me: cause there was yelling in the car and i didnt want to be in trouble T^T
Dracon: why were you pushing yourself so hard?
Dracon: and why is that?
Dracon: well i see how it is grumpy scales
Dracon: theres some food if you want some *points to the plate near the bed*
Dracon: well hey there sunshine, did you sleep well?
Me: *gets super formal* y-yes ma'am *gets out of the car*
Dracon: thats the point isnt it? *leans in giving her a kiss*
Me: *looks at ashley confused on what she said but decides to stay quiet because of how rosey's yelling*
Me: *uncovers my face* w-what happened?
Me: HOLY!!!! *covers my arms in front of my face teleporting the car out of the way without even noticing that i did anything*
Dracon: well its okay cause in my book your perfect in all the ways possible *smiles*
Dracon: are you close to being in balance at all?
Dracon; I see, it seems like it would take alot of practice wouldnt it?
Dracon: but for someone to be in complete balance they need to have all of those traits working simultaneously at once?
Me: *pushed back into my seat* man this is crazy *so happy with a huge smile on my face* o-oh rosey dont forget we need some new clothes as well...
Dracon: ahh I see, so looking back on every bodies traits, thats why cr always has power, sparing no expense of what he does, and as an example we...
Dracon: *looks at the triangle* and where are you going with this?
Me: this is so awesome!!!!!!
Dracon: why is he using it so much??