Yay, I missed my free muffins. I-I mean welcome back!
I like how he picked the loli.
Yo. Not much, getting ready for fall semester. You?
Sabby smells. Spoiler jk ilu bby
I'm on TERA pretty much every day, if anyone plays on Mount Tyrannas lemme know. I might try Archeage when it comes out, but I don't think I'll be paying $50 dollars to play in the betas.
http://www.tubefilter.com/2014/07/04/rooster-teeth-rwby-video-game/ Neato.
Probably just got out to dinner later with family.
T-thank you.
Super late reply, but in case you didn't already find it by now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHV46RLVmtI You should also check out:...
It's free, just go through the installation process very slowly. You'll want to skip or uncheck any pro trial versions or additional software it'll try to bundle with it. But yes the free version of malwarebytes works very well.
It's pretty sad honestly. One of the most popular TERA streamers is a guy that uses a voice changer, people are dumb enough to believe he's a girl and his channel gets a scary amount of donations.
I don't mind streaming any of my steam games or mmos, though I doubt anyone would be interested in seeing how bad I am at games.
Oh good, a new movie for Little Kuriboh to make fun of all the plotholes about.
Keep it down, I'm trying to watch video games on tv.
And you are? Only non-legends would forget who I am.
CTR showed her true colors in her ban comments.
Laziest admin.
*goes to manually change post count to 8 billion*