So wait you do believe that Lea deserves to be on this list more so than others?
And nice to meet you too!! Welcome to our little nerdy world which is KHVIDS :).
Wow. You bring up an interesting theme for BBS and I applaud you for that :).
How did you convert your profile pic gif into a jpeg and still have it work as if it were a gif?
What is your favorite finishing move for Sora in KHFM and please explain why.
Buddy I'm comparing ALL of Disney to ALL of Final Fantasy. I just don't stop the comparison at the worlds. So yeah Mickey and Yen Sid are included. On top of that both Yen Sid and Mickey are both keyblade wielders and keyblade masters. How many wielders does Final Fantasy even have? Zero. Face it Final Fantasy is very minuscule in the KH universe. I mean the last one to show up was back in BBS while Disney has had new Disney worlds and characters with just about each new game. Diseny has also had more of it's characters actually become integral to the plot such as Donald and Goofy. Sure they have characters like Cloud, Cid, Leon, Aerith, and Yuffie but do they contribute more to the KH plot more than Disney itself? Besides wielding a keyblade, did any of them ever meet Terra, Ven, or Aqua? Did any of them ever help seal the Door to Darkness? Did any of them become an actual party member to Sora and traveled with him to each new Disney world? Were any of them friends with Eraqus? Do they any of them even know who Master Xehanort is?! On a side note think about why Leon and his gang didn't even show up in BBS despite the fact that they were suppose to be living their as kids.
I seriously doubt that... I mean are you telling me that the Disney villians, Mickey, Yen Sid, and all of the those who originated from Disney Castle (Donald, Goofy, and even Minnie) are all less important to the story than say Leon and his committee?
Of course I'm talking about the RG crew. Why would I talk about two characters who are already in the Organization?
Roughly equal? Dude how the hell is FF on equal footing with Disney when it comes to Kingdom hearts?!
True, but they didn't seem affiliated with the Organization in KH3D.
Wait why Golbez?
But why can't Luxord be a part of it? For all we know he could joined last minute. Plus, he is a logical choice. Marluxia and Larxene were traitor. The 4 scientists have already become human And we know Axel, Roxas, and Xion are not gonna join That leaves just Demyx and Luxord. However, Demyx has constantly been labeled as the slacker and is the butt-monkey of the group. So all that is left is Luxord, a member who even outlasted Xigbar (the first member to know about Xehanort) and was still at the World That Never Was.
Sigh... I really wanted Noctis, Kain, Steiner, or even Jecht to make the top ten list.
So you do believe that Eraqus was a bit bias in his judgement of Terra? However, I guess Xehanort was a bit bias in his judgement of Terra as well. Although, I don't know if Xehanort's judgement was true or if he was just using him or if it was somewhere in-between.
Riku, Roxas, Xemnas, and Terra I usually my favorite due to either being a nobody or being connected to the darkness in some manner.
I choose Xigbar/Braig however I am not too sure now that he is part Xehanort... If not him then Luxord.
Battle at the Big Bridge!!
I never thought it that way . I guess that does make sense as to why he is part of the new organization. I mean they had to at least let Luxord know about their plans unless Luxord was just chilling in that weird room oblivious everything his fellow members were doing.
So Eraqus's judgement on the darkness has nothing to do with Terra becoming a master?
So will former darkness villains become heroes or at least be sought for help due to this new enemy?