So...are they going to make another season?
Not to gloat or anything but if you check the forums list under Kingdom Hearts, you will see a similarity.
Well said, however I could always wait a bit longer.
The three keyblades were in fact in the first game. Sora's Kingdom Key (Realm of Light), Mickey's Kingdom Key D (Realm of Darkness), and Riku's Keyblade of People's Hearts. What do you mean Yensid has no connection with the other Masters? Eraqus stated that he was a close friend. In BBS Yen sid is the one who notifies Aqua that Eraqus is dead and in Recoded he is the one who tells Mickey that Xehanort has been revived. It is also kind of implied that those three used to a trio of students under the same master. Plus, as a side note, all of their names are anagrams that are kind of important(Square,Disney, and No Heart/Another). You do realize The World That Never Was, Traverse Town, Twilight Town/Yen Sid's Tower, and Castle Oblivion are also part of the Realm Between? True, Roxas was a part of the Twilight Town group, but it wasn't real...Plus, Days also proved that Hayner, Pence, and Olette were a trio even before Roxas joined his Days trio. So 7 is not a pretty general number?
Childhood memories, late-night gaming, and walkthrough reading here I come!! The enjoyment I will have from this game will be exponential. :)
This form has its pros and cons: Pros: Very fast Anti-Glide comes in handy Allows you to evade enemy's attack Cons: Can't heal/pick up HP orbs Sora takes 50% more damage Doesn't gain experience Occurs randomly Can only change back outside of battle So personally I don't really like this form
But the series has: 3 main realms 3 aspects of being The Twilight Town trio, The Sora Recovery Trio, TT's Disciplinary Committee, Disney Castle's trio, 3 Original Masters Trio 3 types of keyblades Plus, what makes the other numbers not too general?
That is one major nerd post.
Who would in a fight? Robots or Dinosaurs?
USE ZANTESTU COUNTER!!! Limit Form was my method of defeating this son of a *****. However, use it when Sora is low on health and when you still his keyblades. Plus, try to use Zantestu Counter if you get the chance to block one of his moves while in Limit Form.
I think I might like that :) And now the disappointment sinks in.
Maybe for you but Donald's spellcasting gets on my nerves since the player cannot control what spells he enacts. Sure he casts Aeroga and Curaga on Sora but that's only when his HP is really low/critical and by then Sora might as well just cast it on himself instead. Plus, before Donald even thinks about using those spells on Sora ,or himself for that matter, he is off wasting valuable MP ,which could be used for healing the party, on random spells that may heal/harm the opponent.
So I'm guessing this deal has ended now?
But Donald is still too unpredictable when it comes to his spell casting :(.
Points for trying.
So wait 3 is too stereotypical to be considered an Arc number?
Hooray I get a reference!! I never thought about Eraqus .
Wait a minute how would she do that?
Just like everyone else on this forum I pick Xemnas. And since I love bulleted lists: He wears a black coat. He uses lightsabers!! He is/was the leader of the Organization unlike Ansem SoD who was just waiting in the shadows. He really does act emotionless. He was a secret boss. He has the best Nobody power which is over Nothing!! I'm also a fan of Terra and he seems to radiate more within Xemnas than in Ansem SoD Unlike Ansem SoD he used to be a playable character. Again I tend to like Nobodies more than Heartless. He has more of a chance of being a keyblade wielder than Ansem SoD I would have picked Ansem SoD because I like Billy Zane but we know how that story ends.