yeah we've been staying–Wait. How do you know about it? This library doesn't have that much information on the Realm of Light. If it did I would have known about it when I left!" Torrin sounded annoyed.

    "Weeeeelllll...since I became in charge of this place I've been allowed to access some super secret restricted information. A restricted restricted section." His cousin smirked.

    "Ugh...that kind of information would have been useful a year ago. I thought I had already looked through the restricted section before but to know now that there was a second one... Oh well...what's done is done." Torrin grumbled in frustration.

    "Well if there's anything you want to look at I could always give you guys some authorization to take a look at some books. We've got stuff about royal families in the Realm of Light, the history of the Council of Lights, and I think I even saw something about Uncle Joch and the Master of Masters."

    "Really? Hm. It's probably a record of some argument they had. I'll take a look at that later. Sounds interesting." Torrin looked over at Aria and gave her a nudge. "But as for the other stuff? Aria here might have an interest in that." He said, obviously hinting at their records of royal families from the Realm of Light. "Qamar? I guess you're off to find your family, right?" He glanced over at Enzo. "And what about you? Got anything else to do besides drool over recipes?"

    "Hm. Let's get moving then. I'll lead each of you to where I figure a good ambush point would be and we can split up as we go." Gladio spoke as he walked forward. "Once we have the mechs we should regroup here." With that said he began to lead the group through less traveled parts of the city, taking them to rooftops overlooking alleys that he had seen patrols go through to give those who stayed behind a decent vantage point. By now the sun had begun to sink down to the horizon casting the sky in a soft orange light. By the time the mechs would arrive at the ambush points it would likely be near nightfall. Once he arrived at the third and final ambush point Gladio waited for the time to strike.

    The time had come and in the distance of each of the ambush points the sounds of heavy thudding stomped ever closer. A bright white shining light began to come closer from below as it scanned the streets. Upon getting a better view it could be seen that the light came from a set of searchlights attached to a mech that was scanning the area. By this time the sky had darkened and there were no longer pedestrians roaming the sidewalks and even cars were no longer passing by. It was likely that the civilians knew of the patrol routes and were too uncomfortable to stick anywhere near them during this time of night. In a few moments each of the three mechs would begin following their route through the alleys.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 14, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Arch

    Castur grunted and winced when he was kneed by the captain but it didn't sting nearly as bad as the two hotheads of the group ruining the act he had going. Even if the plan failed it was still smarter than shouting angrily at their new "friends". "Guess I shouldn't have been surprised." He muttered. "You two would not have survived on my homeworld." He sighed as he regained his composure. He wasn't bothered by Faris ordering them to go about doing chores as it was the bare minimum of what he expected. In fact, he could hardly feel angry towards the woman considering that it would be all too easy to mutiny and take the ship from her. "But world order" were the words that ran through his head in response to such an idea. No, slicing and dicing their way through the crew would have to be saved as a last resort.

    "A pity I didn't have a more socially savvy party. Pride like that is a weakness." He directed towards Ignis and Karina speaking a little more seriously than usual before reverting to his normal tone. "Anyway. Let's have some fun while we're here. Aux is already playing the part of a ol' seadog pretty well." He shrugged and without another word headed down after Aux.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Arch

    Castur folded his arms and blinked at the controls, ignoring his comrades as they spoke to him and complained about silly things like "accidentally killing them all" and "running out of oxygen". Maybe if they hadn't been reeled in by a bigger ship he would have figured out how to undo the mess but the fact was that they were and no one seemed happy about it. Castur looked at the others and stepped ahead in front of his group. A woman named Faris addressed herself as captain. Her crew was an interesting sort but he could already anticipate where this was going. "I apologize for the cabin girl's attitude." Castur spoke up as he motioned towards Karina. "A real troubled backstory that one has. Lost her mum an' home. T'was the least I could do to take 'er in." His accent had immediately shifted when he began speaking.

    "I thank ye kindly for savin' us from a right bit o' mess we found ourselves in. The idiot mute back there nearly killed us all by breakin' the damn controls!" Castur gestured towards Aux. "Ah but it's good to be on a ship as fine as this. I'm Cap'n Castur of the Starship Archimedes!" He held out his hand towards Faris. "If ye have any room on board my crew would be happy to mop yer decks and pull their own weight ahah!" Castur smiled. "An' of course I'd be more than obliged to offer ye whatever valuables my meager vessel has in payment of yer hospitality." He had to admit that he was laying on the charm a little thick even for his own tastes but he had gone on for so long without playing the role of "Arctus" that playing something new was actually fun for him.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 8, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Arch

    Castur walked over to the vessel's controls and scratched his chin. "Ah...I see..." He glanced over at Kel. "Yeah. To no one's surprise, Little Miss Hothead was using the element of fire. Though she never explained why she was hiding her real name." He spoke, unfazed by the fact that Karina had used his previous name. Castur flicked a few switches though nothing appeared to happen. He nodded expectantly. "Hm..." Castur pressed several buttons and muttered to himself in an approving tone. The vessel made several beeps in response and the engines began to whir louder for a moment before stopping.

    "Almost got it..." Castur glanced over at Karina. "Relax. There's nothing wrong with being separated from the others. We're a bunch of strong independent keyblade masters who don't need no massive group. Short of this ship blowing up with us all in it we're gonna be fine no matter what. So just take a deep breath while I randomly press things with suspicious labels and get us back on course. I've got this. Just...give me an hour...or ten. What's the worst that could happen?"

    Post by: Arch, Apr 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Arch

    "There's a library." Torrin answered. "As for famous that's...not exactly the appropriate descriptor. The Zalam name doesn't hold the same weight that the Thessalian name does but it was more relevant than the Solus name, my family, up until my father married my mother." Torrin scratched his cheek. "Family histories never really interested me but I still remember some names back from when I was still being taught lessons in politics. But animals native to the Realm of Darkness? Now that is something I know a lot about. Same with myths and...well...Flammies. I still get chills when I think about the fact that they're real. Um...right but anyway..."

    Torrin motioned for the remaining group to follow him. "The library isn't too far. Just follow me." Torrin began to walk forward. "I think there's some other interesting stuff there too so if anyone wants to nerd it out then feel free. Just stay away from the restricted section. Believe me, it's less interesting than it sounds." He walked by Enzo and dropped his voice. "And the library has books that even you'd be able In case you're curious about something. Like history, or where you came from, or where you came from..." Despite having been with them for some time, Enzo had revealed so little about himself that he presented himself to be a mystery that needed to be unraveled. At best Torrin had only figured out a few details about Enzo in his observations. Enzo was from the Realm of Darkness, Enzo seemed to always have his keyblade on him, and Enzo seemed to be hiding a particular physical ailment. If it had not been for some snooping in on Enzo watching Take read he likely would have never figured it out. Considering the fact that Enzo never brought it up to anyone Torrin made a point to never bring it up. If Enzo wasn't comfortable talking about it then Torrin wanted to respect that.

    In a few more moments the group arrived in front of a large imposing building constructed of the same kind of black stone that most of the others were with one of the defining features of the library being that it lacked any windows. Torrin stepped forward and pulled the heavy wooden doors open. Inside were rows upon rows of bookshelves, each aisle was lit by floating purple crystals the size of a fist letting off a soft light that illuminated the inside. Along each bookshelf was a ladder that would have allowed one access to the upper shelves and the sounds of shuffling could be heard from further within. An elderly man walked by the entrance without paying the visitors any mind, a massive leather-bound brown book tucked under his arm as he went to shelve it in the far corner. Another man, younger than the first and dressed in a similar gray robe, also ignored them as he too went to reshelve the books he carried.

    " that you?" A woman's voice called. She entered the group's field of view and Torrin took a step back, his eyes narrowing. She bore a striking resemblance to Nora though she was wearing a white robe rather than black armor and did not have a look of disdain permanently set on her face.

    "Quinna." He muttered, folding his arms.

    "I'm so glad you're okay!" With that she threw her arms around him and practically squeezed the life out of Torrin right there.

    "Gah! What's gotten into you!?" He pulled away and brushed himself off. "Is this some kind of trap? Did you slip something into my pocket? Did you take something from my pocket?" Torrin patted himself down to make sure everything in his possession was still in place.

    "What? No! Can't I be happy to see you?" She spoke in surprise.

    "No. You hate me." He spoke bluntly.

    "'s been a while..." The young woman laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head. "Things...change. I heard you returned but I didn't believe it until just now. Buuuut...maybe we should chat later. It looks like you have friends." He tilted her head to the side and waved cheerily at Aria, Qamar, Enzo, and Lumen. "Hello! I'm Quinna Tredecim. I'm sure by now you've run into my elder cousins Nora and Torrin. Wait. Of course you ran into Torrin. You'restandingrightnexttohimohdammitthatsoundedawkwardIneedtostopblurtingthingsoutRoantoldmeit'sannoying." She waved at the group once more then, realizing she didn't need to do it twice, lowered her hand and laughed a second higher pitched nervous laugh. "Hah...well...I'm Quinna. I've never met any people from the Realm of Light before. Wow! They really don't have the same eye glowy thing that we have. Guess you guys don't need it huh?" She spoke towards Lumen and Aria. "Neat." She held out her hand towards Aria and Lumen first.

    "What brings such strange visitors here first? Hm? Knowledge? A guided tour? I bet Torrin hasn't given you a full tour. I would but I'm kind of busy right now. Being in charge of a bunch of old geezers makes work real slow." She chuckled. From behind a bookshelf one could have seen the glaring eyes of one of her assistants before plugging up the hole in the bookshelf by shelving a large book.

    Gladio smirked at Take's excitement. Tinarah didn't seem to be all too thrilled about it but he figured once she saw his intentions were genuine she would lighten up. "Well that settles that. A couple of mages should be enough to disable those mechs. And as for how many we need?" He narrowed his eyes and looked them over closely. "Well not to be offensive but you kids are a little on the scrawny side. If you squeeze together two of you should manage to fit in one of those suits. That bring it down to three but if you're not up to getting a little uncomfortable we don't all need to get in mechs. Just a few of us need suits to get in, disable security for the ones outside, and join up to wreak some real havoc." Gladio smacked his fist into his palm.

    "Some of the mechs are already being sent on patrol routes as a test run. Haven't seen them in action more than once before today but I know their routes well enough." Gladio spoke towards Chrono. "Whenever you guys decide we should act we'll have to move fast before anyone notices that there's some mechs not on their patrol route. Because if they do, the plan is going to get messy real bad and the collateral damage is going to go through the roof."

    "I appreciate your concern. Really." Pagos spoke after a moment towards Illiana as he stood up. He turned the locket she had handed him over and admired its craftsmanship for a moment before carefully placing it in his own pocket. "But I assure you that the only thing you need to be concerned about is the growing power of the darkness." He took a step back and raised his hand to give the girl a short wave. "I'll fetch your brother if only to sate your curiosity. Perhaps when he returns to us he'll be bringing a new comrade. I could spend all day justifying my views on this but I am sure hearing it directly from your own flesh and blood would be more effective."

    "Hm..." Pagos offered a faint smile. "It was nice to meet his sister. Here's hoping we don't meet again as enemies, Miss Salavic." Without another word ice crystals swirled around Pagos and a chill air filled the area. In seconds the snowflakes and ice that began to encircle Pagos obscured him entirely and when the tiny localized snowstorm abated the white-haired boy before Illiana was gone from sight leaving no trace of him behind. All there was now to do for Illiana was to wait and see if Pagos was true to his word.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 3, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Arch

    Castur had kept his comments to himself, wishing to observe the others after the battle against the cages. When all seemed about over and everyone was preparing to leave the massive whale...well the whale was uncooperative and jolted everyone off their footing with a swift movement of its tongue. Aux crashed into the inner wall of a vessel, then Karina, then himself, then someone else, and judging by the extra force he felt on his back yet another person had sandwiched him tighter against Karina. He couldn't complain...but it was definitely a compromising position to have found himself in. "Someone's knee is jammed against my back." Castur muttered through gritted teeth as he turned to look over his shoulder to try to see who was behind him. Before he could see who was kneeing him the keyblader sandwich had been jostled further when their vessel was launched out of the whale's mouth and then in moments the gravity went.

    "Oh...isn't this magical...Good thing someone soft and squishy was there to break my fall earlier." He smirked as he floated about and turned to see the other two who had involuntarily joined the party. "Oh. Hey Ignis. And...Kel, right? I don't think we've officially met. Or have we? Anyway. The name's Castur." By this point Castur had floated just out of arm's length of Karina. He folded his arms and shifted his weight to rotate himself so that he was now upside-down relative to Kel. "I had a different name back in the Black Coats but I was definitely better at covering it up than Kar-Kiara. She cares a lot about appearances doesn't she?" He mused.

    "Oh...and you thought I might know how to get to Olympus right? I probably do but directions have never been my forte except when it's convenient. Sorry...maybe once we re-orient ourselves and find some kind of land...spacemark I can make heads or tails of where we are. Maybe. Or not! Heh...hehe...haaa..." Castur scratched the back of his head and looked down (or up?) awkwardly. He regained his composure and watched as the others continued to float about. "Mm...all this rotating and floating isn't productive. Hope you guys don't mind if I turn up the gravity." With a snap of his fingers a brief burst of purple spacial magic swirled around everyone causing them to be suddenly pulled down to the vessel floor.

    Post by: Arch, Apr 2, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Arch

    "Errrr..." Watts stared down at the cloth Enzo handed over towards him. Rather than insult his drawings he resorted to quoting the rules which saved him the trouble. "Sorry but I can't forge an armor for someone who doesn't have explicit permission from the quartermaster. So unless you plan on enlisting I can't help ya there." He scratched his beard as he tried to make sense of Enzo's scribbles and even turned the cloth upside-down to no avail. "Hrm..."

    Watts turned towards Aria and chuckled. "A knife?" He placed his fists on his hips. "Trivial! I'll make ya a knife so good ya won't have to use another ever again! Come back later today and I promise ya won't be disappointed, girl!"

    Torrin gave a short wave to Boreas as he left to handle his own business, knowing where his friend planned to go, and retrieved the coin Enzo had tossed him earlier from his pocket. "One last question, old man..." Torrin flicked the coin at Watts who snatched it out of the air. "Nora had that. Just what exactly did she commission?"

    "What? How did ya even get this, boy?"

    "I just need to know if you made that new weapon she's waving around."

    "What!?" Watts shook his head. "I wouldn't do that! It's against the law boy! I can't make one for those not already chosen. No! I was jus' told to make a new armor for yer uncle. She wants to impress him with a fancy gift."

    Torrin sighed. "Unfortunate but it's good to know you didn't do that. There goes that" He looked over at the others. "I guess that's it then. Thanks for your time, Watts."

    "Well all this good will is still goin' on your tab, boy. The usual rates o'course." The smith spoke. He then turned towards the others and gave them a short nod. "And it's been good meeting all of ya. Do me a favor and keep outta trouble and keep this one from getting himself killed, ya hear? Got it? Good! Now git! I'm a busy man and I have work to do!"

    "Hmph. Seems like you've got some trust issues. Can't say I blame you. Anything related to Ardyn can get messy. I guess you don't have any reason to trust me and if that's the case then you're more than welcome to go out on your own but without any intel it's going to take you a lot longer do deal with Gigas and a lot more dangerous." Gladio spoke calmly. "Ardyn's the chancellor of an opposing nation where I'm from." He answered Take.

    "I did some recon on the factory and there were too many guards for me to slip in and out. If I did get noticed even I'd have trouble fighting my way out. Hm...though...that idea you have. Stealing some of those suits would be tricky but there's a few already out in service already. Judging by what those other kids could do, I don't suppose you have magic do you? A jolt of electricity or something might be enough to slow or stop the armor long enough for me to open a cockpit and toss out the pilot. I would have tried something like that myself but I don't have magic and if I brute forced a way to bring one of those down I wouldn't be able to get it in good enough condition to use it."

    Pagos shook his head at Illiana when she offered him some tea. "I'm fine. I don't want to get too comfortable." He spoke bluntly. When she showed him a picture of her family and very sincerely spoke of her family with a genuine passion that he could sense coming strongly from her. It was touching to be sure but all the heartache in the world could not change his stance. "You're not the only one who's thought they lost someone only to find that they're still alive. One of our own, Avra, has two sisters who both thought she was dead until recently. Atmos and Aster. I believe you've heard of them."

    He folded his arms. "I suppose I can arrange for you and him to speak with each other but Koa's dedicated to this cause. He sees that this is more important than anything else. Darkness will soon consume everything if it is not wiped out from the realms. No amount of wishful thinking and ignorance will change that. Koa's on our side because he, like myself, believe it is the only way to save this realm. So if you're hoping to persuade him to go anywhere with you, don't get your hopes up. If anything you'd have better luck convincing the Light Chaser to join his side."

    Post by: Arch, Mar 23, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Arch
    This isn't something someone can have an opinion on. Chess uses checkmate. Checkmate basically means "the king is captured/dead". If anything it's more correct to use it in chess simply because there's no king piece in checkers. Regardless of what you want to call it, it'll always be checkmate.
    Post by: Arch, Mar 22, 2019 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Arch

    "Nonsense! If yer so chummy with the royals I owe it to ya to at least offer." Watts enthusiastically responded to Aria. "There ain't nothin' I can't make so if ya have somethin' in mind I'd be obliged to make it for ya." The short man's yellow eyes beamed up at Aria as he stroked his beard with a gloved hand, leaving a smear of black coal dust along the white hair as he did so. Watts then chuckled at Boreas's comment and gave a squint at Torrin. "Ah that's a royal for ya. Always inconveniencing everyone jus' cuz they have some twinkle in their eye or wanderlust or somethin'!"

    "Gee. Thanks, Boreas." Torrin spoke sarcastically when his friend immediately threw him under the bus and folded his arms.

    "But as for business, boy, it's never been better! Damn shame it's because of this war though. I remember a time when I was only sought after for the finest of weapons an' armor! At my age I'll probably never get the chance to make my magnum opus." Watts sighed and shook his head. "Anyway, lemme take a look at this here armor you've got–Wait what was that? Did Torrin wreck his armor!? What the hell, boy! Do ya have any idea how hard I worked on that for ya? How in the king's name did ya manage to break it!?"

    "Well if you had built it up to spec like I told you the first time it might've survived this long." Torrin grumbled.

    "Yer father told me not to waste time on all the bells and whistles! Said yer safety was more important than making sure it could survive a Zettaflare! How. Did. You. Break. It?"

    "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

    "Hrm..." Watts shook his head and threw up his hands in frustration before heading over towards Boreas and deactivating the armor and taking the activator from him revealing the dark green tunic Boreas had underneath. "Come back tomorrow mornin' and it should be all patched up for ya."

    "What's that?" The blacksmith looked over at Qamar as she stepped forward and held up a rather fancy-looking dagger towards him. "Hm." He took the dagger from the girl and squinted at it, balancing it by the flat of the blade on one finger then gripping the handle and pushing on the blade. "Decent balance. Good fit. Could use a sharpening but nothing's wrong with it. Hm...that mark looks does the name. Zalam... It's been some time since I heard that name but this blade definitely came from me. Hm..." He handed the blade to one of his assistants to sharpen it and in a few moments it was returned looking sharper and more polished than ever. "Here ya go." Watts said as he handed the dagger over.

    "One more thing...I know it's not going to be an easy fix but..." Torrin held up what appeared to be the remains of a gauntlet that had been smashed to bits. " what you can, alright?"

    "Yikes. This'll take me longer than a few days, boy. But I'll see what I can do whenever yer back in town."

    "Thanks Watts. That's all I ask." Torrin nodded in appreciation.

    "Aye. Now then. Is there anything else I can do for ya runts or what?"

    "Hm. Those mechs they're making seem to be familiar. They look a lot like Magitek Armor to me. I've only seen them back home but the way those things move...yeah, they remind me of 'em all right." Gladio answered Chrono. "Another thing too. It might mean nothing to you kids but there's a guy around here you should definitely avoid. Sly looking guy always wearing a hat and talking too smooth for comfort. His name's Ardyn and if Magitek is involved, you can bet that he's definitely the reason for it." Gladio folded his arms. "He's bad news and more powerful than he looks."

    "Anyway. If you're comfortable letting your friend wander off on her own then we should focus on making a move against Gigas. There's a facility not too far off where they're building more of those mechs. If we hit them fast and hard we can slow their plans down. From there I'd say we'd have a better shot of going after the main bads once they don't have the support of their new toys." Gladio smirked. "I didn't have the strength to take down the factory myself but I think with the rest of you there we stand a chance of beating Gigas. So unless anyone has any better plans, we can head there as soon as it's dark."

    "Interesting...I was expecting you to be more violent given the temper of yours I was informed about. I shall have to make a note of this for later." Pagos scratched his chin. "Ah. Of course. I guess you wouldn't know me just by looking at me. My name is Pagos." The boy stepped closer and inspected the chairs and table summoned before him, curiously eyeing them as he had never seen such magic before. His master's power was vast but he never saw the Light Chaser use it for such mundane purposes.

    After a moment Pagos took his seat in front of Illiana and glanced down at the locket she placed on the table. "Hm. I'll humor you but I don't suppose this is about you wanting to switch sides, is it?"

    Post by: Arch, Mar 16, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Arch

    Castur unleashed the Gravity of the situation and of the situation?

    Castur casted Graviga and Quake!

    Post by: Arch, Mar 11, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Arch

    Torrin caught the coin Enzo tossed at him and raised an eyebrow. "Did you just take this from Nor–You know what? That's fine by me but this isn't a Gil, Enzo. It's a token that our blacksmith gives to customers who ask for him to make something special. Like a custom armor or a weapon imbued with immense magic." Torrin turned over the coin in his hand to examine the anvil engraved on one face and horned skull on the other. "I've actually got one of these myself." Torrin mused. "I wonder what she wanted him to make..." He trailed off and shook his head. Talking about it and guessing was no use when he could just go and ask. "Anyway. It'd be pretty hard to find ourselves in restricted areas, Aria. Seeing a row of guards would be enough to tell us to stay away."

    "Alright. It's settled then. Qamar, if you need to handle your own family business in the other town, go ahead. We're not shorthanded but just be careful when you do head out."

    Torrin brought the group back to the town, passing by several guards and nobles who were complaining about the sudden appearance of Heartless. No one seemed to know how it happened but as Torrin walked by their voices hushed and he could feel gazing eyes fixed on him. He lowered his head knowing that they must have been silently blaming him for the Heartless. After a minute of walking they arrived at the blacksmith's shop. It was a larger building than most and just approaching it brought the scent of molten iron in the air that burned the nostrils. Smoke rose from the furnace and as Torrin opened the door causing a wave of heat to rush out just as a man came running out of the shop.

    "AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YA BRING ENOUGH BREAD YA BLASTED IDIOT! The other apprentices can't work on an empty stomach!" A short but stout man wearing a horned helmet shouted angrily, shaking his fist. His white beard nearly touched the ground and was coated in patches of gray and black from the soot and coal dust while his mustache was so thick that it obscured most of his face leaving just the shining yellow of the man's eyes clearly visible underneath the shadow of his helmet. Upon noticing the group the man approached them and looked up at them to eye them closely. "Torrin!? What the heck are ya doing here, boy? When'd ya get back!? And why did ya bring Boreas and all these strangers here? Don't ya remember I hate unexpected guests!? Where've you been the last few years?"

    "That's all a long story, Watts. Glad to see you haven't changed in six years though."

    "Gah! And ya changed too much, boy! Yer too tall ya brat." Watts looked at the group. "So who are these kids? Don't tell me ya actually got around to making more than two friends!" Almost as soon as he spoke he seemed to forget his train of thought and turned to Boreas. "Kid tell me ya got a good reason why yer here and not on the front line. The captain of the Emerald Company shouldn't be moseying about town when there's a war to be fought!"

    "Maybe coming here with so many people wasn't the best idea." Torrin muttered. "I forgot how easily distracted he can get."

    "I'll show ya distracted!" Watts shouted as he swung and punched Torrin in the arm causing him to wince. "Now shaddup and watch your mouth around these ladies, boy!" Watts gestured towards Aria and Qamar. "So! What brings you ladies to this hearty neck'a the woods? Do ya need any fine jewels set in mythril? A little extra protection for yerselves in the form of my finest wares? I've got it all! Daggers, swords, axes, shields, armor, an' swords!"

    "Hm. Guess that happened." Gladio commented after watching the girls have their spat after which Illiana made her exit. "Guess you need to lead the way then. After you." And with that they were off. Gladio and the group, minus Illiana, headed down the alley and through several twists and turns and even yet another alley until, after several minutes of walking, they arrived to what Gladio could only consider as Tinarah's safe place. It was inconspicuous enough and even though it lacked a certain air of mystique it was good enough for now. After jumping a fence they arrived at a closed down playground in a secluded part of town that was filled with several items that looked to be made of now-rotting wood. The only thing that looked to be even remotely safe to sit on was one of the only remaining swings that was still attached.

    "Well we're here now. Gotta say, as far as secret bases go this is a real low point." He commented. "It'll do though. So what exactly is going on here? You kids seem to know more about those others working with Gigas."


    Illiana had distanced herself quite a bit from the group and had found herself wandering through one alley to get back to the streets. Just before she reached its end a wall of ice formed in front of her. "You're Koa's sister, correct?" Came Pagos's voice from behind her. "Don't worry. I'm not here to kill you. Koa would never forgive me if I did something like that. Still. You're not doing anything but getting in the way, Illiana. Why don't you head on home and your brother will meet you there when this is all over. Trust me, it'd be easier for you. That's what you want to do anyway? Ignore everything around you that doesn't concern your family, right?"

    Post by: Arch, Mar 7, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Arch
    Post by: Arch, Mar 5, 2019 in forum: Production Studio
  16. Arch

    Castur Covered Ananta and used Quake!

    Post by: Arch, Mar 5, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Arch

    "I see." The king gave a solemn nod as he took in this new information. "This Light Chaser sounds like a powerful foe but other than holding a few tricks up his sleeve I have not seen, that kind of strength does not sound like something I have not triumphed over before." Joch noticed that Torrin, who had been one of the few who hadn't bowed besides Aria, did not look entirely convinced to which Joch gave a confident smirk. " have never experienced the full weight of the presence of the King's Order, have you? No, otherwise you would have never doubted my ability to protect this realm. In the past two decades I have only had to call on that sacred power only once and in doing so this entire realm quaked with the power I unleashed. You would have felt it had you not left your home."

    With a wave of his hand he commanded the guards to rise to their feet. "As for giving both the princess and her friend sanctuary, I shall take it into consideration."

    "There's one other thing." Torrin said. "Our people are lacking in armor and we're going to need some high grade Orichalcum to make it."

    "Is that the reason why you came? The Council needed a loan for its soldiers and they believed you were the best way to manipulate me into assisting them?" Joch narrowed his eyes. "Hm. Very well. It will be another matter to deliberate on. For now, Nora shall find suitable quarters for our potential two guests. The rest of you are free to go about as you please so long as you stay away from the restricted areas and the front lines." Joch gave one final glance to Torrin and turned around to make his leave with Nora, Eilonwy, and Taran in tow.

    "Well that went about as well as I could expect." Torrin muttered under his breath as he watched his uncle and cousin leave. He let out a sigh of relief. "It'll probably be a few hours before he makes a decision so if you guys want to explore, go on ahead. There's a few places of interest around here I can point out...the best bakery in the kingdom is here, as is the best smith, leather workers, artificers, chemists, and mages. Though I suppose none of that would be of any use to you guys unless you're loaded with Gil or political influence..." Torrin scratched the back of his head.

    "I need to get to the blacksmith." He glanced over at Aria. "Do you want to meet the most short-tempered man in the realm? Don't worry he's got a heart of gold...or ice depending on the day. He's old and is probably the only person who'll be more annoyed that I wrecked some armor than vanished for six years."

    "Hm..." Gladio narrowed his eyes at Tinarah, catching her slip of the tongue but made nothing of it deciding to leave it be. "Right. We can head out to my secret base." He responded to Chrono. "And as for any others like you," He looked at Chrys, "I haven't seen a girl matching that description yet but it wouldn't surprise me if she was here. As for the other one? Yeah. Gave me the pleasure of learning his name too. Koa. Koa Salamander if I heard him right." Gladio folded his arms and stood still, not making a move to go anywhere and stared at the keybladers for a long moment.

    "What? Did you think I was serious? I don't have a secret base. I've been living on a day to day basis and moving around too much to have a secret base. Now if you kids have any bright ideas on where to lay low for a while then I'm all ears. Otherwise this inconspicuous alleyway will have to do. No glamor to it but it'll get the job done."

    Post by: Arch, Feb 26, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Arch

    Castur Covered Ananta and cast Aeroga on Marx.

    Post by: Arch, Feb 25, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Arch

    Nora folded her arms and rolled her eyes at Qamar. "There are more important things going on here than whatever's happened with you. If it'll get you off my back then I'll tell you what little I know. Your father doesn't even live here. I think he used to hold some land up north. If he isn't out on the battlefield he'll probably be there." She turned over towards Enzo, her face going red in anger, and would have raised her keyblade against him if Boreas had not said something. Still, she wished to unleash her pent up anger regardless but with a deep breath she managed to calm down just enough to hold it back for now.

    "Boreas, you have a point but we're here for a more important matter. Outsiders or not, our business here is more important than the damn war. The Realms are in danger and trying to get under our skin by insulting my friends is just wasting time."

    "We're not going to drop everything just because you think you still have a place here. If you think the problems of the Realm of Light are any concern of ours then you must have lost your mind over there!"

    Torrin's hand twitched. He looked over at Aria who had moved closer towards him and returned his attention back towards his cousin. In his mind he played out a scenario where he would have called on his keyblade and knocked Nora out for being so stubborn that she refused to do anything but insult him and his friends. His eyes shifted over towards the guards around him and even though he knew they could force their way to the throne room he would have a hell of a time trying to convince his uncle of anything if the first thing he had done on his arrival was to knock out the King's daughter. "Dammit Nora we're going to have to be on the same side if we're going to save our people."

    "Our people? What right do you have to claim that you care about anyone other than yourself? You stopped giving a damn about the rest of us the day your mother–" A loud smack rung out in the courtyard as Nora fell backwards barely catching herself with her hands. She looked back up at Torrin with a look of confusion, blood dripping from her lip from the punch he had dealt her. She had gone too far and Torrin snapped. The guards had raised their weapons but Nora held up her hand to stop them from doing anything.

    "That will be enough squabbling between you two children for today." A low rumble of a voice spoke. A dark power stepped forth in the form a massive imposing man clad in a dark suit of armor, his majestic cape flowing behind him as he approached the group. The guards immediately dropped to one knee, lowering their heads in respect, and Nora stared at the man in shock unable to form a single word. The man walked by Nora without a word and stopped directly in front of Torrin, towering over him. His piercing eyes examined him for a moment before shifting over to look at the Princess of Heart by his side. "A pleasure to meet you, Princess." He lowered his head in a slight bow towards Aria then looked over at Eilonwy to do the same. "And you as well."

    "U-uncle Joch..." Torrin was at a loss for words. Like Nora he hadn't expected his uncle to leave the castle to greet them out here. "How did–"

    "Do you really believe I could not sense your arrival? I have already sent word to your father." He spoke calmly as his gaze then shifted over towards Boreas. "You have done well, Son of Phaedrus."

    "I am Joch Tredecim," he announced to the group, "King of the Realm of Darkness and Sovereign of the Night. My daughter is headstrong and brash but her heart is in the right place." Nora folded her arms and turned away when her father spoke of her. "Now what is this I have heard of a threat to the Realms?" Before Torrin could respond Joch shook his head at him. "No. I wish to hear it from your party. We have much else to discuss later. Save your words for then, Torrin."


    "Who am I?" The man repeated. "The name's Gladiolus. Gladio for short." He answered Tinarah, stepping forwards towards the group to reveal himself. "You're damn right I have something against Gigas. Ever since I got here I've taken notice of the trouble these guys are up to. The thing is, they're backed by some strong kids with the same kind of weapons you have. They're tough enough to give me a run for my munny." He folded his arms. "I'm not from around here but I figured that I might as well lend a hand to cracking some skulls of those who deserve it. And Gigas? They deserve it. Those mechs their building are based off tech I've seen before and it never leads to any good."

    "I know that Angus guy is planning a takeover of this place with those mechs." Gladio looked at the keybladers and lowered his arms to his sides. "So what kind of bone do you guys have to pick with Gigas? Sounds like you're not a fan of them either."

    Post by: Arch, Feb 21, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Arch

    Castur tilted his head at the Parasite Cage frozen in time. If he had a camera this would be an opportune time for a picture with it even if it was a little morbid taking a selfie in a whale's stomach right next to a parasite that held a girl in its cage-shaped torso. On second thought, that was a terrible idea. "Alright well now's the time to hit it hard while it's still stuck like this." Castur's keyblade shifted into a giant hammer. "Don't worry, girl, we'll get you out of there!" He called out as he proceeded to smash the Heartless with the giant key-hammer.

    Castur used Refine(STR) on Ignis. Castur used Hammer Down.

    Post by: Arch, Feb 20, 2019 in forum: Role-Playing Arena