Kade woke from her dream, Zepharus sat at her side already awake and looking at their surroundings. "Sleep well?" Zepharus asked as he looked ahead. "Yeah, just a weird dream...... Do you miss fighting?" Kade asked curiously. "Yes, I'm a Dragon. It's in our nature to fight," Zepharus responded. "Maybe we should fight then.... what's so wrong with it? I know I promised myself that I would cut myself off from the Organization and never fight again but I dont know if that is something I can do," Kade looked at her boots. She had taken off her uniform and gotten new clothes: black cargo pants, a white halter top with a hood and many silver bracelets around her arm and belts going around her waist and legs. "Nothing wrong with wanting to fight Kade. Especially for those you care about like Yeifou and your son," Zepharus smiled warmly at Kade. "Would you like to return to them? Letters dont always make up for the real thing." Kade smiled and nodded her head before she and Zepharus stood up and walked toward the headquarters...... to their home...... their family.
Kade sat atop Memory Skyscraper, watching all hte busying people below her feet. Her jacket bilowed behind her in the wind. Zepharus stood next to her, his loose black shirt stretched across his chest. Ina teleported in next to the duo and stood behind Kade alongside Zepharus. Her white kimono blew against her body from the wind. Reon and Yugure teleported in and stood behind Zepharus and Ina. Reon's red, buttoned down shirt pulled agasint the wind as did Yugure's white trench coat. Kade stood up, faced the group and rolled up her sleeve te reveal her dragon tattoo, Reon rolled his up to reveal his wolf tattoo, and Ina pulled at her sleeve to show off her water dragon. "Of the Sky," Kade started. "Of the Earth" Reon followed. "Of the Water" Ina finished. An alchemic circle formed at the base of their feet and a larged one connected the smaller three. Zepharus stood behind Kade, Yugure behind Reon, and a mist like gas formed behind Ina. The circle was so that non would be abel to listen to their conversation. "No more fighting........" Kade demanded. "Why?" Reon argued. "Telren will never die, that is a fact that everyone must face..... there is no point in fighting him," Kade explained. "So says the once Goddess of Death," Ina replied. "That was a long time ago, back when I was a Knight," Kade retorted. "Then become Death once again! To fight Telren" Reon persisted. Kade clenched her fist and hte marking on her arms that the Knights had given her for everyone she he killed began to glow. "No, I will not become Death again. I promised myself that when Kaden was born," Kade argued. "Very well," Ina and Reon nodded in agreement, realizing that this conversation wasnt getting anywhere. Kade pulled down the circle around them, "You two can do what you want, but as for me I will do as I see fit." Reon and Ina nodded and teleported off the skyscraper with Yugure behind them. Kade and Zepharus teleported away shortly after....
OOC: wow I know I've been busy and havent been on but you guys havent even had the battle yet..... I must say I agree with OrginizationXIII.
OOC: Sorry I havent been on everyone. My friend is going through a lot, like i pulled a all nighter looking after him and skipped classes the next day so his roomie and I could alternate looking after him. then my boss sold his buisness and more drama followed so yeah, it hasnt been a good week, but fall break is this coming weekend so I'll be home and get real food!!!
OOC: dont worry about the render, i got a tut online that shows how to make it, deviant art is an amazing thing. Just send it all when your done, no rush.
av: 7/10 sig: 9/10 they are both simple but i like gems that are shinny lol. especially like the sayaing in the sig
OOC: Like I said its not the end of the world, i just would like to have something up there instead of ummm yeah so this is our family lol. Which is hte point of the profiles, after the profiles its probably going to be like a locations section then i think the recaps will start.
OOC: Im not rushing you guys, get it done when ever I just would love them by sunday casue im hoping ot have the family up sunday night, I havent finished Kade's bio yet either so dont feel bad lol - -!
"But I can help!" Zepharus protested. He realized there was no point in arguing with the two of them. "Fine, I'll take Kaden for the time being. But if I come back and find all of you dead I swear I'll put a curse on your bloodline." Zepharus teleported out of the room to pack his things. "He wont curse us," Kade assured as Yeifou after Zepharus had left. "He's just trying to threaten us into living." Kade laughed slightly at the thought of Zepharus actually trying to curse their family, she didnt think he knew any magic other than the basics. "Zepharus will look after Kaden, dont worry. I trust him." "We shall finally take our rightful place," Ina smiled at the idea and kissed Telren lightly on the lips. "And the darkness shall reign over the light." OOC: not trying to harass you guys bout bio but get them in please or cute little avatar wont be happy ^^
"Zepharus!" Kade called out. a few secondsd later Zepharus appeared in a burst of rainbow white light. "What's up? I've been flying around and they havent showed up yet," Zepharus infromed Yefiou and Kade "You wont be fighting Zeph. I want you to take Kaden and leave. Go to another world for a while. Then return here and see if theres anything left, if not then take Kaden as far from here as you can, and if we survive then you both can return," Kade ordered the Dragon infront of her. "What you cant be serious! What it Telren made a replica of me too, then youll have Xeal and me to fight, Xeal cant fight off two Dragon by himself! Yeifou tell her!" Zepharus argued and raged at the same time. "Tomorrow they shall be ours, Kade, Yeifou, that stupid Dragon, Yeifou's replica and his stupid bride, the snowman as Reon calls him, and the other Dragon..... not to mention the little brat," Ina smiled.
"...and Kade and Yeifou will be ours," Ina finished Telren's sentence. She looked at all the replicas Telren. Seemed he had made everyone, this would be a larege battle, larger than she expected. "If we survive that is.... promise me.... should we send Kaden away? I know you dont trust Zepharus but he'll be able to keep him safe and out of harms way..... just in case....." Kade stated worriedly.
"Well I would like to, who knows, maybe Salix and Garxena woudlnt mind having a double wedding," Kade laughed lightly. "After all I dont recal them having thier wedding yet either." Ina went to check on Reon, curious as to how he was progressing in his healing. She ofund him almost like he was before the battle. Full of energy and in need of mental attention. "What? Coudlnt keep your eyes off me?" Reon smirked. Yugure was sleeping peacefully in the corner trying to regain what energy he had given to his master. "I was just making sure you werent dead," Ina glared at the youth. Sighing Ina went back up to Telren to watch him and his Nobody replicas.
"We technically got married but we never had a wedding ceremony or anything to show that we were married other than our love," Kade replied with a smile, lightly squeezing Yeifous hand that held her own. Zepharus flew around the outskirts of the Headquarters. Greatfull that he mastered the ability to fly in his human form. It made many things much easier, he didnt have to transform into a giant flying lizard just to fly, something he loved to do. He was physically ready for the battle but he didnt know if he could handle it mentally, then there came flying. The one sure way to clear his mind.
"I love you too," Kade smiled down at Yeifou. "You know what I just realized, we never had a wedding. I mean we're marreid but we never had a wedding." Kade had to laugh at the thought that she and Yeifou had been marreid for over a year and they had yet to have a wedding.
cuddles!!! then looks for socks lol
Kade laughed,"I slept in the forest for half my life. I can sleep where ever I find a place.Though some are better than others." She had learned early on with living with the Knights that she souldnt be picky about where she selft, that she should be happy just to be alive.
Kade went back into the Headquarters and into the living room to relax on the couch. 'I hope everyone's ready,' Kade thought to herself. She wasnt true that she was ready, she hadnat been in a battle in a long time. None of the members had been in a large scale battle in long time. Kade pulled her hood up and slouched in the couch, resting for the battle Zepharus went to the lake and stood in its waters, trying to keep control and make peace with his Dragon half. Ancient writing glowed around him, encirceling, the water began to bubble around him and a ghostly figure of a Dragon emited from his body and spreade its wings. Together the Dragon and Zepharus let out a roar in unison. In a bright light the Dragon dissapeared, and left Zepharus there drenched and soaking wet. OOC: Dont forget about bios guys!!! PLEASE!!!! *beging eyes/pose*
Zepharus wasnt happy being forced to wear all the armor. Kade just ignored him and double checked to make sure none of it would cause him any aggitation. Satisfied, she removed the armor and Zepharus turned back into his human form. "What about you?" Zepharus asked. "I've got my spells, besides I'll be on the ground. Armor would only get me killed," Kade assured. Zepharus still wasnt satisfied, he took Kade's hands and a spell circle wrapped itself all over Kade's body, Making her body glow purple. The glow disapeared and no mark remained on her body. Satisfied Zepharus walked off into the Headquarters. OOC: That's ok just wondering but do you think you could like type up how to make on and PM it to me? jsut so i know how to do them for furutre sigs?
Kade teleported next to Zepharus, "Dragon, now." Zepharus looked up from the book he was reading on spells and various magic,"Why? What's up?" "Armor, I need to be able to fit your Dragon with something other than scales. Or have you forgotten that if one of us get's hurt the other feals some portion of that pain?" Kade said firmly, she took Zepharus by the collar of his jacket and almost dragged him outside. "Ok ok ok, I get it," Zepharus managed to get to his feet, straightened his clothes and tirned into a Dragon. Kade nodded her approval and pointed to the earth near Zepharus's feet and the purple alchemic rings appeared and turned into metal sheets. Using her own magic Kade manuvered the metal sheets near Zepharus's body and used alchemy to fit it to his body. She repeated this process till the top of his head, his shoulders, neck, the bones of his wings, and his hind quarteres were sheilded. OOC: destiny do you have the render yet?
Kade teleported to the highest point in the Headquarters, she floated a few feet above the roof and began chanting, putting protection spells and using ancient alchemy to protect the building from the natural disasters, too bad what they were facing wasnt exactly natural. "Vernda this staður frá the hálfviti hver viðurværi hland okkur burt. Mega hans átakanlegur hræ eða hans her aldrei stíga fótur inn í okkar heimili. Ef hann er fær til spilla this heilagur staður en this stafa sjúga." Kade chanted as the glowing purple ring appeared under her feet till it spread out and grew to cover hte entire building. Kade landed back onto the roof, somewhat drained from the ordeal. A building as large as this wasnt an easy task to protect.