"He better hurry up," Kade thought to herself as she knocked another replica away with her scyth, "It's odds like these that I wish Zeph was here." she used her magic to send another replica flying into the sheild. A replica came running towards her, weapons flying. Kade dodged out of the way and used her scyth's staff to block the replicas attack.
Kade ran over to Frostex to guard him while he leaned against the piller, "You need a break?" Kade asked as she cut throuth a replica with her scyth. This battle wasnt going as well as she had hopped, granted they were holding their own. They still had no idea how many replicas had been made, or if he was continuing to make them as the battle wore on. "If you need to rest Frostex go, I can handle things while your gone."
OOC: We'll miss you Riku_Gaara *sniff sniff* Kade smiled slightly as she looked over the threshold and down at Frostex and Kairi batteling the replicas, "I guess we could give them a hand." Kade jumped from the ledge, called off the shadow wolves so that she had the energy to fight, and landed on the ground as the large wolf disapeared. She slashed at a replica and turned to Frostex, "Thought you could use some help." She kicked another replica in the stomach and used the non bladed end of her scyth to swing at his back. "Well this is fun."
OOC: We are in the huge epic battle with Telren. Kade turned to Yeifou, and gently sqeezed his hand, "You ready to finally finish them?"
Kade dispersed her wolf, "The shield can take care of them while we handle Telren." she summoned her scyth 'Havenmt used this one in a while,' she thought to herself, feeling the comfortable metal through her gloves. She turned to Yeifou and took his hand in hers, gently squeezing it with a reassuring smile. "Let's finish this."
Kade smiled, "Probably but that'll give me some time to get rid of her along with that lover of hers." The wolf threw the last replica into the ground. "Shall we go after them then?"
OOC: *Ahem* i have been on lol idk where you guys have been ^^ Kade continued to control her wolves, concentrating more on the giant one since it took more magic and will power then the rest, "So, once these guys are taken care of whats the plan?" The giant wolf threw another replica against the sheild.
OOC: College is what happened
There is a trailer that talks about Sora's memories leaking out and someone existing becasue of that, its on youtube somwhere but I think thats kinda of the background of Xion. I dont think it's possible to creatw two different Nobody's eiteher. I'm not trying to shoot down your theory I'm just saying its highly unlikely.
"For as long as you need me too, I'm just trying to get rid of some extra baggage that Telren brought along," Kade smirked. She watched as the wolves kept attacking at the replicas, doing what any real wolf would do, work together to bring their target down. There was about two wolves per replica and it was starting to wear down Kade. "Guess I'll be taking a little nap after these replicas are gone," Kade thought to herself. She sent all the wolves into darkness and summoned her alchemy, she created a shallow canyon about 20 feet deep where the replicas stood. "That should take care of them for now." Kade slowly stood up and looked over the side to see if she needed to make the pit deeper. "well well, little one has some skill. shes tougher than I thought," Ine smirked sarcastically. OOC: last post exam at 8am tomorrow
"Kade is stuborn, she will do what she feels she must do," Ina said, she knew Kade better than anyone... they were a sombody at one point. "Trust me on this guys, I'll be fine" Kade promised Salix and Yeifou. "I know what I'm doing. I got plenty of fight left in me." She called a few of the wolves back to compensate for the larger one, who threw a few more replicas into the ground.
"No.... I'm fine. I want to destroy these replicas first, then let the sheild do protect us. Think about it, this way we have less replicas to fight," Kade said, her breathing deepening slightly. Her eyes started to glow black and purple, and a aura of the same colorr started to form around her. A giant wolf sppeared on the battle, its jaws clamped around a replica and threw it into the sheild. "Well, maybe she'll sink into darkness and be under our control sooner then I thought. Shes pulling out all her tricks earlier then expected," Ina realized, it wasnt like Kade to go this far this early in the battle.
Kade grimaced as one of the wolves was destroyed by a replica. "Well maybe these guys arent as weak as we thought." she summoned a few more wolves to fight the replicas. She wasnt sure if she could keep this up for a few hours, this many wolves took a lot of magic and physicaly it was draining to summon that much magic at once. Three wolves attacked a replica, managing to knock it off balance and fall to the ground, only to have the wolves continue to attack. "Kade will tire soon, these wolves wont last much longer. All tihs magic takes a lot out of her," Ina laughed synically as she watched the battle before her.
"Well it seems we are being sent the little minions," Kade smirked as she sent her wolves after the replicas. The wolves jumped on the replicas, bitting and scratching at any opening they could fine in their defenses. "Well well... they can put up a fight," Ina smirked as she watched the battle before her. "Lovely isnt it?"
"Dont worry, he'll be back.... he wouldnt dare returning without Kaden safe and sound," Kade treid to lighten the mood. "Well, I could send my wolves after them.... they're long range." Kade prepared to send out her wolves on the replicas. "Why dont we send some of the replicas in to take it down love?" Ina proposed with a sly smile.
"Zepharus, I want you to go now... get Kaden out of here," Kade ordered her Dragon companion. Zepharus nodded and went to get Kaden. "How long will the sheild hold? I mean there arent anymore preparations that we can do." Zepharus picked up Kaden in his arm, teleported to the roof top, and turned to the child. "Dont worry, we'll be back." He teleported into a Dragon, Kaden in one of his hands, and took to the skies. "Hmmm looks like they've put up a shiled..... and their little Dragon friend is abandoning them. oh how close they are," Ina smirked.
Ina came up from behind Telren, put her arms over his shoulders and with a sly sedistic smile said, "Then we can rebuild it, and make it our new headquarters." "Well then, I guess it's time we got busy," Kade smiled to herself. She was ready to have Telren gone, she knew there would be costs and they wouldnt come out of this scratch free but they had to try. She used her shadow magic to summon and army of shadow wolves to help them in their battle since Zepharus would be flying away protecting Kade. Zepharus teleported into the room, "Would you like me to go now?"
Everywhere I've seen it says Winter 2008, I mean it very well could include the begining of 2009 since Winter starts in late November. Either way I'd give it a year from the Japan release to finally get to the States. Wiki is unreliable, I wouldnt even bother believing what it says.
The release date for Japan is Winter 2008 I believe. So I'd give it a year or so.
They use this all the time in literature. It’s called a “Foil Characterâ€.It’s not meant to serve a purpose, it’s just to show you another side, of what could have been sort to speak. Example 1: Lady Macbeth is just insane and a cynical psychopath. Lady Macduff is the exact opposite, being the nurturing motherly type. or Macbeth is more of the negative side of humanity. Macduff is the fatherly and protective figure. Example 2: Charmed, the final season, the Charmed Ones (sisters) had to fight against and enemy that was also powerful, two sisters. So they fought each other using their bonds as sister. I think that’s what Xion, Roxas and Axel are to Kairi, Sora, and Riku. They don’t have a connection that we don’t already know about. I think it’s there to show the other side, that Nobody’s (in this case the villains in the game) can have feelings/emotions. I really just think their friendship is for the foil character aspect.