yep, thats me
well im very sorry about that and i hope you feel better always look for the better at least you got to a hospital and werent lying on the floor and they could have left you unconcious so please be happy and happy thanksgiving :)
well i wouldnt worry i mean, i would be upset, but i would be happy that he is up in heaven which is an awesome place and he is ok and heavens not far away i believe its right above us where we can always say " hello " so dont you nor your sister be upset and send my wishes :)
dont be so down just what made it soooooooooo bad to be around your folks and digging into turkey and thanking god for your happy life? hm?
send him my love :D
hello there have fun on the site hope to talk to ya:D
beautiful:) you gonna have a great future ahead of you if you keep up your singing awesome
your so cruel ( jumps out window onto a parking lot ) sweet! hot topic!
whatevs im going to look at plushie collections see ya
can we discuss about my birthday?
oh well, i already have a goal set have a good love shes really sweet your blessed:D
spitfire i have a question for you ive really been thinking it over, and i think its right i cant hold my feelings in any longer ( gets down on one knee ) spitfire, will you marry, my hand?
grab the food kids we are moving waitamin...i dont have kids oh well
hi ipraise how r u today in canada?
is what you mean to me, my love<3
i shall rain a second gem on thyself soon
good 4 you run across the world while your at it sport:D
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeres data base error ( rams in the door ) nooooooooooooooooooooo ( runs outside while data base follows ) ( trys to start car ) come on! refresh.. REFREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH!
happens with everyone
aaw tht was really sweet