:( and in a glorious moment like this im not at home :crybaby: and i cant test digits :cryinganime:
pls post the code!!!
I'll test them in a minute... Tested 1st one: takes you to th memory skyscraper area right after loading and takes you back every time you walk into a new area! 2nd one: crash! :( Edit: tried the second one again on a save at the beginning w roxas and it took me into the old mansion Edit#2:it crashes for some worlds
Any new codes to test or any other help needed?
any new codes to test?
bye ansem hope you'll get back soon;)
i think yes you should convert the number to hexadecimal or something
I'm back guys I do any new codes to test?
death mod: sora is floating in the air normally (dunno if he should heóave a heart floating over him because i never died in kh2 XD model mod:BSOD chroma mod: nothing maybe im doing something wrong now im taking a break
4th:idk if it was the same music but it was normal man you're like a code factory 1st one:nothing again OMFG i f*ked off some of some of the codes nooo 2nd: now i did it right but didnt notice anything
1st one: didnt notice anything again... 2nd one: didnt notice anytnihg again... what should they do? Edit: 3rd one: Freeze 4th one: testing...
i didnt notice anything
nothing happened to me what should it do?
Offtopic: I made an AIM account my screenname is modisaster12
if i remember correctly you have to remove every blue (attack) ability of sora except explosion
Damn...by the way do anybody need any other stuff?
hy people im back did anyone make a live dump if not (thanks to erkz) now i know how to do it edit: i saw antiweapon made a dump before sora gets zapped so im gonna post the one when you are playing as riku
ok im in the debug NOW what do i do? this is what i see if i go to debug/memory dump i clicked raw dump and made a raw file is that ok?( it became 0 KB so it didnt work...) SOMEONE HELP MEEEEH!!!!! Edit: I am not able to do it!!!! I am an idiot for this! Khkid do you know how to use the emu if yes then ill give you a savestate right after xemnas catches sora because im too tires for this stuff....if no then im gonna try it tomorrow Edit2: khkid is offline so i think tomorrow. bye people
Now im at the point of playing riku...what do do now?
of course but i have to get there im currently stunt dodging like crazy