I feel personally attacked right now.
I am looking forward to this! But my wallet is going to suffer a whole bunch this coming spring. orz
Stay forever? : ^ )
I like 'em! I'll probably use the second one for now. Thanks, dear.
I made some. Spoiler
You go girl. Happy belated birthday!
Hello I am here. I have two requests but I'll leave the other one until afterwards. Avatar: Size (Maximum: 100x100; for Premiums: 150x150): 150 or whatever you think looks best. I'll likely be using it off site too. Image: Spoiler Official artwork/screenshots so no real credit, really. If possible, could you focus on the upper half of Chelka? Again whatever you think looks best. I trust your skills. Text (Optional): Font (For Text): Theme (If Any): I was thinking of something subtle but also something that'd focus on the colours + make it sharper? Border (If Any): Other: Take your time. There is no rush. Thank you in advanced.
Like I said in Discord, neat! Pretty impressive too since you said you hadn't drawn for awhile. I prefer the sketch and lineart but the final product is good! The only criticism I have is the lineart in the colour version. It could be cleaner but that may be my personal preference. It isn't that much of a big deal. Overall, yay Haya! Keep drawing, man.
Kinda wish the logo in the top left weren't there but oh well. It'd look a little better imo.
Nice to see the report back!
Have a merry unbirthday, dude!
I like how your icons look, @Krowley. They are subtle yet pleasing to look at. I kinda enjoy yours as well, @hoodrat daddy. I'd probably like them even more if they looked sharper. I may post later with my own stuff. The trailer was very pretty.
time for me to build a cobblehouse and tell khv to get off my lawn.
@Feenie didn't it work for you?
Welcome to KHV, Paul tru!
Looking forward to purchasing this and wasting most of my phone's battery. Worth it though.