I'm not a fan of Romeo and Juliet, either I couldnt stand how stupid those two where or my teacher was just horrible and was a 'read the book, youll understand it' teacher. I read Macbeth my senior year and loved it, I watched Hamlet in a humanities class, but I'm reading it in my Theatre class now, and now I'm getting ready to read a midsummers night dream in my college british lit class. I really enjoy shakespeare, we have a class just on him so I think I'll probably take it. Homer was a great mind of his time, Shakespeare was a great mind of his time. There. End of story.
And that would be me
Well if you look back this country was founded on Christian principles. But I do agree that it was a little hypocritical that they had a prayer with the separation of church and state. The prayer is a tradition if you want to think about it like that. I do like how the prayer wasnt biased to one religion. You have to look back to when these traditions and laws were put into place, when religion was a huge part of everyday life. I thought it was quite a historic event for a non white male to take the presidency, now we have to wait a few more years for a female to get in (African-American males got the vote before females). I loved Obama's speech, I'm a Communication Major and thats what we do, evaluate speeches. He's a great speaker and made a lot of good points. I really liked how he said we will not apologize for the way we are and we will defend our way of life. Also he brought up how we will have to help out eachother, that changing the state of the economy wont be easy and that it isnt just a one man job. I wish him the best of luck, he doesnt have an easy job and we should stand behind him. I take that ideal with every President, we may not always agree with their deicisions but they are the President of our country and they deserve our support. Dredica: It didnt take place at a mall, that's just the name of the huge grass space with the Capital at one end and the Washington Monument on the other. It's not a mall with stores that you go window shop through.
"Hmm interesting change. Inpresive that you were able to block my kunai, even more so that you were able to freeze the others," Ina admired. She summoned some more kunai to her hand and went after Frostex, teleporting behind his back and stabbed... "Sorry, cant do that babe. I'm not exactly your average run of the mill Nobody," Reon transformed his body into energy, and slipped through the twilight bonds. He took his human like apearance and took a glance at Garxena and smiled. "See?" Kade saw Ina's plan and quickly teleported inbetween Frostex and Ina, taking the kunai. Kade smiled at Ina before landing a solid elbow to Ina's cheek and a kick to her side.
"Frostex, you and I will take Ina. Zepharus, if you ever disobay me again I will seal you away again," Kade challenged. Zepharus was slightly taken aback but teleported away back to the forest where Yugure was taking care of Kaden. Kade brought out her scyth and tried to block as many kunai as she could. Ina stopped her assult and stoon inbetween Frostex and Kade. "Ha, that's funny. You honestly believe in that do you?" Reon laughed at Salix and Garxena. He tightened his grip on his trench knife and charged at the couple. Not giving them a chance to form a strategy to use against him. He went for Salix first, being the stronger of the two he knew he could take his time with Garxena. Salix however was a much bigger threat and needed to be taken care of first. "So, you two honestly believe you both can beat me? Well I guess it's all right to let you believe you can, even if it is a false hope," Ina smiled devilishly ans sent a single kunai in either direction to divert their attention while she jumped in the air to deliver another barage of kunai.
hmm i shall give you a 9/10
Feb 8 whoot yay for being born in the dead of winter
Nobody: the body left over when a heartless is created Not a hard concept to understand
I liked the battle with Xaldin even though his spears were a pain, Xemnas even though it took forever to even get to him, and Luxord because I thought his card attacks were amazing
Axel has the most touching final scene but I do like Roxas's final aswell kinda wish he asked about Axel or something. He doesnt find out that Axel dies does he?
"Let us in on the action!" Zepharus and Reon's voice flowed through the air. A blue and green lighting bolt fell from the sky the blue one blocked Ina from Kade and Salix while the green one blocked Yeifou from Telren. The lighting bolts vanished. Zepharus blacked Ina's path while Reon blocked Telren. "Miss me boss?" Reon smirked sarcastically as he drew his trench knife and metal fingered gloves.* He turned to Yeifou slightly. "Dont worry, I'm not gonna hurt Kade." Suddenly his head seared with pain, he glanced over at Telren, "Please, stop, dont make me do this." He could feel his hands move on their own for his weapon, his eyes centering on Garxena. Zepharus turned his head to Kade and smiled, "Dont worry, he's safe." He turned his attention to Ina once again and drew his whip. "Now, shall we end this?" Kade's eyes widened when Zepharus showed up on the battlefield, 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!' Kade screamed into his mind. How could he leave Kaden unprotected? He promised her that he would look after him and keep him away from the battle! "So the little pet Dragon has decided to fight after all? I was wondering where you had run off too," Ina smiled and summone more kunai to her hand. 'Telren, what shall we do about them? we didnt expect these two to show themselves?' Ina asked Telren inside his mind. OOC: * think clouds gloves in KHI
Ina laughed meniacally and summoned her kunai, "Pathetic fools." She threw them where Yeifou and Frostex stood. She summoned another pair of kunai and threw them at Salix and Kade. "Now now, its no fun if you dodge them." Ina went after Salix and Kade, her kunai showering down like rain around them. "Stupid Heartless," Kade grumbled as she summoned her keyblade and charged Ina as she came towards them. The kunai and keyblade slam into eachother, neither of their weilders giving into the other. "You honestly think you will be able to beat me?" "You know... we could always go help them," Reon smiled at Zepharus. "After all I cant die, I will age yes, but not die. I am energy in itself and energy can neither be created or destroyed." "Be that as it may I gave my promise to Kade to protect her kid... wether I like it or not I vowed I would keep him safe, and bringing him into the middle of a battle wouldnt be particularly safe," Zepharus joked as he looked over at Reon.
'Last time I checked I'm not your Dragon and you are not my Tamer. I listen to you because you are special to Kade but that doesnt mean I am one of your lackies,' Zepharus shot back at Yeifou. Zepharus felt the block Ina had put upon Kade, 'Kade listen to me, listen to my voice,' Zepharus pushed his mind into Kade's hoping that his and her Tamer and Dragon bond would be able to break some of the magic Ina had put upon Kade. "Kade...Kade....KADE!' Zepharus screamed into his Tamers mind trying to get through. Zepharus took human form, his arms behind him holding Kaden against his back, and landed in the trees, unknowingly near Reon and Yugure. Kade grabbed at her head as the barrier was broken by Zepharus, "OW! Stop screaming,' Kade growled through her teeth. 'You wanna try breaking the other spells my other self put on me?' Kade asked, her head still throbed. She had made peace with herself earlier, that Ina was apart of her and that there was no running away from that fact, just as Telren was apart of Yeifou. Zepharus was able to to break the spell on Kade's mouth, giving her back her speech. "Thats better." Kade used some of her own magic and alchemy to undo the spells Ina put on her feet and hands. "Well then, now that I'm all free..." Kade smiled as she stretched her hands. Ina recovered from the kick as Yeifou jumped back to Salix and handed over her Nobody. "Telren, let me finish her." Ina demanded. "Before her pet Dragon breaks my spells!" Ina watched as Yeifou and Frostex drew their weapons and glared at them with the resentment she felt towards all of them. "We can handle these two, they arent much of a match for us." Reon saw Zepharus fly down into the trees, a quietly as possible he jumped from limb to limb till he and Yugure landed next to them. "Having fun watching this?" "What are you doing here?" Zepharus glared, he bent his legs, ready to fly Kaden away from his insane uncle. "Watching the battle, Kade can put up a fight when she wants to but she's not the brightest, that's Ina's job shes the cunning one. Like Telren they both know how to manipulate those around them, a temptress in desguise if you will. Kade is the more physical being of the two, she's definetly stronger then Ina by far, but Ina has the manipulation and the magic, is my sister can get past that then she should have Ina begging for mercy in no time. I suspect the same is true for Yeifou and Telren..." Reon specualted as Zepharus stood there and looked at him strangly.
I think Xion is connected to Sora's memories, as in shes like a projection or a physical representation of Sora's memories. The video I watched had Namine and Diz talking about memories leaking out and someone disapearing
Kade felt her head slam into the ground as Telren was thrown by Frostex,she groaned at the force of the hit. She moved her wrists and her ankles trying to break free but it was no use. 'Damn it all,' Kade growled at herself. 'Ina and her cheap shots, Telren and his cunning. Yeifou and I are too easily predicted, we'd do anything for eachother and Telren knows this.' She looked over at Yeifou, her eyes pleaded with him to not obey his Heartless. 'Yeifou...love... please dont do this. Just let them take me and I'll come back to you... I promise. If you bow to him... think of everyone else, what will happen to them? Please dont sacrifice their lives for mine.' Kade pleaded into Yeifou's mind. Zepharus growled, 'I am doing my job! I'm protecting your brat like Kade told me. But you and her promised me you would come back together... Together! Do you honestly think Kade would want you doing this?!' Zepharus flew over the battle field staying near to where Kade was being held. He didnt like this situation, this was the first time Kade wasnt able to talk to move. She and Yeifou were always able to pull something together but she was now bound and unable to move. 'Yeifou, do you honestly think Kade would be happy with you leaving? Telren isnt going to let you just surrender and bow... he's going to make you follow him. Do you think that will make Kade happy? What about your son, having to live without a father?' Ina looked over at Kade, she seamed to be pleading with someone. 'Yeifou!' Ina suddenly realized. 'Telren, she's talking with him.' Ina flew to Telren's side and grabbed Kade from behind and held a knife to her neck. "Now now Kade, dont make me put magic around your mind so that you cant talk with him. Did you honestly think I'd let you talk to him?" Ina whispered menicingly into Kade's ear. "We wont give you the chance to tell him to forsake you for his precious Organization."
I think it would be a great idea to have a Heartless and a Nobody Keyblade, like after Sora reverts back to being a Somebody after he becomes a Heartless in KHI youd get the Heartless one. Then when you talk to Roxas right before the final battle youd get the Nobody Keyblade after that cut scene. I actually designed both of these keyblade one day during my British Lit class ^^ I got kinda bored lol
'Yeifou! dont do it, Kade wouldnt want you to surrender to him,' Zepharus told Yeifou in his mind. 'Let me come help you get Kade!' Zepharus made sure to fly above the clouds, just so Kaden could be safe. He looked back at Kaden sleeping on his back, if it wasnt for his promise to Kade he would be down there fighting to save Kade from Telren. Kade's eyes slowly opened, she shook her head slightly to clear her head and her vision. Slowly her vision came back to her and she saw the scene before her. Yeifou was before her, as was Salix, Garxena, and Frostex. She felt the darkness creaping from two being behind her, she turned her head and saw Telren to the left and Ina standing beside him. She felt herself being held by her jacket and noticed that Telren was holding her up by her jacket. Ina smirked at the predicament Yeifou was in. She loved putting these two against eachother. It pleased her to mess with their lives individually but there was a certain level of pleasure she got when she pitted the two against eachother. Using their love to destroy them had such a pleasing taste in her mouth.
He's not my favorite VA but his voice grew on me and i gradually liked it even more so I'm glad that they are keeping the same VA's as in COM and KHII. It just wont be the same if they use differrent people
"No, not really. I just want her to suffer. We could keep her alive after we destroy Yeifou, to live with her pain," Ina smirked looking from Yeifou to Kade. She stood by Telren's side as Yeifou came up to them. "How dare we? How dare you and Kade cast us aside and leave us to rot? We were left alone while you and Kade were given a home, a place to belong."
"This should be good," Ina smirked as Yeifou came closer. She walked over to Kade and used her magic to chain her feet and hands together and cast a spell over Kades mouth to keep her from talking. "What do you plan on doing with her anyway? I mean other then using her to make Yeifou do your bidding?"