darnit i played myself thats what I get for doing donuts in the driveway
congrats we successfully derailed a thread for the first time in about 2 years
can confirm this works very well in real life too
I'm not a devout code expert but when I ran it, it was a lot of fun with all the behind the scenes to get it to work but yea graphics worm is the name of the game
How are you doing Kelly? Hows uni treating you did you finish?
nah this is
because this thread didn't "ITT:" in the title
boo back I came :D
well if I ever get it on there I'll know who to call lol
kitty do you play overwatch and if so is it on pc or console
As do we all hahaha life just sorta does its thing xD
who was I tailgating and would you please step forward to claim your prize also I giggled
Cool beans kiddo! Sounds like a lot of awesome stuff to be getting into I loved history especially! She's a Brazilian lady I met! Been together...
Are you going to college now? What are you studying? :D I'm doing ok! I've been working mostly and playing lots of overwatch recently hahah. And...
There's only so much activity a moderator can accomplish when the userbase is nonexistent or filled with glorified alts of permabanned members. (If that's even a thing anymore lmao) Half the crap we created when I was on board, no one participated in. Change your chiefs, but you still got no indians.
I expect nothing less my friend! How are you Heart???
i prefer thicccccc with 6 c's
imagine if khv was always a mobile site but like in 2006
i smelled more usernames than usual crap brb afk