me: man..... Dracon: well calm down then maybe you can participate
Me: charisa, can i try next?! Dracon: *faceclaws* why can't you ever calm down?
Me: hey you gotta take the chance to learn while you can.. Dracon: *looks over at cr* at least he's dedicated
Me: *watches contently* Dracon: Don't stare too hard now
Me: *takes a seat near by on the bench* Dracon: *sits down next to me*
Me: *nods my head* very true *becomes a tad bit more relaxed feeling as if everythign is okay* and really ashley if thats the case then i'm super...
Me: Explain to me something...why would you show me this since im just a mortal...
Me: you guys are so mean T^T
Me: *shakes my head some snapping back to reality* Y-yeah...
Me: hey, i can still hear you! >.<
Me: *still pressed up against the seat wondering how things escalated so quickly and the trouble i've gotten myself into*
Me: *looks back at windy* B-but I'm a human.....
Me: oh god, this is getting pretty crazy!!! *holding the seat*
Me: *turns around wide eyed* did i hear toy? O,O
Me gusta to this lots of me gusta :3
Me: *stretches and heads on down to the training room* (i wont be on later, im hanging with a buddy of mine after school)
Me: oh god what have I gotten into T^T *is forced back into the seat from the take off*
Me: thanks legna *smiles*
Me: just tell the cop that your foot slipped off of the might work...o,o
me: well do you think we're rested up enough for us to all go watch you train legna?