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  1. ReverofEnola
    Why exactly do you like Anti-form? Sure it looks cool and attacks fasts but so many cons...
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 11, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. ReverofEnola
    To be honest, it is just Tumblr for God's sake. All sorts of content can be found on that website. So I'd say it is natural to find weird content such as that.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 11, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  3. ReverofEnola
    Simple question. Who is your favorite character from One Piece anime or manga?
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, May 9, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. ReverofEnola
    Dude, you kind of added to my point as to why we need more Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts
    • No FF characters in KH3D
    • Keyblades are a main part of the story yet no FF characters wield one.
    • Order of importance to the story: Original KH characters>Disney Characters> FF characters
    Now first off the main storyline of Kingdom Hearts takes place across many different original KH worlds AS WELL AS DISNEY WORLDS. This proves that Disney is bigger part of the KH world since there are no FF worlds whatsoever in KH. Sure there are hub worlds but they don't allow the player to play through the FF storyline.

    On top of that, buddy there are still Disney characters in the final segments of KH. I mean there's characters like King Mickey, Jiminiy, Donald, Goofy, and even Yen Sid. And all 5 of those characters are an integral part of the story plus we actually visit some of these character's worlds and they still end up important in the end.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 9, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. ReverofEnola
    Dude, have we been playing the same game? Seriously, I mean Disney characters go to a crap-load of worlds. I mean have you not seen how many Disney characters have left their own world? If you make a list of those characters there will probably be more Disney characters than there are FF characters in all of Kingdom Hearts.

    I mean you have: Mickey, Donald, Donald's nephews, Goofy, Jiminiy, Pluto, Gepetto, Pinocchio, all of the Disney villains from KH1, Pete, possibly Yen Sid,etc.

    Anyway the point is these list of characters prove that both Disney and Final Fantasy are not solid equals (they are far from equals)when it comes to how they integrated into the story. I know you would like to see the series solid by itself but that would be impossible without the Disney figures in play...
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 6, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. ReverofEnola
    Who is your favorite non-keyblade wielder from the series? They can be from Disney, Final Fantasy, KH, or even The World Ends with You.
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, May 5, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. ReverofEnola
    But Kingdom Hearts is suppose to be a cross-over between Final Fantasy and Disney. Disney has already been integrated deeply into the Kingdom Hearts story-line while Final Fantasy has not. I mean seriously the last FF character to join this series was back in BBS! Plus, if Final Fantasy has a character who obtains a keyblade it would add at least give them a few points in being integral to the story.
    I mean I like Kingdom Hearts and all but it has become too Disney orientated.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 5, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. ReverofEnola
    Who is your favorite final fantasy villain and why?
    (Note: Villians aren't limited to these guys)​
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, May 4, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. ReverofEnola
    LOL! Could you please define the sex-wields?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 3, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. ReverofEnola
    So wait he may appear in the new organization or will his human self be a hero?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 2, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. ReverofEnola
    Now that's an interesting way to start the game.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 2, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. ReverofEnola
    What about the fact that didn't require party members or the fact that you could use the strongest single hitting move in the game?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 2, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. ReverofEnola
    What about Fairy Tail?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 2, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. ReverofEnola
    What makes Cana stand out for you?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 2, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. ReverofEnola
    Roxas because he:
    • Dual-wields
    • His only one-year of living
    • He is a bit smarter or darker when compared to Sora
    • Special Nobody
    • Kind of has a heart.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, May 2, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. ReverofEnola
    Out of the 18 different types of pokemon which one do you consider to be your favorite? Whenever you play a pokemon game you just about always have to add them to your team. And whenever you are in a tight battle they just about always come through for you.
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, Apr 30, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. ReverofEnola
    • Main character's past
    • You can choose their weapons/skills
    • The story has more than one ending.
    • LV. 65 for the Hero
    • Game ended to quickly
    • The main villian is a bit weird...and chubby.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  18. ReverofEnola
    Frozen characters combined with Wreck it Ralph people. I also wouldn't mind some characters from Final Fantasy 13 because ...well its finished already. I also would like to see at least one FF character wield a keyblade. I know some of them don't need a keyblade because they have their own FF weapon but several Disney characters are keyblade wielders. Why can't we have just one FF keyblade wielder?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. ReverofEnola
    What is the most annoying pokemon you have faced? It doesn't matter the generation or game. I just want to know what pokemon has made you and this is not limited to:
    • Having a hissy fit.
    • Crying
    • Breaking something
    • Screaming
    • Or making your blood pressure reach unnatural proportions
    I have only been playing Pokemon for about a year. And I have learned that if you have an Electrivire and you are facing a Slaking and that Slaking is holding a Chople Berry that match is gonna turn out pretty ugly. In addition, I'll just leave this here:
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, Apr 4, 2014, 20 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. ReverofEnola
    To me Riku won that race. Why? Because beginning of Kingdom Hearts just wanted to show how much better Riku was than Sora. I mean there were a lot of scenes like:
    • Riku was the only one working on the raft.
    • Tidus said Riku defeated him, Selphie, and Wakka all at once.
    • His appearance shows that he's older, a bit taller, and more muscular than Sora.
    • Near the end of the game it was revealed that he was suppose to wield Sora's Keyblade.
    So adding the fact that Riku won their little race wouldn't surprise me. It's just that even though Riku has all those cool factors and is just better than Sora in just about all categories, the keyblade still chose Sora because he didn't give into the darkness.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Mar 6, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts