friendly reminder for both parties to keep any discussion civil thanks :]
nothing in this world will ever match the 75 million dollar trainwreck that show is
Thanks, sorry I've not replied much, I've been busy since I got back.
I can post that picture of what we did to you on the beach if you really want them scared
I think you guys were too busy EATING SAND And not sure...his family's thinking about going to NYC in December (which is insanity but w/e if he's...
I was in a lot of pain but he was like "I wish I could've played against John" :v
good lord you guys really need to play Magic next time we're all together, after he accidentally threw me into the corner of the bed in the hotel...
He really liked the card btw
I DON'T KNOW some point when I was in Florida with Fayt
I'm a Mandalorian everyone is shocked
I think those that are unfamiliar with gaming might overlook it, writing games off as childish and whatnot. There's still ongoing arguments as to if it can be considered an art form, so it's a very "new" area in terms of what it can and can't be or do. I fully believe games are an art form and means of expression, and because of that, there can be very emotional moments or even whole games. These are just a few of mine of what I've played recently. Okami:In the middle of the final boss fight when Spoiler Ammy loses her powers and Issun begins to scatter paintings of her across the land and then everyone Ammy has helped begins praying for her, in conjunction with the music and what Issun says is probably one of the greatest scenes I have seen in gaming. Skyward Sword: Three different parts. Spoiler When Zelda tells Link to wake her up - you can actually see the emotion on Link's face. Then again after he does wake her up, and finally, when Fi says goodbye to Link. I really like the idea of her "watching over" all the future Links for, presumably, the end of time. Metal Gear Solid 2: Closer to the end of the Big Shell when Spoiler Otacon's sister is killed and part of his personal history is revealed. I honestly didn't see that coming and was pretty hard for me to watch. Journey: The entire thing, really. Jenova Chen's philosophy behind thatgamecompany is to create games that touch players on an emotional level. The combination of isolation (if playing alone), a seemingly vast world, and...well, the way it ends and how things you see along the way can be interpreted has made it one of my all time favorite games. It's a story told without words, and I think that's sometimes one of the things that can cause an emotional reaction. Nier: BASICALLY THE ENTIRE ****ING GAME. It's a phenomenal game but dear god, so much of it depressed me or made me cry. Those that played it can probably guess how badly post-ending A playthroughs of Facade (the desert) affected me. Tales of the Abyss: Several parts, but in particular, when Spoiler Akzeriuth sinks. That scene with the little boy just destroys me every time. Then later when Luke finds that Tear is dying, and again when Tear finds out that Luke is dying. Spoiler AND FINALLY basically all of what happens on Eldrant, especially at the end when Tear tells Luke she'll wait for him forever and loves him. And so it seems Luke sacrifices himself, thankfully the epilogue clears that up. On the opposite side of emotion, however, there have been plenty of games that have made me feel happy. There are little parts in all of these previously listed games, and I think one of the things I really like about games is that they can have both played out in front of you in the same game.
If you're looking for individual pieces like bracers, it can vary. I got a black leather one on Amazon for about $25 (without shipping), so it really can vary on the type of leather or pleather. As for pleather, if you want to buy yards of it, I'd suggest places like Jo-Ann Fabrics. Seems they got quite a bit online to choose from. I don't they sell leather by the yard, so you might need to do some searching for that. I know I saw a link a while back to a leather wholesale site, I'll look for that again. But usually leather is more expensive than pleather. You might be able to find something of use here though. Other places you can look are thrift stores, you might find something you can convert into using with your costume. And ah, okay, it looked like it was attached by to the shoulder of the dress in the drawing. This is what I did for my cape, it's not much more than a scrap of fabric with a loop sewn into one end that allowed me to run a craft chain through. The silver discs are just buttons I found in Jo-Ann, attach really simply and actually fit through the holes in the chain link and held it in place. Then I just found a keyring and used that in place of a clasp. Fairly simple, but it can help give more of an "armored" look.
You could incorporate a few hard armor parts into it, which could help with the design. I don't know anything about that character, but if you want to have some kind of connection to the original concept aside from just color I'd suggest some kind of armor, or at the very least, leather. I didn't want hard armor on my arms for my Mandalorian build so I used leather bracers instead and it still gives a "hard" look to it that helps hold everything together as armor. Might also want to make the cape a separate piece entirely and attach it via neck plate and thin chain.
Pretty sure it's caused by using color, I don't know what order makes it glitch but it's happened to me. Easiest thing to do would be Preview before you post and if you notice the problem, do what Jayn suggested. Honestly it's pretty frustrating that it adds a color tag to every line, makes it painful to get things to work sometimes.
what the hell are you doing here
I drive a 1999 Nissan Pathfinder nicknamed Silverbolt (after the Beast Wars character). Pretty easy to tell it's my car honestly. :v Spoiler I also have an ATV and motorcycle at my dad's house, haven't driven either in a while though.
Watch yourself. and despite all this new stuff on the horizon they are still grabbing for money on old stuff
Yeah, I may decorate that a bit more in the future to make it look less like that, for the time being it was just to get official. Never stop upgrading seems to be the idea here. xD But thank you, I can't say it's been easy learning how to do some of this stuff but it definitely has paid off. Thanks! (also omg hi i miss you) Anyway...big announcement regarding this. Today I received word that I have been approved as an official member of the club! I'm now one of two members that officially represents New Jersey, hopefully more will soon join our ranks.
I have a work in progress thread too, too lazy to dig for it though. The blaster was a Hasbro EE-3, I cut off the original barrel and scope and didn't attach the stock, then used epoxy to attach a small coke bottle and the scope. Once that was all set I hotglued a pleather wrap around the handle and painted it. Spoiler Spoiler And a close up of my helmet, plus comparison to an original Jango two piece with my modded one. Mods: Sanded down to bare plastic, two halves glued together, seam reinforced from inside, Bondo filler on the outside sanded smooth, earcaps glued on, rangefinder bolt replaced, visor removed and replaced with welding visor, lots of paint. Spoiler Spoiler And thanks, I will!
Thank you, at this point I'm just waiting to hear back from the approval team on my membership status. With any luck they'll approve right off the bat, but if not it won't be the end of the world. I hope so, thanks. I'm currently trying to get the rest of the NJ guys working on their stuff too...slow process, but they're starting to post again lol. As things stand now I probably will end up being an officer of the clan which means EVEN MORE RESPONSIBILITIES oh god Yeah, I remember you've been following this pretty much since I started, you probably can figure out how many revisions this has gone through. xD I'm actually planning to build a mannequin at some point, if only to make it easier to work on costumes instead of constantly putting things on and taking it off ten seconds later. also I'm from NJ I imagine there won't be too many of those around, but I will say hi if I see her :] Thank you ;w; there will be about 100% more pictures taken because both of us have cameras this time, you should not be disappointed If only, unfortunately I don't think I could quite outdo the Rancor or Mandalorian war bunker, which is apparently what we've built. I'm taking the nice, comfortable airplane and taxi route. :B Yeah I wish you could see it in person Monday, shame we won't have time to hang out at my house. Always next time though. And YEAH I KNOW OMFG I'm gonna pick up our food/drinks on the way home from getting Fayt tomorrow since I found like three coolers in my storage room dsgjk;l