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  1. Keyblade_Smokey
    Ina toppled over, her joints frozen. "You little!..." Ina growled in rage and anger.

    Kade jumped into the air as Ina fell to the ground, Kade dealt a deadly blow to Ina's side as she landed next to her. Kade stood up and looked down at her Heartless who reverted back to her normal self. "Goodbye.... my other self."

    Ina gave a small nod and a slight smile to her Nobody, "Fairwell, my other half." Ina faded into the sky, into the darkness that awaited her, finally at peace. "Telren..... I will wait for you my love." She sent to her still batteling love.

    Kade turned to Frostex and reverted back to her normal form. She smiled before falling to one knee, grabbing her chest. "Looks like it took a little more toll on me then I originally thought. Oh well, it doesn't matter.... Ina's gone for good now."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Keyblade_Smokey
  3. Keyblade_Smokey
    I go by my middle name always have always will, so being called by my first is a sure fire way to piss me off.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Keyblade_Smokey

    This seems to go with what everyone is saying. I saw this at Katsucon, really only the first 12 seconds apply but the rest is hilarious.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 14, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Keyblade_Smokey
    not really, if they didnt have the weapons change then the weapons would just have to level up. They do it in Drakangard, you level up but your weapon also levels up but at a different pace.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Keyblade_Smokey
    Anyone else besides me think this is a great movie? Music is amazing, acting is good, plot needs to be a little less Shilo centered but other then that great movie!!
    Thread by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 12, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Rivalry aside I just want her dead," Kade spoke in a whisper like voice. She charged at Ina and body checked her into the ground. Both Ina and Kade were faster on their feet while in these forms, not only that but their reflexes and everything about them seemed faster.

    "Wench!" Ina smalled her forehead into the side of Kade's face, knocking Kade off her. "Now I wouldn't try that again." Ina smiled
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Keyblade_Smokey
    Reon slowly stood up, "Thanks for the help, now if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way.... I should have never come here." Reon turned his back to Garxena. "Yugure!"

    Yugure looked at Reon curiously, not wanting to leave the other Nobody's to fight alone but not wanting to leave Reon's side either. He ran over to Garxena, rubbed his face against her and then went to Reon's side and followed him to the tree line and away from the battle.

    "Well there they go, after all we did for him he doesn't even stay to help. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to Kaden and babysit," Zepharus bowed and teleported back to Kaden.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Keyblade_Smokey
    Reon screamed in pain and rage, "No! Stopt it! Your Traitor! What are you doing?! AGHHH" Reon's body felt like it was on fire every nerve was screaming at him, hating him. Garxena stepped back and he fell to the ground, his breathing heavy from the ordeal. Yugure went to his side and nudged him with his nose. "I'm fine Yugure."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Keyblade_Smokey
    Good for a first AMV

    try to have clips that match the song, say is it's a slow part of the song find more peaceful video.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  11. Keyblade_Smokey
    "So pathetic, you wont even admit to what fact says we are. Look at Ina and Kade, in those forms they are just instinct, mindless creatures. Nothing but raw drive and instinct. You think they have hearts? Anyone who fights their own family, would kill their own family, you think they have hearts?" Reon spat out in defiance. He concentrated on his arm, turning it into energy so that he could slip out of Garxena's hold.

    Yugure rushed from the bushes and sank his teeth into Reon's captured arm, "Kid, the only way to free him is to take out the infection Telren put into my master!" Yugure growled at Garxena as he help Reon in place.

    Zepharus flew down from the sky and landed behind Reon. Zepharus grabbed Reon and pulled his free hand behind his back while his other arm went around Reon's neck. "Garxena, try it. We'll hold him."

    "Yugure! Traitor!" Reon raged, he fought against the two creatures, trying to escape.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Keyblade_Smokey
    I'm not completely trusting them either, I"m just relaying information.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Yes, but just because you have someone to fight for doesn't mean you have a heart. After all who said emotions come from the heart? How do you know your emotions aren't from your head? some rational thing that your mind cooked up to separate you for animals?" Reon kicked the Garxene's legs from under her. He held his katana near her face, "Look's like it's the end of the line for you my dear."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Keyblade_Smokey
    I asked Gamestop when I was there the other day and they said a September release, I cant remember the exact date but i thinks it's early September.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Keyblade_Smokey
    Ina dropped to one knee clutching her leg, "You pathetic cur," she growled. Standing up she roared in anger, darkness practically spilling from her. The darkness subsided, and there Ina stood in pure darkness, glowing red eyes. There was no body, only the outline of one clothed in darkness.

    "Well, she is a Heartless..... and I'm a Nobody," Kade smiled to herself. Kade summoned her remaining power and took her gamble, her last ditch effort in defeating Ina. "Frostex, don't worry. I'm not relying on the darkness for this one. Just back me up." Kade transformed into her Nobody, similar to Ina's form, only she was a blue grey color of a Dusk and black eyes.

    Reon looked over at Ina and Kade, 'Wow, those two are pulling out all the stops this time.' He turned his attention to Garxena. "Go ahead, destroy me. You and I would loose or gain anything by my death." Reon smirked. "Just because my body is being controlled doesn't mean my mind is..... I'd say heart but you and I both know we don't have one..." Reon took his weapon into his hand and charged Gerxena.

    OOC: Think Anti-Sora Form as a base for Kade and Ina's appearance now.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Keyblade_Smokey
    praise who ever can use WMM and make a good AMV. That's what I use but that's only because I don't have the money to buy and actual program. I've made a few AMV and the only thing I have to say is try to go to the minutest detail and get rid of the subtitles, it's a pain yes but I can do it in WMM it shouldn't be hard lol but overall I liked it

    oh if anyone would please look at my AMV i would greatly appreciate it ^^ (It's posted here somewhere on the first or second page)
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 8, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  17. Keyblade_Smokey
    Oh in your own time is your own business. I was strictly talking about in the class room environment. Should teachers be allowed to swear? I saw yes but within limits like everyone is saying. Not drop the F bomb every two seconds. What students and teachers do in their own time, outside of the class room is their own business.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 3, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  18. Keyblade_Smokey
    Yeah I've done a 4 page paper in one night it's not hard. if you arent in college yet get used to it. it's worse when you know MLA but your major doesnt use it, they use APA.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Keyblade_Smokey
    I vote no but it doesnt matter much once you hit the college level. I found it rather refreshing when on of my professors said "Dont give me any sucking up bull $hit" but i dont think it should be allowed in High school or below. College because you are an adult (18 years old) and when you are in high school you technically arent, thats why everything is addressed to the parent/guardian of (insert name here). Once in college your parents cant see your grades without your consent.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  20. Keyblade_Smokey
    OOC: Yeah, I'll color it in and post it in deviantART. Ok if you think High/Middle school snow days are fun wait till college snow days!!! Better then both combined. Shoot/DSC_9870.jpg Shoot/DSC_9884.jpg


    Kade continued to battle Ina, Kade summoned he scythe, she used her magic to make the blade smaller and unlocked the staff part, separating it. The two sides were connected with a chain inside of the staff. "Ready Ina?" Kade smiled. Kade watched as Ina's transformation began, "well this should be fun."

    Ina chuckled in her shrill laughter. "I will destroy you!" Ina charged at Kade, her form becoming more beast like then human. Ina's eyes turned cat like, her nails sharper and longer.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Mar 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home