Okay, I can understand that. In my first playthrough didn't use Quina either because of: The appearance. Hunting for new moves. That tongue... All he/she did was eat stuff and talk about food. Never had a gender. But some of Quina's moves were useful such as Mighty Guard or any of his/her level attacks.
Basically the walking heart theory is that Sora was basically a heart throughout the rest of Kingdom Hearts and COM since Roxas had his body and soul.
Buddy, in KH3D Xemnas and Ansem are there because of YX's time travel abilities which means they are all from different times. Master Xehanort was reformed because the Ansem and Xemnas in the main timelime were destroyed. So it makes sense. Plus, it would make sense that Roxas would have disappeared since he is SORA'S BODY. So when Kairi restored him to his original self (body included) Roxas should have disappeared. I never said Xion had a heart though. Let me put it this way. As a result of Xion's death, Roxas was able to unlock Ventus's heart and wield the second keyblade. As for the Ventus heart thing, that was at the beginning of BBS. After Ventus defeats Vanitas they become whole again and reside within Sora. His appearance is a result of Ventus's heart residing in him.
Wait which version of "We Are" are you referring to? And please try to catch up with One Piece! I mean it wasn't first place in manga sells for 5 years in a row for nothing...
Awww what was wrong with Quina and his/her Blue Magic? Yeah Beatrix would have made an awesome character but Steiner has some cool moves too.
No it's my bad I was the one who didn't say where that quote came from. I'm pretty sure Roxas has a heart though. I mean: The Ultimanias posed the question I had in the previous post. Roxas was one of the first Nobodies with genuine emotions. When Sora was restored after being a Heartless, Roxas did not disappear because he was his own "complete" (he basically had a heart) person. His appearance alone. Roxas was capable of using the 2nd keyblade because after Xion's death he was able to unlock Ventus's heart. How did Sora become a Heartless if he still had Ventus's heart? The link to that interview:http://www.khinsider.com/news/BBS-Ultimania-20-Mysteries-Solved-2546 (the same one has hatok's)
That question I had in my previous post was from the KHBBS Ultimania. Why would they ask a question like that if it wasn't true or just suggest a thought like that?
Sigh, I removed Dagger from my team and just replaced her with Freya. Her regen spell was useful until I taught everyone auto-regen. This way I really didn't need a White mage (Eiko or Dagger) on my team. Plus, I know their summonings are cool but to be honest I prefer to use my ethers on Vivi...
The awesome part is the fact that Vanitas's D-Link provides all kinds of cool attacks however you can only use it once. Although, I am sure that there are some cheats to keep this final boss D-Link.
To be honest if Kingdom Hearts were a novel, poem, or a manga I still probably like it as much as I like it now which is as a video game. I mean I'm sure I would have heard of the series if they were in any of those forms but it still wouldn't be the same for me if I were playing it as an RPG. In addition, I probably would watch it if it became a movie.
I agree the moveset maybe flashy and quick but form has too many downsides in my opinion. Limit Form all the way.
Yeah me to. I would like it if the developers slowed down a bit and made a decent game and not rush the masterpiece which is Kingdom Hearts. However, then again I am impatient, a crazy/irrational fanboy, and I have nothing else to look forward to in my life...
KH Birth by Sleep for me. I mean: The story is amazing and it solves a lot of mysteries. I liked playing as new characters and having the option to play as more than one. The command deck wasn't so bad. Having a good Action girl in the series was nice. I liked using darkness as a weapon when playing as Terra :p.
Awww that's awesome Gray is also one of my favorites and I encourage you to get back on the series. I mean the most recent arc in the manga centers more about Gray. Plus, the anime is coming back on in April :)
[quote="The reports say that Namine was made with Kairi's body and Sora's Soul. By extension, Roxas is vice versa. In essence, the two nobodies are the nobodies of both Sora and Kairi, at the same time. I can not say how Kairi has a second body but, consider this: Kairi was able to restore Sora's body through her princess of heart powers when he was a heartless. Yet Roxas still exists. Which means, she really just created a new body for him didn't she? So wouldn't her power automatically kinda done the same thing for her? These are some of my best guesses. What do you guys think?[/quote] Wait when did the reports say that? Could you give me a source and what's wrong with the walking heart theory when it comes Sora? Why can't we just assume he was a heart until the beginning of KH2?
Amazing I wish I could get one of those :(
Wait what are you asking with the fight with Vanitas?
Wow I wish I was capable of doing that . Well if I wasn't sitting around sleeping, eating, and using sarcasm. However, on topic this is pretty nice.
It's possible however would that mean that Ventus is part Roxas (and maybe even Namine's) nobody as well?
It's really really mess with Roxas and Namine. First off Namine wasn't really born with Kairi's body and soul. In fact, both her and Roxas were made with Sora's body and soul. As a result of Namine being made from Sora's body and soul she can manipulate his memories as well as anyone else who is connected to him. Kairi's own body and soul never left the realm of light because she lacked darkness and was in a comatose state for most of the game. As for why Sora can make two Nobodies with his body and soul your guess is as good as mine.