I'm not that excited for this movie yet. The first trailer didn't really do anything for me. Anything is better than this tho: Spoiler
last words of a shooting star ~ mitski
happy new year khv Spoiler
Username: Korosu Brief Synopsis of Story: Spoiler: Days spoilers? Regarding Xion's conflictions after her true purpose is made clear to her. Genre(s)/Theme(s) of Story: friendship/whatever you deem nesscary? i'm terrible at description. Desired Rating for Story: T Type of Story: one shot Main Character(s)/Main Pairing: Xion, Roxas and Axel. Purely platonic relationships please, hah. Supporting Character(s): whoever you deem necessary. Setting(s): Wherever you deem necessary. Twilight Town Clock Tower? Her organization room? Destiny Islands beach? etc etc. What do you most like about Kingdom Hearts?: what is kingdom hearts? What do you like about KHVs?: what is khv? who are you people? What to do you want to see out of this story?: I'm a sucker for angst (to a certain extent/if it's written in a way that appeals to me) so maybe that? It'd be interesting to see your imagining of Xion. While her conflications are covered hinted at + shown in game, it'd be neat to see things from her perception in more detail. Is it okay to ask for you input if I need it?: sure Would you like me to give you credit for the idea? no Dedicate this Story to You?: nah Anything else?: Take your time! No pressure with getting this done ASAP. Have fun while writing too! Thank you for trying to bring life back to this section too.
Since you called me out on viewing the thread, I would I'd respond. Aren't you lucky? ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁) I am not that experienced with graphics at all so my feedback may not prove super helpful. I think it's a nice attempt for ~jumping back~ into the swing of things. I know 3D renders aren't your favourite thing but I like the placement of Link in this! I think the light effect/whatever is distracting and overpowering, taking away from a piece. Perhaps it could look nice with subtle colours + less of the lighting effect? (judging from the yellow in the background)
happy birthday, sunshine. ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱♡
yuri @Dr. Lux help its 2013 all over again
one time i forgot khv existed for like four months.
KH-Vids.net 10.5: The Furries attack.
I'm here. If you'd like to talk, hmu on Discord or PM on here. I'd like to say I may not be super active until after 3rd Janaury now. (Thaaaanks afk commitments)
: D
A sense of purpose and will to live.
Kinda busy tomorrow but I'm fine with either option.