Once again KHV returns with our annual Secret Santa event! Rules: -Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online giftcards and the like. -Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me. -Signups will go from today until Sunday, November 25th, unless few people sign up in which case the deadline will be on Friday, November 30th. -If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting). -Gifts will be given on Christmas Day, but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be. -In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa. -Have fun! For the next three weeks or so there will be sign ups to participate. Anyone who wants to sign up will post this info: Name: this is the name you go by most often, can be a nickname or your username Favourites: List 2-5+ things you like, something that if the person who gets you doesn't know you that well will give them a bit of inspiration – the more detailed the better. So if you like a certain show, you can also say who your favorite character(s) are. If, even with all this information, you find yourself needing more help with what your Secret Santa likes PM me and I’ll ask them for you. After signups, I will randomly select who is giving to who and send you all PMs. Gift giving will happen Christmas Day (or near it, if you’re going to be away). And remember, you don’t need to be amazingly talented to participate – this is open to any active KHV member, and it’s the thought behind this that counts! Have fun with it! So what are the presents? Anything that you can make online and send to the person. Examples include but are not limited to: Artwork, AMVs, Signatures/Avatars, Writing (Poems, Stories), Pictures...that kind of thing. You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. Once signups are done I'll make a gift-giving thread where everyone posts what they made and for who. Feel free to post general comments here, but for signups go here:http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/khv-secret-santa-signup-thread.134709/ And if you have any questions, please PM me!
Rules: -Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online giftcards and the like. - Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me. -Signups will go from today until Sunday, November 25th, unless few people sign up in which case the deadline will be on Friday, November 30th. -If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting). -Gifts will be given on Christmas Day, but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be. -In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa. -Have fun! For the next week and a half or so there will be sign ups to participate. Anyone who wants to sign up will post this info: Name: this is the name you go by most often, can be a nickname or your username Favourites: List 2-5+ things you like, something that if the person who gets you doesn't know you that well will give them a bit of inspiration – the more detailed the better. So if you like a certain show, you can also say who your favorite character(s) are. If, even with all this information, you find yourself needing more help with what your Secret Santa likes PM me and I’ll ask them for you. After signups, I will randomly select who is giving to who and send you all PMs. Gift giving will happen Christmas Day (or near it, if you’re going to be away). And remember, you don’t need to be amazingly talented to participate – this is open to any active KHV member, and it’s the thought behind this that counts! Have fun with it! So what are the presents? Anything that you can make online and send to the person. Examples include but are not limited to: Artwork, AMVs, Signatures/Avatars, Writing (Poems, Stories), Pictures...that kind of thing. You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. Once signups are done I'll make a gift-giving thread where everyone posts what they made and for who. And I will hunt you down if you don't post it. <3 If you'd like to participate, just post here, with the Name and Favorites things filled out. :] Should you need to edit your post to add additional information, PLEASE update only your original and make a new post saying you have done so to avoid any confusion. Thank you! Here's mine, also using it as an example: Name: Wolfie Favourites: Spoiler Anime: Zoids: Chaotic Century/Guardian Force Tiger & Bunny Durarara!! (Celty & Shinra) Rurouni Kenshin Video Games: Tales of the Abyss (Luke & Tear) Okami Final Fantasy VII (Cloud & Tifa, Red XIII) Nier (Kaine) Pokemon (Houndoom) Music: Avenged Sevenfold Chevelle I Fight Dragons ONE OK ROCK OSTs from any of the above games Others: The Hunger Games (Katniss) Transformers (Soundwave) Star Wars (Mandalorians) Avatar/Legend of Korra More examples can be found in last year’s thread here: http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/khv-secret-santa-signup-thread.117466/ And the first year's: http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/khv-secret-santa-signup-thread.105887 If you have any questions, please PM me.
wtf how the hell did I get back here
Just to clarify, liking Japanese games, culture, costuming, anime, etc. does not make you a weeaboo. Being a totally ignorant person and poor behavior does. But wow I miss the days when I only had four hours of homework.
Thanks, I've had a rough year with college so far. Still not back 100% but working there. Should be fully back by December.
since I haven't posted here in approximately 235805396845 years (rough estimation) I've been experimenting a lot? My style is fickle as hell and changes from day to day and it's really annoying but OH WELL variance can be good maybe all of this is done in Photoshop with a tablet so first I stopped using defining lines Big Boss, MGS3 Spoiler Roc, Nier Spoiler Halloween Mieu, Tales of the Abyss Spoiler Halloween Emil, Nier Spoiler cherry tree or something idk Spoiler Solid Snake in Nathan Drake's clothing (Halloween art trade), MGS (the lines came back a little bit?) Spoiler Kotetsu in Mandalorian armor (Halloween art trade), TIger & Bunny (HI LINES + image of Barnaby thrown into Illustrator because it's supposed to be a cardboard cutout) Spoiler Kaine and Emil, Nier (very very quick sketch done on request, will finish one day) Spoiler Raquor'daan, Star Wars (concept for NJ clan logo for the Mercs) Spoiler Mandalorians, Star Wars (Fayt and me basically, thinner lines) Spoiler THEN SOME JERKASS STOLE MY TABLET and I went about two or three weeks without drawing at all ahaA and in the meantime I got upset over Tales of the Abyss with a few people Tear Grants, Tales of the Abyss (Fayt and I have a running joke about him hitting me in the face with a snowball (that's what this is)) Spoiler Tear & Luke, Tales of the Abyss (I HAVE NEVER DRAWN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE?) Spoiler oh my god sorry for all of it but that's basically what I've been up to outside of assignments for drawing, I really have no idea why my style fluctuates so much but I've noticed it depends on what I'm drawing also I'm trying to draw people more and I think it's working but jury's out on that one still cnc or whatever
Come on guys, plenty of people post threads asking for recommendations here. Just because it's in the Spam Zone doesn't mean you can't try and be helpful in the least. Personally I would stay away from Transformers Prime since I'm not too keen on the direction Transformers have been heading and the last movie/show based game I played sucked.
Chrono Trigger is a game, chronological is what you're looking for, and that's the idea we want you to follow. So you could do BBS -> KH -> CoM, KH -> CoM -> KH2, or do the entire series or another part, it's up to you. That's basically the essence of a timeline.
Nope, there's no time limit. We'd prefer if you didn't make it too long (like 10 minutes), but there isn't a rule limiting it. Sorry, but we're allowing only one entry per person. If you'd like to post both videos in our video section and ask for feedback, you're free to do so. :] Please be patient; the thread will be up tomorrow.
We will have an entry thread up in this section in a few days - just keep an eye out. :] http://www.kh-vids.net/forums/writers-nook.21/
You can use Photoshop and existing artwork/renders/etc., but you can't use an entire game cover. If anyone would like examples of the sort of thing we're going for, you can check this out: click Obviously we're not expecting something that huge or complex, but just to give you an idea of what you can do.
Today's contest announcement is one for the writers - write a Kingdom Hearts piece of an in-universe style canon. It can focus on anything in the Kingdom Hearts series up to and including Dream Drop Distance, but it must be written seriously. Meaning no “Kingdom Hearts in Highschool” or anything non-canon. Aside from that, go wild! There is no length minimum or limit, so use your own judgement on how much to write. Aim for at least 2-3 paragraphs. Rules: MUST be related to in-universe - that means no original characters or anything like that. Must be appropriate as per KHV's rules. DO NOT take someone else's writing and claim it as your own. We will check, should we find this happens you will be disqualified. DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 2ND The entry thread will be in the writing section in a week. As with all the other contests, entries will be judged by all of staff. If you have any questions, please message me, Chevalier, Plums, or Mish and we'll be happy to help. Good luck to all that participate! -KH-Vids.net Staff
Apologies guys, I thought I had included saying that the AMVs entry thread will be posted in a week - that way no one is rushing through. It'll be in the Production Studio's Video Projects section when it's up. Good luck to everyone that enters!
Seems like Square-Enix has finally announced the long-rumored Kingdom Hearts HD edition, containing KH:Final Mix, Re:Chain of Memories, and 358/2 Days. Officially titled KINGDOM HEARTS -1.5 HD ReMIX-, it's set to release in Japan at some point in 2013 on the PlayStation 3. We will have a better idea of what the announcement says once we have our translator on, but either way this is an exciting new direction for the Kingdom Hearts series! from: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom/khhd/ EDIT: There is supposedly also a Kingdom Hearts game for web browsers in development along the lines of a "social game". The Famitsu article for that can be found here. Source: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom/khhd/
As many of you probably know, 2012 is the 10th anniversary of the very first Kingdom Hearts game. We’ve come a long way since then and there’s still a lot to go, but for now staff has put together some events and goodies to celebrate! What are we doing to celebrate? Contests, events, and giveaways! But just what do we have planned for everyone to do? Well...you'll just have to stick around and see, but we're covering a HUGE amount of creative possibilities to ensure as many people can participate. Events will be announced once a day, and don't worry - you'll have plenty of time to participate. So on with today's event! Today I'm happy to announce something that brought many of us here: AMVs. The first contest is an AMV competition, and here's the rules. You must use footage from at least three of the following games: -Kingdom Hearts/Final Mix -Kingdom Hearts II/Final Mix+ -Chain of Memories/CoM:Reverse/Rebirth -358/2 Days -Birth By Sleep/Final Mix -Re:coded -Dream Drop Distance The only other limitation is to keep any additional content (such as music) appropriate for KHV's standards. If you have doubts or any questions at all, please feel free to message me, Stardust, or Okabe Rintarou with your concern. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 20TH, 2012 All entries will be judged by staff on a whole. And that’s it for the events and contests, though staff might have some surprises in store…but the only way to find out is to celebrate with us! Happy 10th, and we hope you enjoy what we have planned! -KH-Vids.net Staff
Could aim for AnimeNEXT? And maybe Otakon if I get a job during the year lol. Which could potentially work out if Fayt's coming over again, if we can manage to drag John with us to Baltimore for a few days. We're gonna need someone to take pictures of us because I suck at uploading photos and I have like...one picture of me as Tifa. :c My favorites are VII, IV, and V, but yeah, I've heard really good things about IX, starting that right after I finish MGS3. I've kind of lost interest in XIII-2 since someone spoiled basically every ending for me. :/
Actually yeah that sounds about right, WHICH IS GOOD. which means possibly for one of our summer cons we can finally do that FFVII AC group we've wanted to do y/y AND I ACTUALLY HAVE SEWING SKILLS NOW SO I CAN MAKE YOU A CAIT SITH DOLL Speaking of which I'm thinking of dusting off my AC Tifa costume for at least one (maybe two) days at NYCC, dunno which day yet but yeah
The real question is how did he never play it with me as his friend :| Seriously though in the past few months I've gotten you to dive into both FFVII and Star Wars, life is good.
Alright guys, everyone back down. Claw, please realize this kind of reaction only fuels this; Atlas, there's no need to try and prove yourself right or anything over him, especially if this is how Claw reacts. Use better judgement next time - he's told you he doesn't take jokes like this well. If it's really an issue don't let it escalate this far, we can step in and handle it, that is one of the reasons we are here. I would really prefer this stay contained here, so if there's any questions or concerns, please message me or another staff member. +\LOCKED/+