candlejack told me that light actually loves mi
well this is an add to my christmas list :D
Im the sexiest of the un sexy!
hmmm it seems snow white and terra have some back story
Thanks :) im gonna start it off later if i can
thanks, i do trust them theyre dumb but not that dumb, and even with me gone, they always got a lil piece in my heart
look, i know ive been gone for a while and i am going to be with all the crap i gotta do i have a family, a girlfriend( and if your gonna laugh that im lez or bi go ahead , i dont give a ratsass ), and i got alot of other stuff ahead since my sis is going to college and ill be home alone basically but i was just wondering if i should resurrect the kadaj family, and if not thats fine but ill make sure that there are no fights, they know when to shut the thread down, and that they are good without me havingto be there 24/7 like last time so, thats all i wanna know
i like saix he's xemnases betch plus hes got elf ears, cant top that
im gonna have to take axels side on this one
( jumps on ) well welcome to the forum your never really gonna see me but i love welcoming people poptarts rule!!!
id like to see it sweetie but if you dont want to thats perfectly fine :)
google be hatin khv XD
Hi Annie!!!!!! ive mostly been good with myself :3
hii everyone just visiting after some months of being gone so what exactly happened while i was away > partying in VA fan clubs >getting a love, shes a handful but i love her alot >cluttering my room with anime and manga( but hey who the heck wouldn't XD >fan girling over sailor uranus :3 but yeah thats mostly what happened
hmmm i would have to say all the crappy disney they put out on dvd now XD oh p.s allooooooo its been a while well hasnt it ?
oki doki ian updated me on everything so i know what happened and this is a warning i will not be around as much as i was so i expect you guys to be good that includeds no flaming anyone no over spam no cursing and most of all No Emo and i hope thats made clear remember this is a place to have fun not put anyone down thank you :3
really?! WOW! ( starcastic )
thanks, sherlock i didnt know that
geez jube shame... shame shame shame
yeah thank you for getting it :D