lol i know<3 really people its a joke so, dont take it so seriousely, also notice its in the spam zone
sorry i just had to do it but i really am sorry
no wai, axel is quinton flynn enjoy!
well, i have a few costumes matt- death note daisuke/dark-DN angel and im still thinking of more this really isnt a big move for me i live in new york they are not very fr from eachother
lol XD thats awesome i have a part time job at my middle school as a tutor for 7th and 6th grade im probably moving to massachuttes ( cant waitXP ) and, i got permission to go to a anime convention this year, so yeah, i still picking a con to go to and get a pass
hi dp! im good how are you?
hi guys sososo sorry i havent been on lately blame school and the risembool rangers keep me busy but i still lobve you guys<3
woohoo! hi guys sorry this is late but MERRY CHRISTMAS! and god bless you guys wow this sites lookin goooood
Your moms over 9000
sooo have you guys been thinking about christmas?
( hugs ) ^_^ im good , thank you
heh, thats good ^_^ im doing well
helloo ^_^ how are ya
hi! how are you?
hello everyone
oh goodness O_O im good pb thank you:)
so how is everyone?
( hugs everyone tightely ) i know im sorry i havent been on much
hi everyone<3 ( blomp )