No. Don't feed cinnamon rolls to below, he is a very special boy. Nice projection there, buddy. Time and place?
@Fork Jadwut.
KHV username: Korosu Minecraft name: merrinou
I hate you both.
I'm in. Not fully free till the weekend after V day though.
God damnit, rat.
What do we have here?
Looks like I'll have to get security to protect my beautiful lawn... @C pls help.
Get off my lawn or so help me. ( ´艸`)
They keychain versions are kinda cute. I may be tempted if they release more characters.
If you really want too, go for it. May I ask why you don't like being paid for your art? You're great at it. Aaaaah, this is so pretty to look at.
Day feels forever.
Back to the shadows with you.
I'm disappointed.
hey nerd, haven't seen u here before xoxo
Thanks! I guess we'll wait and see though I do agree. :n
A tough decision.
Sora looks both adorable and stupid at the same time. Any news on who is voicing him?
i love it when threads go in this direction.