Oh snap!
I wish I was small. ;_; (yes I got the joke, im just saying)
It is the way of our people.
I think it's just because girls don't like to be called fat. Or in this case, "extra large".
Um... it sorta does yes. Please don't use me in examples at all for that matter without my permission.
I'll be taking all your money now.
I bought new ones. My phone had a hardware failure and it was past warranty so I had to buy a new phone, my laptop's processor is shot and it's an...
Eh... I'm alright. My laptop and phone broke in the same week so I feel pretty poor atm. ;_;
Don't worry, you'll start ignoring the thread soon enough~
While fairly loyal to 2d, I don't have a waifu so I guess I can't really answer these. a kagillion.
1. I've been an admin here since 2007. 2. I'd say so, I've known most of them for a long time. 3. Thanks~ It's from Strike Witches. 4. Black Lagoon, Steins;gate, Claymore, Serial Experiments Lain. 5. Too many, I like Okabe though. 6. Yes. I play TERA Online every day, it's very addicting. Oh, okay. Well I don't know cat too well but they seem nice. (Translator note: eh = you're alright)
I hate you mish. Sorry I don't know you, at least by that name. Can't recommend anything lately, haven't been watching much anime. Watamote Tera, we're all cute elin with cute outfits, we're all lancers. Um... llave, alex, claw, chev and sabby. It feels like I never asked for this. 1. Kinda annoying but you mean well. I don't remember. 2. Eh. 3. Blue, 69 4. I don't care to answer that. 5. pizza, coke, poptarts 6. networking 7. not really 8. see 1, I dont dislike you or anything though. 9. I guess so, I'm not really social lol 10. Sure, because you say you are. Nah. 11. what 1. wow rude 2. cause you smell funny 3. blue a ba de a ba die 4. elin adventures because yes 5. 1. Sorry don't know you either. 2. I guess angel beats? 3. deathsmiles 4. I'm alright, been busy offsite. 5. Easily but I wouldn't.
I never asked for this.
too old
oh hai I'm that one guy. From that one party. (RvR)
Yep, the joy of working 7 hours on Labor Day. At least I got holiday pay.
Sounds good to me.
Uh, don't act so surprised, man. Yeah I remember that. I think we shared more infractions between each other than the entire site combined, lol.
http://www.saltybet.com/ This is pretty addictive. You make an account and bet fake money on randomly generated Mugen fights, a lot of fun.