So where does 3 stand in being the Arc Number?
Um, excuse but why did you post this? Sorry if I didn't get its original intention...
True, Terra didn't mean to cause any of the damage he performed. What some people tend to forget is that Terra also performed some good deeds as well (such as saving Snow White). Plus, when Aqua visits some of the worlds Terra has been in she sometimes reassures herself that Terra hasn't fallen to the darkness. Then comes the Gathering scene and all of a sudden Aqua blames/criticizes Terra for beckoning the darkness.
Does this mean he could have influenced Riku's growth squrt in KH2 ?! Now that I think about it that could count. I mean they both show up to antagonize the protagonist of the game multiple times be it through eerie words or just sending a creature towards them. In my book it counts.
Don't worry about it. I mean once you complete the game you can unlike a time-line which displays everyone's time when visiting the worlds and in order as well.
Exactly!! I mean if you don't include the time traveling aspect both Young Xehanort and are really not so different when you break it down. However, I could be forgetting some more characteristics they might share.
Well said my friend.
Whoa, I never thought of it that way .
Wait shouldn't a keyblade master be the one proficient in keyblade skills and aren't there other characters ,such as Master Xehanort, who are both magic and wise?
Or if he combines himself with Kingdom Hearts .
Maybe this is one: How can Nobodies remember who they once were when they don't have any hearts? CoM established that memories are contained within one's hearts and even though Nobodies can re-obtain their hearts it still takes time. Although most Nobodies are created and still remember who they are despite not having obtained their hearts yet.
Then why are Xemnas and Ansem SoD in the New Org.?
Sigh, well close enough :)
See I remember the Disney 411 thing. Because the player was playing as Roxas and they were whacking bees. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being absolutely sure and 1 being the worst) how sure do you remember this (not trying to be funny or sarcastic)?
Chaos specifically from Dissidia. He looked evil he had the voice of a villian and...I HATED THAT BOSS FIGHT!!!
Wait when was there a commercial for KH on Toonami?! I am a fan of both and I don't remember this!
Nobodies for the win. Why? Have proven to be stronger than heartless. They have no hearts despite their names. They are intelligent. They have the potential to carry keyblades unlike the Heartless. They can also remember who they are despite losing their hearts. Most of them are named after FF job classes. The only reference the Heartless have to FF is the fact that some look like Black Mages. I also like Xemnas and Xigbar.