i dunno, some of them might be made of corn or corn by-products. *shrugs*
"Thanks, now I can get the rest of this stuff out." Renge smiled and she pulled out from her bag a lamp, a small television, a case of explosives, a Nintendo DS, a ninja, and Queen Elizabeth I. "Bye Renge, see you next Sunday for tea." Then the queen took out an umbrella and floated away. "Bye Lizzy" Renge waved and handed the keys to Advent, "Lets go then."
*throws credit cards all over your profile and flies away*
Im great, how about you? and i see you got a supahfantastic name change with square shapes~
wooooo! nothing says friends like violent rape! <3~
"Wait, im sure the key is in here somewhere...." Renge rummaged through her bag and then looked like something was dificult to pull out. "Advent... Help me get this dining room table out of my bag please?"
your welcome XD yup, he left those children in the woods with only cereal... AND NO MILK!
an STD that causes painful sores on the infected area...
dun dun duuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn....
you musn't! its full of herpes!
omg your right! Demyx was a pain in the ass the second time around... orgy....X3
careful, the toast monster might be near perhaps maybe...
[you may have hepatitus b]
Larxene, Xemnas and especially Xigbar, he is the most annyoing battle for me...
wow...we sure are causing alot of collateral damage...
*Shoots explodng rainbows from mouth*
omfg its crayola! *runs around while flailing arms wildly*
wow you are reeeeaaaaly fast!