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  1. AxEL0220
    Ooooh. xD That was kinda dirty...
    Profile Post by AxEL0220 for Pezz, Jun 25, 2009
  2. AxEL0220
    Profile Post

    Trying to what you??

    Trying to what you??
    Profile Post by AxEL0220 for Pezz, Jun 25, 2009
  3. AxEL0220
  4. AxEL0220
  5. AxEL0220
    Kael ripped off one of Screech's legs first. He knew that he's get no scream of pain, but it sure as heck made him feel better to kill the Leecher slowly. Tossing the torn limb to the ground, he gouged the other from it's socket. The stench of the creature's blood made he stomach curl. His beak clamped shut, seperating Screech's head from his body, both falling to the ground. Kael nearly wretched from the disgusting taste of the blood in his mouth. He hovered in the air, looking down at the dismembered corps.

    OOC: Ah, Kodac moments. xD
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AxEL0220
    Kael sheathed his sword. He'd had enough of this. In a flash of light, he had returned to his griffin form. An ear-piercing screech came from his beak as he lifted into the air. Using his lightening speed, he got the girl away from Screech, laid her on the roof, and lifted Screech into the air by his neck. His beak held the Leecher's neck, his claws held Screech's bent legs.
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AxEL0220
    Then she'll do something else!!
    Profile Post by AxEL0220 for Pezz, Jun 25, 2009
  8. AxEL0220
  9. AxEL0220
    Kael grit his teeth as he skidded to a halt. There was no point to saving the girl anymore. She'd probably die from her wounds. His sword stopped chaning and reverted back to it's long-blade form. His heart ached with failure. He'd promised himself to never let harm come to the people of this world ever again. Yet before him was an innocent girl being tourtured.
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AxEL0220
    I'll get my sister!! D=
    Profile Post by AxEL0220 for Pezz, Jun 25, 2009
  11. AxEL0220
  12. AxEL0220
    "You will not kill her!" Kael charged forward. His sword swayed and bent, changing it's shape in the most confusing of manners.
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AxEL0220
  14. AxEL0220
  15. AxEL0220
    "Let her go, you-" Kael stopped himself from saying anything too obseen in front of the girl. His grip tightened on his sword. What do I do? If I try to change, he's sure to kill the girl.
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AxEL0220
    "D-damn it," Kael swore, his stomach flipping from the sight of the girl's heart. He gripped his Onyx Blade and charged at Screech. "You'll pay for that!"
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AxEL0220
    OOC: Wow... "Dead men tell no tales"....

    BIC: "That's just gross," Kael made a disgusted face and then stuck out his tongue. "Tell you what, I'll let you make the first move."
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AxEL0220
    "Well, yeah! You'll never get a girl that way. But then again," Kael held his sword in front of him. "You're not walking away from this."
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AxEL0220
    I'm always up for fun. Kael thought. There was a bright flash of light, and Kael stood before Screech, sword in hand. "You stench gives everything away too, you know. Ever take a bath?"
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AxEL0220
    Kael charged forward, rammed into the Leecher, and was back where he originally stood in a second using his lightening speed. I might as well have some fun with this.
    Post by: AxEL0220, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home