I thought it was confirmed that Roxas had Ventus's heart throughout Days? "It is thought that it could be Ventus's heart... he has taken a lot of himself from Ventus. But perhaps when Sora and Roxas were separated, Ventus's heart stayed in Roxas?" Sure this maybe a question but come on now.
Okay now I can not be the only one who loves this intro?! I mean sure I would of liked a Sabo reference and the Blackbeard/Luffy is a bit lame. However, the music, the fight scenes, and the overall epicness clearly makes up for my fanboy little grudges. So have you guys seen it and if so what do you think?
I can't wait to: Play BBS on my PS3 Use Limit Form Fight Roxas!! Use Reaction Commands!! And again, relive my childhood. However I won't be looking forward to the trophies which involve Gummi missions
I also like Young Xehanort but he is a close second for me since Xemnas is a playable character and he has been in the KH series longer (since KHFM).
Wait I thought Pluto just sent them to a random direction, they fell asleep, and then Sora was led by Marluxia to the castle.
So why was Terra more gullible than Riku despite being older and having more keyblade experience? Is it because Riku has had more experience than Terra in being controlled, using darkness, and even exploring other worlds?
You sure about that? Because Normura seemed really sure as to who the 14th member was in the 2007 interview. Whose to say that during the development of KH2 a basic idea/sketch of Xion was made? This idea may not have had a background yet but Nomura would be sure to explain it in Roxas's story. Or maybe Xion's whole design/concept was made with this drawing in mind (yeah she was based off of Kairi/Namine but maybe they somehow wanted her to tie back to KH2). On top of that KH 358/2 Days came out before BBS yet the protagonists from BBS were still foreshadowed about in KH2 and KH2FM. Why can't it work for Days as well? http://www.khinsider.com/news/Famitsu-Interview-September-2007-532
So do we know who bought it?
Why on earth were you at level 100?! I mean cudos for being prepared but that is a bit much. Plus, I used the same strategy you did. But Level 80 is usually the max when it comes to taking this guy. Plus, all of that wasted experience you gained from Xemnas. That was 12,000 experience points and it could have been much more if you had equipped an accessory.
I have always hated the Card System. The command deck was a nice change of paste but I would rather stick to the original :) So basically it is Original, Comannd Deck, and...Card system...
Don't know if this has been this discussed or not but I was surfing tv.tropes and watching a Youtube video both of which stated that Xion was hinted/foreshadowed at in KH2. And so far this info has led me to this pic: So from the looks of it, from left to right, it is Saix, Xion, Axel, and Roxas. Now my question is: Do you believe that this is Xion or just another member of the Organization?
Not to be that idiot but is it really easy to convert a PSP game to a PS3?
Yep this is it. This is why we no longer have Billy Zane.
Thanks for your help and suggestion :)
How did you get the information for those days between the games?Or are they theories? And if so how did you come up with that many days?
Don't worry about it. To be honest I tried using that berserk tactic and it just turned out to be annoying. Sora has to stop using his combos sooner or later.
I'm not surprised that would happen . However, I wonder what the new characters will look like. Scratch that they will probably look like Xehanort.
Unfortunately no. The two are completely unrelated when they fight :)
Took my whole soul, blood, sweat, tears and a lot of procrastination on real life stuff.