wow people sure are aggressive about things here even though time travel's been beaten to death and leaves more things unexplained and convoluted most of the time I liked how it was handled in Okami and even briefly in Skyward Sword.
Really tired since work drains me a lot, other than that I'm good. You? Yeah I never really intended it to be a fad so I'm not bothered by that...
Thanks, sorry for not really responding - I've been busy with a lot of stuff lately lol. And not sure, might be a semi-permanent name for now,...
Been a while, but now I actually have stuff to update with. He's actually building his own, but at the moment it looks like his won't be done for C6 - I think we decided that since it's going to be his first time in the US he'll sort of get the feel for flying over and stuff and then in the future can bring more complex things (like a set of armor). So far, this is what I have - fixed up the flight suit, made the flak vest, got a nice set of armor from a guy on the Mercs boards, and got some other bits to go with it. Spoiler While not close to finished yet, it's definitely starting to come together. Hoping to get some paint from Lowes this weekend and start on the torso plates and knees.
One of the many things I was killing myself over during my final week of classes. This is the first time I've done 3D models in this level of detail (and I'm aware things are off) but given it was a first attempt I'm pretty proud of how everything came out. All textures and lighting were done by me as well. Idea was a late gaming night. Spoiler: scenes I don't even know how much time went into this, but the models present are a couch, table, tv stand, tv, 3DS, PSP, two DS cartridges, and a UMD.
Confirmed today. Right now it says the JP release date is November 1st, so hopefully it won't be too long before it's released elsewhere too.
Sure! I'm not too great at it either, haha, don't worry. I've not watched much in a while since I'm busy with college work, but overall...Tiger &...
that is E3 BINGO. Spoiler: general Spoiler: microsoft Spoiler: ubisoft (orange) & EA (purple) Spoiler: sony Spoiler: nintendo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧VIDEOGAMES
It's fine! Thank you though omfg as for Beyonce yes it had to be done
Thanks !
why thank you taco
FUKC I JSUT SPIT SODA ON MY DESK OH MY ODG star i love you thank you
i really like brother nier
Where I am most would be killed off by the heat or cold depending on the season, I stockpile food like a *****, I know basic medical stuff, and I know how to shoot (both guns and bows). So I think I'd be alright.
welcome to a typical college sleeping schedule But I hear you on the nervousness thing, I'm flying without my parents for the first time this summer down to Florida and even though Fayt'll be with me I haven't been to Florida in years and navigating airports is hard. Try and sleep on the plane, I suppose?
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Moved to Spam, Discussion is generally reserved for more serious topics. But I hope everything works out with the kitten, if you do decide to keep it then make sure to take it to the vet and get it checked out/vaccinated/etc.
Keep it on topic guys, not every thread needs to be a debate. It's cool to have opinions and there's no need to shove yours down someone's throat every time the chance arises. Anyway, my native language is English, but I've had about 10 years of French and know enough Chinese to communicate with my grandmother on a basic level (since she's forgetting English). And though it's fictional I do speak Mando'a, the language of the Mandalorian people of Star Wars. Don't know if it'd be counted as a language but we have a method of communicating in our theater that involves whistles and things like that, which is very effective when you're trying to communicate between ground level and 40 feet up in the catwalks.