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  1. ReverofEnola
    Do you agree with the alignment system portrayed in this pic?

    As for me I feel like both Ansem and Master Xehanort should be switch. :/
    Thread by: ReverofEnola, Sep 15, 2015, 19 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. ReverofEnola
    I know what you mean. Sure you only obtain half your regular HP but overall Critical Mode for this game wasn't that hard. Well not as hard as certain other games...*cough**cough* Devil May Cry.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Sep 15, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. ReverofEnola
  4. ReverofEnola
  5. ReverofEnola
  6. ReverofEnola
    Found the YouTube videos you connected to your KHVIDs account and figured that was your YouTube account.

    That's what I thought. I wasn't going to use my channel to play computer games and I am not looking for one that does both that and record your games. I just want a computer for the editing, recording, and audio.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Technology
  7. ReverofEnola
    Dude I fail to see how your LP was bad. The quality of the video was amazing and you were capable of putting the video in HD. So basically once again your videos help encourage me to start this. Plus, most of my materials are already close to each other.

    I can only use my laptop since my Chromebase isn't capable of doing this. My laptop is also always plugged in and I plan to record for a little over 10 minutes for each vid.

    Wait do I still need these high specs for computer even if I'm just going to do LP's on my consoles?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Technology
  8. ReverofEnola
    You know thank you so much. Your post in this thread really brought in a lot of encouragement for me. i was really getting worried whether or not my goal would even be accomplished after reading all the comments everyone has told me in this there.

    I was glancing over at these two:
    So a Lenovo desktop and laptop. I also don't see myself building my own PC yet until I'm further along in this LP career. I just want something that can get the job done for now.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Technology
  9. ReverofEnola
    Sigh, what if I were to get a Lenovo?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Technology
  10. ReverofEnola
    Lol that's different from me.

    It took me 2-3 hours to both render and upload my videos.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 5, 2015 in forum: Technology
  11. ReverofEnola
    So if I decide to record myself playing LP's on my computer then that will be the crucial moment where having better specs will be the difference? That makes sense due to it being less strain on my computer.

    Are you also saying that it'll be easier to record games on my consoles than on my laptop despite its specs? The only difference would be the speed it takes to render and edit the videos (which I'm already used to).
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 4, 2015 in forum: Technology
  12. ReverofEnola
    Alright now what kind of Desktop or Laptop did you use?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 4, 2015 in forum: Technology
  13. ReverofEnola
    Well great then it looks like building my own PC looks like my only route huh? However, thanks guys for letting me know about pre built desktops and using Apple products. I was wondering what type of computers I should steer clear of.

    Lol I was wondering when you'd show up. I watched two of your videos yesterday. What kind of equipment did you use for your Let's Plays at the beginning? Plus, what do you use now?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  14. ReverofEnola
    Gotcha so desktop no laptop.

    Now what sort of desktop did you or your friends use when you were making LP's? Was it beneficial, would you recommend using that? Or do you also believe that I should build my own PC now instead of waiting until further in the future to do that since I don't have all the money with me now? I'll probably get paid in May.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  15. ReverofEnola
    First off are you sure it's broken? I just clicked on it a few seconds ago and it worked fine because it took me to Ka-kashi's game channel.

    Second of all I'm clearly not interesting in building my PC at least not yet. So, I'm sorry if I'm not capable of being understood. I appreciate the help but I have no experience in building computers and I still don't plan on doing something like that yet.

    Third, yes I have uploaded content to YouTube before. How else could I have responded to your 720p question from before?
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  16. ReverofEnola
    I know what you are telling and here you but I don't think believe I should be worried too much.

    For starters, I'll be planning to this ever since the Fall of 14. So ever since I've been slowly but surely gaining some popularity and standing on various social medias. This way I can gain a bit of leverage on YouTube since people already know about my personality. I also know that there are TONS of LP personalities on YouTube such as GameGrumps, Markiplier, MasaeAnela, Scykoh, Lucahjin. And while that did discourage me at first since there were people out there with awesome LP's, I learned that it's much better to learn from them and not to get discouraged by their talent. It also kind of helps to look at their first YouTube videos and realize they did not start from the top either.

    Plus, unlike you gaming and the internet are the only categories that I am reasonably good at. I don't have the talent or patience to do be musician or anything else like you could. Another difference is that I have friends that have been successful in LPing. That guy I mentioned a few posts back was one of them. Plus, that guy also started in the exact situation that I am and is pulling it off quite well. So both him and my other friends give me confidence that I am capable of doing the same. I expect this to be more than just a hobby for me. So in short I just want to know if I need a better laptop for my Let's Plays. However, I suppose you'll discredit all of what've I said and state that I still need "experience." Which is great to hear but that's not what I'm looking for in this topic. I just want to know from your experience what kind of laptop/computer best suited you when you were LPing. Even if you believe that I am in over my head for buying the materials that usually lead to a great LP instead of gaining actually experiencing LPing first hand.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  17. ReverofEnola
    Lol that post sounded like you wanted me to quit while I'm ahead.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  18. ReverofEnola
    Oh hell no! I don't wish to do Twitch at all! I just want to upload Youtube videos.

    And yes it was my mistake for saying streaming.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  19. ReverofEnola
    Whoa are you sure about that? Because my laptop can pump out 720p on Youtube and it was under $500. This guy also did not build his PC. In fact he told me that I really don't need a powerful PC anyway.

    Plus, I really want to start making Let's Play in June. It seems like building the PC would take too much time since I'll have to find the parts, review them online, order them, and wait for them to ship to my house. Plus, I only get paid once a month because well Adsense...

    I'm not saying that building a PC is bad it's just I would probably do it further down the line in my Let's Plays. I really just want a computer better than my crappy Toshiba one which I got in 2012.
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology
  20. ReverofEnola
    I've heard about building your computer from tons of forums. However, to be honest that does not interest me in the slightest. I just want a computer/laptop that simply gets the job done when it comes to streaming. I have two other computers to do other tasks that don't involve streaming.

    As for recording programs I was thinking of using Fraps however your program also sounds nice.

    In addition, I don't plan on moving a lot, and my budget's maximum is $500 (which means that I am looking for a rare computer that's cheap but is good at streaming.)
    Post by: ReverofEnola, Apr 3, 2015 in forum: Technology