Me: I thought she was the only one who could do that? o.o
Me: isnt that what charisa was doing?
Me: *looks at the triangle* what are you doing Cr?
Me: dont you ever get antsy from just sitting here though?
Me: uhhhh its not fair I really wish I could be down there....
Me: *is on the edge of my seat grinding my teeth* come on come on, your almost most there dig deeper...put everything you have into every hit!!
Me: *a small fire builds in my eyes* come on legna feel the drive, find the power to perservere. Don't give up, let your pride guide you. Let the...
Me: *snaps out of it watching the orb* I see alittle bit of resillence coming out in him, do you think the courage aspect is building up to?
Me: *laughs alittle* I mean we both do have very strong significant others, I'd actually be afraid to get on their bad side...wait take that...
Me: dont worry I'm sure shes doing okay
Me: agreed *sits down at a table in the dinning hall watching the orb* So have you heard from kim at all lately? I havent heard from windy at all,...
Me: *nods my head accepting her decision* we'll find some place to get you some new clothes, but lets hurry up for now *eats my last skewer and...
Me: to be honest I think I've learned enough now, im more worried about these aspects I need to know where I am with it
Me: *laughs some looking at ashley* if your still hungry I could give you another *then looks over at windy* and windy I'd be more than happy to...
Me: *shakes my head* this is gonna be a long day.. *gets up walking over to windy handing her some paper towels and napkins to clean off some and...
Me: *thinks if what i said was wrong as I see windy go flying into ashleys food since she moved a couple tables away* ooo this isnt gonna be good...
Me:*begins thinking back* I didnt even get a chance to finish my assassins training... *almost at the dinning hall now*
Me: *laughs hearing rosey* man they sound like best friends. And dont think your bothering anyone, trust me its not good. Especially when your...
Me: *starts watching the orb while walking* Do you think we'll ever be able to master this CR?
Me: *grabs my other 3 skewers and pays for them heading over to where ashley is sitting* well hey stranger why are you eating alone? You know you...