The legendary pokemons of KHV
wooo~ we could make a club out of this
perfect! *Throws outragious Lugia costume on your profile*
Happy Birthday to you! *glomp*
true... that could take a while
"Oh yeah... keys..." Renge twiddled her fingers " Forgot about that..."
*inappropriate tackleglomp*
yup yup, since truekeyblademaster is Zapdos, the thunder bird, all we need is Moltres, the fie bird *nod nod*
omfg yes! X3 that would be adorable! So when's her b-day? i'll write her a short story
female members of the Tensho house have babies, males lay eggs. like platypii
*facepalm* the library at the comminity center in my town opens at 3 in the afternoon, and its filled until like im ussually...
omnomnomnomnonnomnomnomnom got the lady gaga cd, tis awesome omnomnomnonmonomonomonomonmonmnm
no problems, just glad to see you online~
i always thought you were a brunette though
omfg yous is prettyful!
omg *glomp*
"I know just how to get there all quick-like" Renge nodded and she took out a book from her bag and used her Data Drain. A few seconds later a blue sports car appeared. "Do any of you know how to drive? Cuz I'm only 11..."
woooohoooo~ nother pokemon fan!
"Well...I feel better now," Xeal moved around his arms and legs "And knowing the others, they're probably off fighting Telren... And if you don't mind...I need a favor to ask of you..." Xeal lead Number 35 to a large incubator, through a small window, a single egg could be seen. " I need one of you to watch this egg until it hatches...Then I need you to take the being that hatches from it and give it to an Organization member named Kade...Then tell her to give it to Zepharus... You think you could do that for me? You see... The thing is... I don't have much time left in this world...My life is going to end soon..."